Derivative Sample Clauses
Derivative. A derivative is a security with a price that is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets. The derivative itself is a contract between two or more parties based upon the asset or assets. Its value is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset. Underlying assets include stocks bonds, commodities, currencies and market indexes. In the case of INFINOX’s trading platforms, all derivatives are traded Over the Counter (OTC)
Derivative. Works Subject to compliance with all other terms of this Agreement, the Licensee is granted a non-exclusive right to produce and use Derivative Works for a Permitted Purpose. Unless otherwise notified to the Licensee by Nearmap, the Licensee may continue using Derivative Works following termination or expiry of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, Nearmap will continue to own all rights in and to any Products and Content embedded in a Derivative Work, but all other rights in and to the Derivative Work will belong to the Licensee. Nearmap engages Third Party Providers in order to provide the Products and comply with its obligations under this Agreement and for the Licensee to receive the intended benefit of this Agreement. The Licensee agrees to comply with all requirements and restrictions that Third Party Providers may impose on the Licensee directly, or indirectly by imposition on Nearmap, in relation to their respective products and/or services, at the time of, or subsequent to, the Agreement. The Licensee acknowledges that provision of the Products is subject to, and dependent upon, adequate delivery of products and services by the Third Party Providers. In accordance with clause 9 of the Agreement, Nearmap’s liability is reduced to the extent that loss or damage of any kind is caused, or contributed to, by Third Party Providers. For the Licensee’s convenience, Nearmap has set out in this clause 8 links to the terms and conditions of these Third Party Providers with which the Licensee is required to comply. The Licensee further acknowledges that, by entering into the Agreement, the Licensee is deemed to accept the respective terms and conditions of Third Party Providers, which currently include the Third Party Providers set out below. Third Party Providers and their terms of supply may change from time to time during the Term of the Agreement.
Derivative. Works - shall mean any derivative work, information or data resulting from manipulation or analysis by the Licensee of data, values, information and/or content contained in the Product whether alone or in conjunction with other data, provided that such Derivative Work is not usable as a replacement for Product and is not capable of being reverse engineered to recreate the Product.
Derivative. Works Subject to compliance with all other terms of this Agreement, the Licensee is granted a non-exclusive right to produce and use Derivative Works for the Permitted Purpose. Unless otherwise notified to the Licensee by Nearmap, the Licensee may continue using Derivative Works following termination or expiry of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, Nearmap will continue to own all rights in and to any Products and Content embedded in a Derivative Work, but all other rights in and to the Derivative Work will belong to the Licensee. The Licensee acknowledges and accepts that Nearmap engages with Third Party Providers in order to provide the Products under this Agreement. The provision of the Products is contingent upon adequate delivery of products and services by those Third Party Providers, and are subject to those Third Party Provider terms and conditions (as updated from time to time). By entering into this Agreement, the Licensee agrees that where applicable they must comply with those terms and conditions which apply to the use of those Third Party Providers products where incorporated into Nearmap’s Products. We have set out the type of product or services incorporated into Nearmap’s Products and the relevant Third Party Providers terms and conditions below for reference. Google – xxxxx:// in connection with the use of Google Street Maps; NASA/NCAS – xxxxx:// in connection with viewing satellite imagery on the Website; and Precisely–xxxxx:// in connection with viewing property datasets on the Website and/or through an API.
Derivative. Works Subject to compliance with all other terms of this Agreement, the Licensee is granted a non-exclusive right to produce and use Derivative Works for a Permitted Purpose. Unless otherwise notified to the Licensee by Nearmap, the Licensee may continue using Derivative Works following termination or expiry of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, Nearmap will continue to own all rights in and to any Products and Content embedded in a Derivative Work, but all other rights in and to the Derivative Work will belong to the Licensee.
