Définition Sample Clauses
Définition. Désigne un changement dans la manière dont l'Employeur effectue ses activités qui est directement lié à l'introduction d'équipement ou de matériel qui a pour effet de modifier les états de service ou les conditions de travail des employés.
Définition. By order, it is understood any order relating to the products appearing on the tariff in force addressed from the company LABORATOIRES XXXXXXX to the professional purchaser and accepted by the company LABORATOIRES XXXXXXX , accompanied by the payment of the advance payement possibly envisaged on the purchase order. The orders can be transmitted to the company LABORATOIRES XXXXXXX by mail, fax, e-mail, by telephone to the customer service representatives of the professional purchaser or directly to the representatives. Any order must respect the standard quantities (packages) indicated on the price list in force at the date of placing or relate to a multiple of the said standard quantities. If not, the company LABORATOIRES XXXXXXX will round up the quantity ordered to the higher standard quantity or to the multiple of the higher standard quantity and will deliver and invoice the quantity thus rounded up, without the professional purchaser being able to claim any compensation or the cancellation of the order. The taking into account of the order and the acceptance of this one are confirmed by the sending of an e-mail. The data recorded in the computer system of the company LABORATOIRES XXXXXXX constitute the proof of all transactions concluded with the professional purchaser. The benefit of the order is personal to the professional purchaser and cannot be transferred without the express, written and prior agreement of the company LABORATOIRES XXXXXXX.
Définition. By order, it is understood any order relating to the products appearing on the tariff in force addressed from the company XXXXXXX PRODUCTION PLOUEDERN to the professional purchaser and accepted by the company XXXXXXX PRODUCTION PLOUEDERN, accompanied by the payment of the advance payement possibly envisaged on the purchase order. The orders can be transmitted to the company XXXXXXX PRODUCTION PLOUEDERN by mail, fax, e-mail, by telephone to the customer service representatives of the professional purchaser or directly to the representatives. Any order must respect the standard quantities (packages) indicated on the price list in force at the date of placing or relate to a multiple of the said standard quantities. If not, the company XXXXXXX PRODUCTION PLOUEDERN will round up the quantity ordered to the higher standard quantity or to the multiple of the higher standard quantity and will deliver and invoice the quantity thus rounded up, without the professional purchaser being able to claim any compensation or the cancellation of the order. The taking into account of the order and the acceptance of this one are confirmed by the sending of an e-mail. The data recorded in the computer system of the company XXXXXXX PRODUCTION PLOUEDERN constitute the proof of all transactions concluded with the professional purchaser. The benefit of the order is personal to the professional purchaser and cannot be transferred without the express, written and prior agreement of the company XXXXXXX PRODUCTION PLOUEDERN.
Définition. Dans le cadre du présent Contrat, chaque partie (le « Destinataire ») est susceptible d’obtenir des informations confidentielles et protégées (les « Informations Confidentielles ») de la part de l'autre partie (le « Divulgateur »). Par Information Confidentielle, on entend notamment, sans que cela soit limitatif, les stipulations du présent Contrat et de tout Bon de Commande, les données et informations relatives aux utilisateurs finaux, aux Partenaires Commerciaux, à la conception des systèmes, aux tarifs, aux coûts, aux données financières et commerciales, aux ventes, à la stratégie marketing, aux produits, à la feuille de route des produits, aux programmes en matière de service, aux secrets commerciaux, au savoir-faire, aux inventions, aux techniques, aux procédés, aux programmes, aux schémas, aux logiciels et aux données. Les Informations Confidentielles comprennent les informations sur lesquelles il est indiqué par écrit qu’elles sont confidentielles, ainsi que toute information que toute personne raisonnable considérerait comme confidentielle ou protégée dans les circonstances de sa divulgation.
Définition. Changement dans les activités de l'Employeur directement lié à l'installation d'équipement ou de matériel, se traduisant par d'importantes modifications de la situation professionnelle ou des conditions de travail des employées.
Définition. (a) For the purposes of this Contract, “Force Majeure” means an event or circumstance or combination of events or circumstances which prevents the Party claiming Force Majeure (the „Affected Party‟) from performing its obligations under this Contract and which event or circumstance (i)which is beyond the reasonable control and not arising out of the default of the Affected Party; (ii) the Affected Party has been unable to overcome such circumstance or event by the exercise of due diligence and reasonable efforts, skill and care; and (iii) which has a Material Adverse Effect on the subsistence of this Contract. Such events or circumstances shall include, without limitation, the effect of any natural element or other acts of State or God, including but not limited to, fire, flood, earthquake, lightning, cyclone, landslides or other natural disasters, strikes or other industrial disturbances, war, riots, civil commotion, terrorist attacks, embargoes, blockades, revocation of approvals, no objections, consents, licenses granted by the Government, change of laws, action and / or order by statutory and/or Government authority, third party action or any other act of commission or omission or cause beyond the control of the party affected thereby.
Définition. Les projets financés par un FDU se situent en zone xxxxx (projets à rentabilité faible).
Définition. By order, it is understood any order relating to the products marketed and distributed by the companyLoubsol appearing on the tariff then in force of this last, and accepted by it, accompanied by the payment of the deposit possibly envisaged on the order. The orders will be able to be transmitted to the company Loubsol by postal way, by fax, by electronic mail, by telephone near the customer service representatives of the professional purchaser or directly near the representatives. Any order must respect the standard quantities (packages) indicated on the tariff in force at the date of its placing or relate to a multiple of the aforementioned standard quantities. If not, the company Loubsol will round up the quantity ordered to the higher standard quantity or to the multiple of the higher standard quantity and will deliver and invoice the quantity thus rounded up, without the professional purchaser being able to claim any compensation or the cancellation of the order. The taking into account of the order and the acceptance of this one are confirmed by the sending of an e-mail. The data recorded in the computer system of the company Loubsol constitute the proof of all transactions concluded with the professional purchaser. The benefit of the order is personal to the professional purchaser and cannot be transferred without the express, written and prior agreement of the company
Définition. The full replacement value corresponds to the price of a new identical device or providing an identical service with equivalent capabilities and performance at the time of the incident.
Définition. Aux fins de la présente convention, une mise en disponibilité signifie l'élimination ou la réduction des heures réglementaires de travail d'une employée. L'application de toutes les dispositions concernant les mises en disponibilité relèvera uniquement du district scolaire où les mises en disponibilité ont lieu. Les dispositions de l'article 13 ne s'appliquent pas aux employées surnuméraires et aux stagiaires.