Project Employment A. Permanent project employees have layoff rights. Options will be determined using the procedure outlined in Sections 35.9 and 35.10, above. B. Permanent status employees who left regular classified positions to accept project employment without a break in service have layoff rights within the Employer in which they held permanent status to the job classification they held immediately prior to accepting project employment.
Active/Inactive Employee If you are covered under another plan as an active employee, your benefits and those of your dependents under that plan will be determined before benefits under this plan. The plan covering the active employee and dependents will be the primary plan. The plan covering that same employee as inactive (including those who are retired or have been laid off) will be the secondary plan for that employee and dependents.
Permanent Employee Definition: An employee who has completed a probationary period or a permanent employee who is serving a probationary period in the same or a different class. Permanent employees shall be laid off according to the layoff ratings, lowest ratings first. The order of layoff within categories 1, 2, and 3, and for permanent employees with equal layoff ratings, shall be at the appointing authority's discretion. Employees on leave shall be laid off or demoted in lieu of layoff as if they were active employees.
Continuing Employment (a) Continuing employment means full-time or fractional-time employment that does not have a fixed end date or a contingency upon which the employment contract will come to an end. (b) All employment other than fixed-term employment and casual employment will be continuing employment. (c) Notwithstanding subclause 16.0(b) above, the University may employ a person in Continuing (Contingent Funded Research) employment on a full-time or fractional-time basis in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Related Employers If any member of the Employer's related group (as defined in Section 1.30 of the Plan) executes a Participation Agreement to this Adoption Agreement, such member's Employees are eligible to participate in this Plan, unless excluded by reason of an exclusion classification elected under this Adoption Agreement Section
Term Employee Term employee means a new person employed without seniority for a specific time period or until the completion of a particular project in compliance with funding provided for that position or project. At the expiry of said term the employment of such employee shall be terminated unless the term employee is immediately hired as a full-time or part-time employee at which time the term employee's original starting date shall be utilized to establish their seniority.
Supported Employment Natural Supports
Disabled Employees If an employee becomes disabled with the result that he is unable to carry out the regular functions of his position, the Hospital may establish a special classification and salary with the hope of providing an opportunity of continued employment.
Permanent Employment (FULL - TIME & PART-TIME)
Replacement Employee Should a replacement Employee be engaged, the replacement Employee is to be informed prior to engagement of the fixed term nature of the employment and of the rights of the Employee, who is being replaced, including that the engagement may be subject to variation according to 6.10.3 (d) and ability to extend unpaid Maternity Leave as provided for under sub-clause 6.10.10.