Drainage Assessment Sample Clauses

Drainage Assessment. CONSULTANT will update the Drainage Assessment deliverables (approved November 2015) to include an updated project description and exhibits as a result of the additional design variations. CONSULTANT will perform a hydromodification (Rapid Assessment Stream Crossing) analysis based on the updated guidance. Scope of work excludes modifications to offsite hydrology that has been approved. CONSULTANT will update the Location Hydraulic Study and Floodplain Evaluation Summary in accordance with revised project description and applicable exhibits. CONSULTANT will conduct a two-dimensional floodplain analysis of the offsite areas to the north of the proposed project to address the lack of detail in the Awareness Floodplain mapping.
Drainage Assessment. CONSULTANT will identify drainage impacts associated with the export of fill material from the Badlands County Landfill. Based on feedback from Riverside County Department of Waste Resources, basins and other BMPs will be evaluated at the mandatory borrow site. Final plans will be developed during the PS&E phase.
Drainage Assessment. Stantec will identify drainage improvements, relocation or realignment of adjacent channels, retention basins, storm drains, and determine the drainage improvements for on-site and off-site drainage facilities. Impacts on and replacement of these facilities shall be analyzed and included in the cost estimate. Existing hydrology for offsite flows will be provided by the city. Freeway drainage will be reviewed to assess changes to existing drainage patterns and the adequacy of the existing systems. Freeway, County and CITY drainage systems will be reviewed and the impacts of the proposed alternatives on these facilities will be studied. The primary areas of interest are the two RCB culvert crossings of SR 138/14 and the culvert crossing of Avenue G that conveys the outfall from Pond Two. Necessary drainage structure replacements and/or improvements including incorporation of Water Quality Best Management Practices will be reflected in the cost estimates. Stantec will prepare a Location Hydraulic Study and Floodplain Evaluation Summary (if necessary) in accordance with Caltrans standards for two (2) build alternatives. • Identification of Major Drainage Improvements on Layout Plans or, if required, individual drainage layouts • Inclusion of Drainage Improvements in Cost Estimate • Draft/Final Location Hydraulic Study • Draft/Final Floodplain Evaluation Summary (if necessary)
Drainage Assessment. Perform a drainage assessment associated with the site development to quantify existing and proposed peak discharges for the site. Peak discharges will be developed for the 2, 10, 100, and 500-year storm events and will be determined from Atlas 14 Site Runoff Curves provided in the Harris County Flood Control’s (HCFCD) Policy Criteria & Procedure Manual (PCPM), updated 10/23/18. The required detention volume will be computed using Method 1 from the HCFCD PCPM. The WWTP expansion is partially located within the effective Willow Creek 500-year floodplain. If any fill is placed within the effective 500-year floodplain, floodplain fill mitigation will be required in addition to the detention associated with additional imperviousness. There is currently a remapping effort being completed by HCFCD for the Willow Creek Watershed, which may impact the requirements by HCFCD for the drainage of this project. If any additional tasks are required beyond what is detailed in this scope, they will be considered an additional service. Identification of sizing of drainage improvements (included but not limited to channels, storm sewers, roadside ditches, or streets) downstream of the site are not included as part of this scope of work.

Related to Drainage Assessment

  • Risk Assessment An assessment of any risks inherent in the work requirements and actions to mitigate these risks.

  • Environmental Site Assessment Perform in accordance with the City Design Manual and other City requirements as designated in writing by the Director.

  • Environmental Assessment Buyer shall have the right for a period commencing upon execution of this Agreement by both parties and ending on November 28, 2012, to conduct an environmental assessment of the Assets, at Buyer’s sole risk, liability and expense. Seller shall make available to Buyer, during the environmental assessment period described above, Seller’s historical files regarding prior operations on the Assets, and provide Buyer and its representatives with reasonable access to the Assets to conduct the environmental assessment. Buyer shall provide Seller three (3) days prior written notice of a desired date(s) for such assessment and Seller shall have the right to be present during any assessment and, if any testing is conducted pursuant to Seller’s express prior written consent, Seller may require splitting of all samples. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, Buyer shall not have the right to drill any test, monitor or other xxxxx or to extract samples of any air, soil, water or other substance from the Assets without Seller’s express prior written consent. If Buyer proposes a reasonable request to drill a test well or extract a sample pursuant to a systematic and customary procedure for the assessment of the environmental condition of the Assets and Seller refuses to grant its consent to such a well or sampling, then Buyer shall have the right, for a period of seventy-two (72) hours following notification of Seller’s refusal to consent, to deliver written notice to Seller of Buyer’s election to exclude from this transaction the portion of the Assets affected by such proposed test well or sample, and the Purchase Price shall be adjusted accordingly by the Allocated Value of such portion of the Assets so excluded. Under no circumstances whatsoever shall Seller ever be obligated to grant its consent to any such test xxxxx or sampling proposed by Buyer, and Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy for any refusal by Seller to grant its consent shall be the limited right contained in the preceding sentence to exclude the affected Assets from the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. If Buyer fails to exercise the right to exclude such Assets by written notice to Seller delivered prior to the expiration of the seventy-two hour period described above, then Buyer shall be conclusively deemed to have waived such right and shall be obligated to purchase the affected Assets without conducting such testing or sampling or any adjustment of the Purchase Price unless otherwise provided in this Agreement.

