Establishment of Board. The Member hereby establishes a Board of Directors (the “Board”) to be comprised of such number of directors (“Directors”) as shall be determined as set forth in this Section 6.1. The initial number of Directors shall be three (3). The number of Directors may be changed from time to time by the Member; provided, however, that pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board, the number of Directors may be increased and a Director(s) may be appointed to the Board to fill the vacancy created by such increase.
Establishment of Board. The POOL shall have a Board of Directors, which shall, among other duties, determine the general policy of the POOL. Each MEMBER shall be entitled to appoint one DIRECTOR to the BOARD.
Establishment of Board. The management of Investment Property shall be under the direction of the Board of Trustees that is hereby created by this Participation Agreement as a separate entity.
Establishment of Board. For the purposes of this Act and of the Agreement, there shall be an Anglo-Australian Telescope Board.
Establishment of Board. (*Amended November 14, 2016) The Board is hereby established to administer and oversee the operation and maintenance of the Fire Department. The Board shall be the governing body of the Fire Department, subject to the provisions of this Agreement and the rights and obligations of Parma and Sandstone as more particularly described herein.
(a) (*) The board shall develop Board Policies for the administration and conduct of the board members and procedures on how board meetings will be conducted. These Board policies and procedures shall be communicated to the Participating Municipalities.
Establishment of Board. For the purpose of accomplishing the objectives and intents of this agreement, the participants hereto establish the Red River Watershed Management Board. The geographical jurisdiction of the Board shall be coextensive with the geographical boundaries of eligible taxing authority counties within each of the participants to this agreement.
Establishment of Board. Subject to Section 4.7 and to the provisions of this Agreement relating to actions required to be approved by the Members or one or more specified Members, the business and affairs of the Company shall be managed by or under the direction of a committee of managers comprised of natural persons (the "Board" and the members of the Board, the "Board Members"
Establishment of Board. Number and Election of Board Members; Term of Office.................................................... 11 4.3
Establishment of Board a. There is hereby established a governing Board for the Lab consisting of the following: The Police Chief of each Party, or his/her authorized designee and the Cumberland County Sheriff or his/her authorized designee. The Portland Police Chief shall serve as the chair of the Board through occupancy of the Lab; within 60 days after issuance of a final certificate of occupancy, the Board shall elect its Chair pursuant to the Board’s policies and procedures.
b. The Board shall be an administrative board, with the following duties:
i). Establish policies and procedures for the operation of the Lab, including without limitation final approval of the initial outfitting and equipping of such Lab and for the scope of forensic services to be provided through said Lab;
ii). Recommend a budget of itemized expenditures and revenues to each town, city or county manager or administrator no later than January 31st of each year, including expenditures in addition to those required in Section 5, paragraphs a (i) – (iii) and b (i) – (ii) for the next immediate fiscal year, such recommendations taking into account the County’s calendar year fiscal year;
iii). Produce an annual report with its budget recommendations, with any other recommendations for modification, revision or repeal of this Agreement;
iv). Make recommendations to the town, city or county manager or administrator of each Party as to the terms for any additional agreements or amendments needed to this Agreement.
c. The Board’s year shall be from July 1 – June 30, and it shall select a Chair from its members to serve during each Board year. All Board recommendations shall require a favorable vote of Three-Fourths (¾) of the Board members. Any recommendation which requires physical or operating modifications to the Lab shall require the approval of Portland.
d. Upon receipt of written notice of Board recommendations as to the budget, or additional agreements or amendments, each Town or City Council and the County Commissioners shall review those recommendations, with budget recommendations to be considered in time to be included in the next immediate fiscal year budget. If the legislative bodies of Three-Fourths (¾) of the total number of the Parties approve such recommendations, then all Parties to this Agreement are bound thereby so long as they remain a Party to this Agreement. Any costs approved in addition to those in Section 5 and any revenues shall be allocated among the Parties as provided in Exhibit B,...
Establishment of Board. There is hereby established the Northern Cheyenne-Montana Compact Board. The Board shall consist of three members: one member appointed by the Governor of the State of Montana; one member appointed by the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council; and one member selected by the other two members. All members shall be appointed within six months of the ratification date of this Compact and within thirty days of the date any vacancy occurs. Each member shall serve a five-year term and shall be eligible for reappointment. The initial term of each member shall be staggered with one member serving a five-year term, one a four-year term, and one a three-year term. The initial term of each member shall be chosen by lot. Expenses of the members appointed by the State and the Tribe shall be borne by the entity appointing the member. The expenses of the third member and all other expenses shall be borne equally by the Tribe and the State, subject to the availability of funds.