EMPLOYER LABOUR RELATIONS FUND. 6.1 The contributions referred to in Article 24.11 (i) of the Master Portion to this Agreement shall be in the amount of Thirty Cents (30¢) per hour for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Schedule. This Schedule shall cover and apply to Employers engaged in all work other than the work covered by Schedules “A”, “B”, “C”, & “D” hereof and without limiting the generality of the foregoing BUILDING and CONSTRUCTION WORK within the County of
EMPLOYER LABOUR RELATIONS FUND. 6.1 The contributions referred to in Article 24.11 (i) of the Master Portion to this Agreement shall be in the amount of Forty Cents (40¢) per hour for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Schedule. This Schedule shall cover and apply to Employers engaged in all work other than the work covered by Schedules “A”, “B”, “C”, & “D” hereof and without limiting the generality of the foregoing BUILDING and CONSTRUCTION WORK within the Counties of Essex and Kent.
EMPLOYER LABOUR RELATIONS FUND. 3.1 The contributions referred to in Article 24.11 (i) of the Master Portion to this Agreement shall be in the amount of Eight Cents (8¢) per hour for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Schedule. This Schedule shall cover and apply to Employers engaged in the FOUNDATION, PILING and CAISSON BORING BUSINESS within the Province of Ontario.
EMPLOYER LABOUR RELATIONS FUND. 5.1 The contributions referred to in Article 24.10 (i) of the Master Portion to this Agreement shall be in the amount of Twenty Three Cents (23¢) per hour for each hour paid by each employee covered by this Schedule. The contributions for members of the Eastern Ontario Crane Rental Group shall be Twenty Cents (20¢) per hour paid.
EMPLOYER LABOUR RELATIONS FUND. 5.1 The contributions referred to in Article 24.11 (i) of the Master Portion to this Agreement shall be in the amount of Thirty-Five Cents (35¢) plus HST per hour for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Schedule. This Schedule shall cover and apply to Employers engaged in all work other than the work covered by Schedules “A”, “B”, “C”, & “D” hereof and without limiting the generality of the foregoing BUILDING and CONSTRUCTION WORK within the Counties of Oxford, Perth, Huron, Middlesex, Xxxxx and Elgin.
EMPLOYER LABOUR RELATIONS FUND. 5.1 The contributions referred to in Article 24.11 (i) of the Master Portion of this Agreement shall be in the amount of fifteen cents (15¢) per hour for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Schedule. This Schedule shall cover and apply to Employers that are member Companies of the Associated Earth Movers of Ontario engaged in the EXCAVATING BUSINESS within the Province of Ontario. SCHEDULE “D” - rates for Xxxxx Xxxx #0 ARTICLE 1 - CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES
1.1 a) Engineers operating: draglines, cranes including but not limited to Self-erecting Cranes and Carry Deck Cranes. Heavy Duty Mechanics. Spider-type Cranes. Effective May 1, 2013, the wage rate for engineers operating large cranes over 220 to 299 tons capacity shall be One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents ($1.25) per hour above the applicable rate. The wage rate for engineers operating large cranes 300 to 499 tons capacity shall be Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50) per hour above the applicable rate. The wage rate for engineers operating large cranes over 499 tons capacity shall be Four Dollars ($4.00) per hour above the applicable rate. EFFECTIVE DATE WAGES VACATION PAY BENEFIT PLAN PENSION PLAN TOTAL
EMPLOYER LABOUR RELATIONS FUND. 5.1 The contributions referred to in Article 24.10 (i) of the Master Portion to this Agreement shall be in the amount of Thirty-Two Cents (32¢) plus GST per hour for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Schedule. Effective May 1st, 2005 this amount shall increase to Thirty-Five Cents (35¢) plus GST per hour for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Schedule. This Schedule shall cover and apply to Employers engaged in all work other than the work covered by Schedules “A”, “B”, “C”, & “D” hereof and without limiting the generality of the foregoing BUILDING and CONSTRUCTION WORK within the Counties of Oxford, Perth, Huron, Middlesex, Xxxxx and Elgin.
EMPLOYER LABOUR RELATIONS FUND. 4.1 The contributions referred to in Article 24.10 (i) of the Master Portion to this Agreement shall be in the amount of Twenty-Five Cents (25¢) per hour for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Schedule. Effective May 2, 2010, this amount shall increase to Thirty Cents (30¢) per hour for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Schedule.
EMPLOYER LABOUR RELATIONS FUND. 5.1 The contributions referred to in Article 24.11 (i) of the Master Portion to this Agreement shall be in the amount of Twenty-Two Cents (22¢) per hour for each hour worked by each employee covered by this Schedule. This Schedule shall cover and apply to Employers engaged in all work other than the work covered by Schedules “A”, “B”, “C”, & “D” hereof and without limiting the generality of the foregoing BUILDING and CONSTRUCTION WORK within the Regional Municipalities of Niagara, Haldimand, Norfolk, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx and Waterloo, the Counties of Brant, Dufferin, Grey, Wellington and that portion of the
EMPLOYER LABOUR RELATIONS FUND. 5.1 The contributions referred to in Article 24.11 (i) of the Master Portion to this Agreement shall be in the amount of Twenty-Three Cents (23¢) per hour for each hour paid by each employee covered by this Schedule. The contributions for members of the Nation Capital Crane Rental Association shall be Twenty-Six Cents (26¢) per hour paid.