Employee Social Security Numbers Sample Clauses

Employee Social Security Numbers. (Revised 2015) The school district shall use no more than two digits of an employee’s social security number for identification purposes on or for anything that may be viewed by non-essential personnel.
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Related to Employee Social Security Numbers

  • Employee Only 214. For medically single employees (Employee Only) who enroll in any health plan offered through the Health Services System, the City shall contribute ninety-three percent (93%) of the total health insurance premium, provided however, that the City’s contribution shall be capped at ninety-three percent (93%) of the Employee Only premium of the second-highest-cost plan.

  • Employees - Special Eligibility The following employees are also eligible to participate in the Group Insurance Program:

  • Employee Orientation Each and every person working for a contractor, including sub- contractors, will be given an orientation to familiarize them with the site safety program. Unless otherwise specified, each sub-contractor is responsible for the orientation of their workers.

  • Employee Eligibility Verification The Contractor warrants that it fully complies with all Federal and State statutes and regulations regarding the employment of aliens and others and that all its employees performing work under this Contract meet the citizenship or alien status requirement set forth in Federal statutes and regulations. The Contractor shall obtain, from all employees performing work hereunder, all verification and other documentation of employment eligibility status required by Federal or State statutes and regulations including, but not limited to, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 8 U.S.C. §1324 et seq., as they currently exist and as they may be hereafter amended. The Contractor shall retain all such documentation for all covered employees for the period prescribed by the law. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend with counsel approved in writing by County, and hold harmless, the County, its agents, officers, and employees from employer sanctions and any other liability which may be assessed against the Contractor or the County or both in connection with any alleged violation of any Federal or State statutes or regulations pertaining to the eligibility for employment of any persons performing work under this Contract.

  • Employee Signature Employee ID: Telephone No: Employee Address: Work Location:

  • Employment Eligibility Verification As required by IC § 22-5-1.7, the Contractor swears or affirms under the penalties of perjury that the Contractor does not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien. The Contractor further agrees that:

  • EMPLOYEE SIGNATURES Signature: Phone # / Personal E-mail: Signature: Phone # / Personal E-mail: Signature: Phone # / Personal E-mail:

  • OUR SERVICE TO YOU We will act honestly, fairly and professionally in accordance with Your best interests. We will normally represent You, rather than acting on behalf of the insurer. If We do not represent You, We will inform you accordingly. We will normally give You advice and a personal recommendation about the insurance contract being proposed. If We do not give You advice and a personal recommendation, We will inform You accordingly. Where We propose or advise on an insurance contract, We will inform You whether We are: • Giving a personal recommendation on the basis of a fair and personal analysis of the market. This is Our normal service. • Under a contractual obligation to place business exclusively with one or more insurers (in which case We will provide You with the names of those insurers). Examples of this type of service would include ‘single insurer’ or ‘panel of insurers’ type arrangements. • Not under a contractual obligation to place exclusively with one or more insurers and We do not give a personal recommendation on the basis of a fair and personal analysis of the market (in which case We will provide You with the names of those insurers). An example of this type of service would be where We only approach Your existing insurers for renewal terms. We will identify Your demands and needs and ensure that the insurance contract being proposed is consistent with them. Where We give advice and a personal recommendation, We will explain why the insurance contract being proposed best meets Your demands and needs. If We do not give You advice and a personal recommendation, You are responsible for ensuring that the insurance contract being proposed is suitable for You. We will provide You with a letter/report setting out key aspects of the insurance cover being proposed; however, this is not intended to be a substitute for the insurer(s) policy wording, which will take precedence in setting out the terms of the cover. We will endeavor to place insurance cover on Your behalf, but We do not guarantee to be able to do this. We will provide You with details of the cover effected on Your behalf, including the insurer who is underwriting the risk. Where We offer to arrange a facility with a premium finance provider which allows You to pay Your insurance premium by regular instalments, We do not offer advice in relation to this facility; however, We may ask some questions to narrow down the selection of options available. You must make Your own choice on which option to accept. When arranging a facility with a premium finance provider on Your behalf, We only act as a credit broker; We do not act as a lender. Although We take care to ensure that the information contained on Our website is accurate and up to date, We give You no promises, representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability of any information on Our website.

  • Leave of Absence for Employees Who Serve as Local Coordinators for the Ontario Nurses' Association An employee who serves as Local Coordinator for the Ontario Nurses' Association shall be granted leave of absence without pay up to a total of thirty-five (35) days annually. Leave of absence for Local Coordinators for the Ontario Nurses' Association will be separate from the Union leave provided in (a) above.

  • New Employee Orientation The Union will provide each agency personnel director with the names and addresses of up to two (2) authorized Union representatives per agency to receive notice of each formal orientation meeting held by the Department. The notice will be sent as soon as such meetings are scheduled (but not less than ten (10) days in advance) and will include date, time and location. Due to operational exigencies, agencies may schedule an orientation which will provide the Union with less than the requisite ten (10) days' notice; however the Union shall be notified as soon as possible after the scheduling of the orientation and the Union representative shall be released from duty. Agencies shall routinely schedule orientations in a manner that will allow for the ten (10) day advance notice to the Union. During the formal orientation, the Union will be permitted to give a twenty (20) minute presentation which may include an enrollment in supplemental Union benefits. The parties shall encourage employee attendance, although attendance shall not be mandatory if an employee objects to attending the presentation. In the event a formal orientation meeting is not held, or the Union is unable to attend the formal orientation because the designated Union representatives cannot be released under Article 4, the Employer shall allow the Union representative and the employee(s) to meet during duty hours at a mutually agreed upon time and location for twenty (20) minutes Employee participation in these meetings shall be encouraged although an employee shall not be required to attend such a meeting.

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