Customs and administrative cooperation. 1. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Title, and to respond effectively to the objectives laid down in Article 29, the EC Party and the Signatory CARIFORUM States shall:
(a) exchange information concerning customs legislation and procedures;
(b) develop joint initiatives in mutually agreed areas;
(c) establish wherever possible, common positions in international organisations in the field of customs such as the WTO and the World Customs Organization (WCO);
(d) promote coordination among related agencies.
2. The Parties shall provide mutual administrative assistance in customs matters in accordance with the provisions of Protocol II.
Customs and administrative cooperation. 1. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Chapter and effectively respond to the objectives laid down in Article 41, the Parties shall:
(a) exchange information on customs legislation and procedures;
(b) develop joint initiatives relating to customs and trade facilitation and the strengthening of administrative capacity;
(c) exchange experience and best practices on combating corruption and fraud in matters relating to this Chapter;
(d) exchange experience and best practices on issues relating to import, export and transit procedures and to improving the service to the business community;
(e) exchange experience and best practices on facilitating transit;
(f) facilitate the exchange of experts between customs administrations; and
(g) promote coordination between all related agencies, both internally and across borders.
2. The Parties shall prepare and develop an enhanced cooperation on the implementation of the World Customs Organisation (“WCO”) Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade of 2005. This cooperation shall include initiatives in view of working towards the mutual recognition of the Authorised Economic Operator status and the exchange of advance information to allow an effective risk assessment and management for security purposes.
3. The Parties shall provide mutual administrative assistance in customs matters in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2.
Customs and administrative cooperation. 1. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and effectively respond to the objectives laid down in Article 32, the Parties shall:
(a) exchange information concerning customs legislation, regulations and procedures;
(b) develop joint initiatives relating to import, export and transit procedures, and initiatives designed to provide an effective service for the business community;
(c) cooperate on the automation of customs and trade procedures, and adopt, for the purpose of information exchange, the Customs Data Model of the World Customs Organisation (WCO);
(d) cooperate in the planning and implementation of assistance with a view to facilitating customs reforms and implementing trade facilitation; and
(e) encourage consultations and cooperation between all bodies concerned with international trade.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the Parties' customs administrations shall provide mutual administrative assistance in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters. As of 2008, the EPA Committee shall make any amendments which it considers necessary to Protocol 1 by consensus.
Customs and administrative cooperation. 1. The Parties shall cooperate for purposes of:
(a) enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of their measures affecting trade in textile and apparel goods;
(b) verifying the accuracy of claims of origin;
(c) enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of measures implementing international agreements affecting trade in textile and apparel goods; and
(d) preventing circumvention of international agreements affecting trade in textile and apparel goods.
2. On the request of the importing Party, the exporting Party shall conduct a verification for purposes of enabling the importing Party to determine that a claim of origin for a textile or apparel good is accurate. The exporting Party shall conduct such a verification, regardless of whether an importer claims preferential tariff treatment for the good. The exporting Party also may conduct such a verification on its own initiative.
3. Where the importing Party has a reasonable suspicion that an exporter or producer of the exporting Party is engaging in unlawful activity relating to trade in textile or apparel goods, the exporting Party shall conduct, on the request of the importing Party, a verification for purposes of enabling the importing Party to determine that the exporter or producer is complying with applicable customs measures regarding trade in textile and apparel goods, including measures that the exporting Party adopts and maintains pursuant to this Agreement and measures of either Party implementing other international agreements affecting trade in textile or apparel goods, or to determine that a claim of origin regarding textile or apparel goods exported or produced by that enterprise is accurate. For purposes of this paragraph, a reasonable suspicion of unlawful activity means a suspicion based on relevant factual information of the type set forth in Article 6.5.5 (Cooperation) or information that indicates:
(a) circumvention by the exporter or producer of applicable customs measures regarding trade in textile and apparel goods, including measures adopted to implement this Agreement; or
(b) conduct that facilitates the violation of measures relating to any other international agreement regarding trade in textile or apparel goods.
4. The exporting Party, through its competent authorities, shall permit the importing Party, through its competent authorities, to assist in a verification conducted pursuant to paragraph 2 or 3, including by conducting, along with the competent authorities of the exporti...
