Emergency Meetings Public notice of emergency meetings shall be given as soon as practical, but in any event, before the meeting to news media that have filed a written request for notice. In addition to the other notices specified in this policy, the Superintendent or designee shall post the following on the District website: (1) the annual schedule of regular meetings, which shall remain posted until the Board approves a new schedule of regular meetings; (2) a public notice of all Board meetings; and (3) the agenda for each meeting which shall remain posted until the meeting is concluded. LEGAL REF.: 5 ILCS 120/, Open Meetings Act. 5 ILCS 140/, Freedom of Information Act. 105 ILCS 5/10-6 and 5/10-16. CROSS REF.: 2:110 (Qualifications Term, and Duties of Board Officers), 2:120 (Board Member Development), 2:210 (Organizational Board of Education Meetings), 2:220 (Board of Education Meeting Procedure), 2:230 (Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings and Petitions to the Board), 6:235 (Access to Electronic Networks) Adopted: January 21, 2020
Safety Meetings Accident investigation.
Department Chairpersons 17.1 In each elementary, middle and senior high school, the need for department chairpersons/team leaders shall be determined by the principal. Each such department chairperson/team leader shall be appointed for one (1) academic year. If possible, such appointment should be made prior to the end of the preceding academic year. Teachers shall have the right to refuse such appointment. Team leaders will have coordinating and planning functions for their teams and shall serve as liaison between their teams and the principal. They shall not be considered administrative employees. 17.2 When feasible, and after consultation with them, department chairpersons and team leaders will be provided with release time commensurate with the responsibilities assigned to them by their principal.
Conferences and Meetings Attend meetings with Contractor, such as preconstruction conferences, progress meetings, job conferences and other project-related meetings, and prepare and circulate copies of minutes thereof.
Department Review The parties shall resolve disputes through written submission of their dispute to the Department’s Contract Manager. The Department shall respond to the dispute in writing within ten (10) Business Days from the date that the Department’s Contract Manager receives the dispute. The Department’s decision shall be final unless a party provides the other party with written notice of the party’s disagreement with the decision within ten (10) Business Days from the date of the Department’s decision. If a party disagrees with the Department’s decision, the party may proceed to subsection (b) below.
Department Chairs The release time required to perform the administrative functions of the Department Chair positions shall be deducted from the total workload of the Department Chair with no less than fifty percent (50%) of this release taken from direct instructional duties.
Faculty Meetings Principals shall have the authority to schedule necessary faculty meetings; however, such meetings shall be as brief and well planned as possible. Such meetings shall be used for purposes that cannot be accomplished effectively through other means. Faculty meetings shall be scheduled in a manner that impacts teacher planning time to the least degree possible. If more than one faculty meeting is held in a month, the purpose of the meeting shall be announced to the faculty in advance.
Reports/Meetings The Contractor shall develop reports and any other relevant documents necessary to complete the services and requirements as set forth in this Contract. The County’s Project Manager and the Contractor’s Project Manager will meet at a County designated location to discuss the Contractor’s performance and progress under this Contract, at the request of the County’s Project Manager. If requested by County, the Contractor’s Project Manager and other project personnel shall attend all meetings. The Contractor shall provide such information that is requested by the County for the purpose of monitoring progress under this Contract.
Staff Meetings Staff meetings, whether in the store or off the premises, shall be considered as time worked and paid for accordingly, except meal meetings at which the attendance is voluntary. Such meal meetings in excess of three (3) during each Contract year shall be considered as time worked and paid for accordingly.
Labour Management Meetings The committee meeting shall normally be held every second month however, either party may call a meeting of the Joint Labour Management Committee. The meeting shall be held at a time and place fixed by mutual agreement but no later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the initial request, unless mutually agreed.