Derivative. Derivative is recognized at fair value and measured fair value at the end of the reporting period. Profit or loss from fair value remeasurement is recognized in profit or loss immediately unless that derivative is used for hedge. Financial assets will be derecognized from the account when the right to receive cash flow of such asset has ended or when the right to receive cash flow of the assets is transferred including upon the transfer of all risk and consideration of that asset or transfer of internal control in that asset although there is no transfer or maintaining of nearly all risk and consideration of such asset. Financial liabilities will be derecognized from the account when the obligation of such liabilities has been complied, the obligation is cancelled or the obligation has ended. In case existing financial liabilities are changed to new liabilities from one single lender with considerably different requirements or there is a significant amendment in the requirements of existing liabilities, these are considered as recognition old liabilities and recognizing new liabilities by recognizing the difference of such carrying value under profit or loss. Expected credit loss for financial assets measured at amortized cost or debt instrument financial asset measured at fair value through other comprehensive income and assets arising from credit facility obligation and financial guarantee agreement are assessed without having to wait for the credit event to occur first. The Company use the general approach in considering the allowance for loss on impairment. For trade receivables, the Company apply a simplified approach in calculating ECLs. The Company recognize a loss based on lifetime ECLs at each reporting date. It is based on its historical credit loss experience and adjusted for forward-looking factors specific to the debtors and the economic environment. Financial assets and liabilities will be offset and presented at net balance in the statement of financial position in the case legally enforced in offsetting the recognized amount. The Company intend to pay the net balance or intends to receive assets and settle payment of liabilities at the same time.
Derivative. Works Subject to compliance with all other terms of this Agreement, the Licensee is granted a non-exclusive right to produce and use Derivative Works for a Permitted Purpose. Unless otherwise notified to the Licensee by Nearmap, the Licensee may continue using Derivative Works following termination or expiry of this Agreement. The Licensee and Nearmap will jointly own all rights in and to any Product embedded in a Derivative Work. Nearmap engages Third Party Providers in order to provide the Products. The Licensee agrees to comply with all requirements and restrictions that Third Party Providers may impose on the Licensee directly, or indirectly by imposition on Nearmap, in relation to their respective products and/or services, at the time of, or subsequent to, the Agreement. The Licensee acknowledges that provision of the Products is subject to, and dependent upon, adequate delivery of products and services by the Third Party Providers. In accordance with clause 9 of the Agreement, Nearmap’s liability is reduced to the extent that loss or damage of any kind is caused, or contributed to, by Third Party Providers. For the Licensee’s convenience, Nearmap has set out in this clause 8 links to the terms and conditions of these Third Party Providers with which the Licensee is required to comply. The Licensee further acknowledges that, by entering into the Agreement, the Licensee agrees to comply with the respective terms and conditions of Third Party Providers, which currently include the Third Party Providers set out below. Third Party Providers and their terms of supply may change from time to time during the Term of the Agreement.
Derivative. A derivative is a security with a price that is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets. The derivative itself is a contract between two or more parties based upon the asset or assets. Its value is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset. Underlying assets include stocks bonds, commodities, currencies and market indexes. In the case of INFINOX’s trading platforms, all derivatives are traded Over the Counter (OTC) i.e., off an exchange. Event of Default means (a) an Act of Insolvency occurs in relation to you; (b) you are an individual and you die or become of unsound mind; (c) you act in breach of any of your obligations under this Agreement; (d) any representation or warranty made by you under this Agreement and/or any information provided to us in connection with this Agreement is or becomes untrue or misleading; (e) any amount due to us is not paid in accordance with this Agreement; and (f) at any time and for any periods deemed reasonable by us where you are not contactable or you do not respond to any notice or correspondence from us. The suspension, closure, liquidation, imposition of limits, special, or unusual terms, excessive movement, volatility or loss of liquidity in any relevant Market or Reference Asset, or where INFINOX reasonably anticipates any of the above circumstances are about to occur. The last possible date and time at which any CFD Trade or Pending Order will automatically expire. Means a Transaction which had a set contract period at the end of which the Expiry Transaction expires automatically.
Derivative inventions (whether patentable or not); discoveries; facts; data; ideas; manner, method or process of manufacture; method or principle of construction; chemical composition or formulation; techniques; products; prototypes; processes; know-how; routines; specifications; drawings; trade secrets; technology methods; works in respect to which copyright subsists; and other knowledge.
Derivative. The term “