Customs and administrative cooperation. 1. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Title, and effectively respond to the objectives laid down in Article 27, the Parties shall:
(a) exchange information concerning customs legislation and procedures;
(b) develop joint initiatives relating to import, export and transit procedures, as well as towards ensuring an effective service to the business community;
(c) cooperate on the automation of customs and other trade procedures and collaborate, where appropriate towards the establishment of common standards for the exchange of data;
(d) establish as far as possible, common positions in international organisations in the field of customs such as the WTO, WCO, UN and UNCTAD;
(e) cooperate in the planning and delivery of technical assistance, notably to facilitate customs and Trade Facilitation reforms in line with the provisions of this agreement; and
(f) promote co-ordination between all related agencies, both internally and across borders.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the administrations of both Parties shall provide mutual administrative assistance in customs matters in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 1.
Customs and administrative cooperation. 1. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Title and effectively respond to the objectives laid down in Article 37, the Parties shall:
(a) Exchange information on customs legislation and procedures;
(b) Jointly develop initiatives relating to customs and trade facilitation and the strengthening of administrative capacity;
(c) Exchange experience and best practices on combating corruption and fraud in matters relating to this chapter;
Customs and administrative cooperation. 1. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Title, and to respond effectively to the objectives set out in Article 27, the Parties shall:
(a) exchange information concerning customs legislation and procedures;
(b) develop joint initiatives relating to import, export and transit procedures and initiatives to offer an efficient service to the business community;
(c) cooperate on the automation of customs procedures and other trade procedures and, where appropriate, endeavour to establish common data exchange standards;
(d) establish wherever possible common positions in relation to customs in international organisations such as the WTO, the World Customs Organisation (WCO), the United Nations (UN) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD);
(e) cooperate on the planning and implementation of technical assistance, in particular with a view to facilitating customs reforms and to facilitating trade in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement; and
(f) encourage cooperation between all the agencies concerned, both within the country and between countries.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the administrative authorities of the Parties shall provide mutual administrative assistance for customs matters, in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters.
Customs and administrative cooperation. 1. The Parties agree to:
(a) exchange information concerning customs legislation and procedures;
(b) develop joint initiatives in mutually agreed areas;
(c) establish, wherever possible, common positions on customs issues in international fora;
(d) promote co-ordination between all related agencies, both internally and across borders.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the administrations of the Parties shall provide mutual administrative assistance in customs matters in accordance with the provisions of Protocol I.
Customs and administrative cooperation. 1. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and effectively respond to the objectives laid down in Article 32, the Parties shall:
(a) exchange information concerning customs legislation, regulations and procedures;
(b) develop joint initiatives relating to import, export and transit procedures, and initiatives designed to provide an effective service for the business community;
(c) cooperate on the automation of customs and trade procedures, and adopt, for the purpose of information exchange, the Customs Data Model of the World Customs Organisation (WCO);
(d) cooperate in the planning and implementation of assistance with a view to facilitating customs reforms and implementing trade facilitation; and
(e) encourage consultations and cooperation between all bodies concerned with international trade.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the Parties' customs administrations shall provide mutual administrative assistance in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 1. As of 2008, the EPA Committee shall make any amendments which it considers necessary to Protocol 1 by consensus.
Customs and administrative cooperation. 1. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Title and effectively respond to the objectives laid down in Article 37, the Parties shall:
(a) exchange information on customs legislation and procedures;
(b) jointly develop initiatives relating to customs and trade facilitation and the strengthening of administrative capacity;
(c) exchange experience and best practices on combating corruption and fraud in matters relating to this Chapter; CE/SADC/en 43
(d) exchange experience and best practices on issues relating to import, export and transit procedures and on issues relating to improving services to the business community;
(e) exchange experience and best practices on facilitating transit;
(f) facilitate the exchange of experts between customs administrations; and
(g) promote coordination between all related agencies, both internally and across borders.
2. The EC Party and SADC EPA States will prepare and develop an enhanced cooperation on the implementation of the World Customs Organisation Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade. The conditions, as stipulated by the World Customs Organisation, will have to be met and in particular the relevant legislation and measures in this area will have to be implemented in the EC Party and in the said SADC EPA States. This cooperation shall include initiatives aimed at working towards the mutual recognition of the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status and the exchange of advance information to allow an effective risk assessment and management for security purposes.
3. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2, the Parties shall provide mutual administrative assistance in customs matters in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters. CE/SADC/en 44