EVENT ENDING TIMES. All outdoor events must end by 12 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday evenings,10 p.m. on Monday through Friday evenings to comply with sound ordinances and to allow for cleanup and closure of the site by 10 p.m.
EVENT ENDING TIMES. All outdoor events must end by 11pm on Friday and Saturday evenings, 10pm on Sunday-Thursday evenings to comply with sound ordinances and in order to allow for cleanup and closure of the site by midnight. • Clean and return tables and chairs to their original positions throughout the Fairbanks Centre. • All trash/recyclables must be removed from the Fairbanks Centre and placed in dumpster /recycling areas outside. • Notify on-site staff of any damages that may occur during the event. Decorations may NOT be hung with tape, wire, nails / screws (anything) which will damage the venue, Fairbanks Centre or grounds. All decorations must be removed without leaving damages directly following the departure of the last guest, unless special arrangements have been made in advance between the Client(s) and the venue.
EVENT ENDING TIMES. All events must end by 11pm on Friday and Saturday evenings, 10pm on Sunday-Thursday evenings to comply with sound ordinances and to allow for cleanup and closure of the site by midnight. • Clean and return tables and chairs to their original positions throughout the Fairbanks Centre. • All trash/recyclables must be removed from the Fairbanks Centre and placed in dumpster /recycling areas outside. • Notify on-site staff of any damages that may occur during the event. Decorations may NOT be hung with tape, wire, nails / screws (anything) which will damage the venue, Fairbanks Centre or grounds. All decorations must be removed without leaving damages directly following the departure of the last guest unless special arrangements have been made in advance between the Client(s) and the venue. Note: Blowing bubbles is permitted only outside for reception farewells. Rice, confetti, glitter, pyrotechnics, birdseed, and sparklers are not permitted inside or outside the facility. Candles must be in holders that prevent wax from dripping on surfaces. Client renter agrees and warrants that there shall be NO CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL BY PERSONS UNDER AGE 19. Xxxxxx agrees to refuse to allow alcohol to be served to, or consumed by, any person who is visibly intoxicated or under 19 years of age. Renter shall monitor all service, if any, of alcohol and specifically acknowledges that Renter is solely liable for the consumption of any alcohol by any person on the Premises and that such liability shall extend to any aspect regarding the consumption of alcohol. SCC may ask guests for identification to verify age and reserves the right to ask to the entire party to leave if (1) a minor is consuming alcohol; (2) an adult is providing alcohol to a minor; or (3) a guest or guests appears intoxicated and refuses to leave the Premises.
EVENT ENDING TIMES. All events and weddingsmust end by 11pm on Friday and Saturday evenings, 10pm on Sunday-Thursday evenings to comply with sound ordinances and in order to allow for cleanup and closure of the site by midnight. Failure to comply may result in an additional 1ne of up to $G00. All rentals must end by the ending time stated on their contracts. Warehouse 100 will allow a 15 minute moratorium on all events and weddings to help clients end their rentals. Beyond that timeframe, you will receive an immediate 1ne of $25 and additional 1nes at a rate equating to $10 every 1ve minutes will continue if client(s) have not vacated the premesis.
EVENT ENDING TIMES. All events must end as follows: (Sunday – Thursday) no later than 10PM and on the weekend (Friday and Saturday) at 11PM, and is to include clean-up of the site and departure of the premises. Pick-up of tents, inflatables and rental furniture may be coordinated to be picked up first thing the following morning. Please note that the Orange County Noise Ordinance is in effect. All bands, sound systems, or other loud noise must be discontinued one hour prior to the above indicated event ending times.
EVENT ENDING TIMES. All outdoor events must end by 11pm (unless previous contractual arrangements have been made) to comply with sound ordinances, respect to other guests, and in order to allow for cleanup and closure of the site by midnight.
EVENT ENDING TIMES. Events must come to an end by the time designated in the contract. Please allow time for cleanup and closure of the site by the event ending time.
EVENT ENDING TIMES. All outdoor music, loud conversations, or other outdoor activities that involve high amounts of sound must cease or be moved indoors after 10:00 PM to comply with sound ordinances/quiet hours (this also applies to the cabins/campground). You have the venue until the referenced end time (typically 11 PM for full-day events). This means you need to depart by that time; thus your clean-up and decorations must be taken down so you, your vendors, and all your guests are exited by this time. You will be charged a late departure fee if you, your vendors, or guests are still at the venue after the referenced end time per day.
EVENT ENDING TIMES. All event venue space must be fully cleaned and vacated no later than 11:00 P.M. on Friday and Saturday evenings (Sunday on holiday weekends). On Sundays through Thursday evenings the event must vacate by 10:00 P.M. • Host of special event must confirm closure with special event staff before vacating premises. (860-882-7963) • Failure to adequately leave premises in the pre-event natural state will result in an additional maintenance charge of $1,500. • In regulation for Meadowbrook Estate noise ordinance, all entertainment, including but not limited to, music must be silenced one hour prior to the event termination time. • Registered guests ONLY are permitted to use individual lodging assigned to them.
EVENT ENDING TIMES. All activities must stop by 12:00 a.m. midnight on the day prior to the event. All activities must stop at 12:00 a.m. midnight on the day of the event or wedding and clean-up is allowed until 1:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. the day after the event or wedding. Failure to comply will result in the loss of the deposit and a $250.00 charge for every half hour activities continue to go on past event ending times.