  • Needs Assessment 1. The Contractor shall conduct a cultural and linguistic group-needs assessment of the eligible client population in the Contractor’s service area to assess the language needs of the population and determine what reasonable steps are necessary to ensure meaningful access to services and activities to eligible individuals. [22 CCR 98310, 98314] The group-needs assessment shall take into account the following four (4) factors: a. Number or proportion of persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) eligible to be served or encountered by the program. b. Frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with the program. c. Nature and importance of the services provided. d. Local or frequently used resources available to the Contractor. This group-needs assessment will serve as the basis for the Contractor’s determination of “reasonable steps” and provide documentary evidence of compliance with Cal. Gov. Code § 11135 et seq.; 2 CCR 11140, 2 CCR 11200 et seq., and 22 CCR98300 et seq. 2. The Contractor shall prepare and make available a report of the findings of the group-needs assessment that summarizes: a. Methodologies used. b. The linguistic and cultural needs of non-English speaking or LEP groups. c. Services proposed to address the needs identified and a timeline for implementation. [22 CCR 98310] 3. The Contractor shall maintain a record of the group-needs assessment on file at the Contractor’s headquarters at all times during the term of this Agreement. [22 CCR 98310, 98313]

  • Loss Assessment We will pay up to $1000 for your share of loss assessment charged during the policy period against you by a corporation or as- sociation of property owners, when the assess- ment is made as a result of:

  • Phase II A small portion of the work for the Phase II modifications to the Plattsburgh Substation will be performed by Transmission Owner, and the remainder will be performed by Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx. A detailed definition of the specific scope for Transmission Owner and Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx including interface points shall be defined during the design phase and, as such documents become available, copies will be delivered to the NYISO, Transmission Owner, Noble Altona Windpark, LLC and Marble River, LLC. The full scope includes the installation of wave traps, CCVT’s and modifications and/or additions to relaying on the MWP-1 and MWP- 2 lines. These lines will be reconfigured at the completion of Phase II to connect to Xxxxx and Xxxxxxx Substations on MWP-1 and the Xxxx Substation on MWP-2. Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx will design the upgrades and purchase the materials based on the outline specification that was prepared and issued by Transmission Owner. The work to be performed by Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx will include both the materials for the exterior and interior installations and items for Transmission Owner installation inside the control building in existing relay panels and communication racks. In addition, Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx will be responsible for the exterior and interior construction work and will provide construction management services in coordination with Transmission Owner. The civil design for the foundations and the electrical design for the cable runs to the control room will be designed by, as approved by Transmission Owner, and installed under the supervision and control of Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx. The equipment will be selected and procured in accordance with the specifications developed during the detailed engineering phase, copies of which shall be furnished to the NYISO, Transmission Owner, Noble Altona Windpark, LLC and Marble River, LLC. The construction of the foundations, structures, wave traps, CCTV and cable runs into the control building to the termination cabinets will be completed by Clinton and Xxxxxxxxx. The work at the Plattsburgh Substation will be installed under Transmission Owner’s CPP-1. Transmission Owner will provide Protection and Controls Engineering, install and terminate wiring from the termination cabinets to the control panels and relays, install relays and equipment in the existing panels, and will commission such work inside the 230kV control building. Transmission Owner will develop the communications protocols and data flow over the circuits.

  • Diagnostic Assessment 6.3.1 Boards shall provide a list of pre-approved assessment tools consistent with their Board improvement plan for student achievement and which is compliant with Ministry of Education PPM (PPM 155: Diagnostic Assessment in Support of Student Learning, date of issue January 7, 2013). 6.3.2 Teachers shall use their professional judgment to determine which assessment and/or evaluation tool(s) from the Board list of preapproved assessment tools is applicable, for which student(s), as well as the frequency and timing of the tool. In order to inform their instruction, teachers must utilize diagnostic assessment during the school year.

  • Ergonomic Assessments ‌ At the request of the employee, the Employer will ensure that an ergonomic assessment of the employee’s workstation is completed. Solutions to identified issues will be implemented within available resources.

  • Environmental Assessments Foreclose on or take a deed or title to any commercial real estate without first conducting a Phase I environmental assessment of the property or foreclose on any commercial real estate if such environmental assessment indicates the presence of a Hazardous Substance in amounts which, if such foreclosure were to occur, would be material.

  • Risk Assessments a. Risk Assessment - DST shall, at least annually, perform risk assessments that are designed to identify material threats (both internal and external) against Fund Data, the likelihood of those threats Schedule 10.2 p.2 occurring and the impact of those threats upon DST organization to evaluate and analyze the appropriate level of information security safeguards (“Risk Assessments”). b. Risk Mitigation - DST shall use commercially reasonable efforts to manage, control and remediate threats identified in the Risk Assessments that it believes are likely to result in material unauthorized access, copying, use, processing, disclosure, alteration, transfer, loss or destruction of Fund Data, consistent with the Objective, and commensurate with the sensitivity of the Fund Data and the complexity and scope of the activities of DST pursuant to the Agreement. c. Security Controls Testing - DST shall, on approximately an annual basis, engage an independent external party to conduct a review (including information security) of DST’s systems that are related to the provision of services. DST shall have a process to review and evaluate high risk findings resulting from this testing.