Express Shipments. Each Party shall adopt or maintain separate, expedited customs procedures for express shipments, including procedures:
(a) that, to the extent possible, allow the information necessary for the release of express shipments to be submitted electronically;
(b) in which the information necessary for the release of an express shipment may be submitted, and processed by the Party’s customs authority, before the shipment arrives;
(c) allowing a shipper to submit a single manifest covering all goods contained in an express shipment;
(d) that, to the extent possible, minimize the documentation required for the release of express shipments; and
(e) that, under normal circumstances, allow for an express shipment that has arrived at a point of importation to be released no later than six hours after the submission of the information necessary for release.
Express Shipments. Each Party shall ensure efficient clearance of all shipments, while maintaining appropriate control and customs selection. In the event that a Party’s existing system does not ensure efficient clearance, it should adopt procedures to expedite express shipments. Such procedures shall:
(a) provide for pre-arrival processing of information related to express shipments;
(b) permit, as a condition for release, the submission of a single document in the form that the Party considers appropriate, such as a single manifest or a single declaration, covering all of the goods in the shipment by an express service company, through, if possible, electronic means;
(c) provide, where possible, for deferred payment of duties, taxes, and fees with appropriate guarantees;
(d) minimize, to the extent possible, the documentation required for the release of express shipments; and
(e) allow, in normal circumstances, for an express shipment to be released within six hours of the submission of necessary customs documentation.
Express Shipments. 1. The Parties recognise that electronic commerce plays an important role in increasing trade. To this end, to facilitate trade of express shipments in electronic commerce, the Parties shall ensure that their respective customs procedures are applied in a manner that is predictable, consistent and transparent.
2. Each Party shall adopt or maintain expedited customs procedures for express shipments while maintaining appropriate customs control and selection. These procedures shall:
(a) provide for information necessary to release an express shipment to be submitted and processed before the shipment arrives;
(b) allow a single submission of information covering all goods contained in an express shipment, such as a manifest, through electronic means if possible;5
(c) to the extent possible, provide for the release of certain goods with a minimum of documentation;
(d) under normal circumstances, provide for express shipments to be released within six hours after submission of the necessary customs documents, provided the shipment has arrived; and
(e) apply to shipments of any weight or value recognising that a Party may require formal entry procedures as a condition for release, including declaration and supporting documentation and payment of customs duties, based on the good’s weight or value.
3. If a Party does not provide the treatment in paragraphs 2(a) through 2(e) to all shipments, that Party shall provide a separate6 and expedited customs procedure that provides that treatment for express shipments.
4. Each Party shall provide for a de minimis shipment value or dutiable amount for which customs duties will not be collected, aside from restricted or controlled goods, such as goods subject to import licensing or similar requirements.7 Each Party shall review the amount periodically taking into account factors that it may consider relevant, such as rates of inflation, effect on trade facilitation, impact on risk management, administrative cost of collecting duties compared to the amount of duties, cost of cross-border trade transactions, impact on SMEs or other factors related to the collection of customs duties.
Express Shipments. Each Party shall adopt or maintain expedited customs procedures for express shipments, while maintaining appropriate customs control and selection. These procedures shall: (a) provide a separate and expedited customs procedure for express shipment, and where applicable, use the WCO Guidelines for the Immediate Release of Consignment; (b) provide for the electronic submission and processing of information necessary for the release of an express shipment before the express shipment arrives; (c) to the extent possible, provide for clearance of certain goods with minimum 4-3 documentation; (d) provide for expeditious release of express shipments, within a period no greater than that required to ensure compliance with its legislation; and (e) under normal circumstances, provide that no customs duties will be assessed on, nor will formal entry documents be required for express shipments valued at US$100 or less.
Express Shipments. 1. Each Party shall adopt or maintain specific expedited customs procedures for express shipments while maintaining appropriate customs controls. These procedures shall:
(a) provide for information required to release an express shipment to be submitted and processed before the shipment arrives;
(b) allow a single submission of information, such as a manifest, covering all goods contained in an express shipment, through, if possible, electronic means;
(c) expedite the release of these shipments based on, to the extent possible, minimum documentation or a single submission of information;
(d) provide for these shipments, under normal circumstances, to be released immediately after arrival, provided that all required documentation and data are submitted;
(e) apply to shipments of any weight or value, recognizing that a Party may require formal entry procedures as a condition for release, including a declaration and supporting documentation and payment of customs duties, based on the good's weight or value; and
(f) provide that, under normal circumstances, no customs duties or taxes will be assessed at the time or point of importation or formal entry procedures required, (2) on express shipments of a Party valued at or below a fixed amount set out under the Party's law, provided that the shipment does not form part of a series of shipments carried out or planned for the purpose of evading duties or taxes, or avoiding any regulation applicable to the formal entry procedures required by the importing Party. The fixed amount set out under the Party's law shall be at least (3):
(i) for the United States, US$800,
(ii) for Mexico, US$117 for customs duties and US$50 for taxes, and
(iii) for Canada, C$150 for customs duties and C$40 for taxes. For these shipments, each Party shall allow for the periodic assessment and payment of duties and taxes applicable at the time or point of importation.
2. Each Party shall adopt or maintain procedures that apply fewer customs formalities than those applied under formal entry procedures, to shipments valued at less than CAD$3,300 for Canada and US$2,500 for the United States and Mexico, provided that the shipments do not form part of a series of importations that may be reasonably considered to have been undertaken or arranged for the purpose of avoiding compliance by an importer with the importing Party's laws, regulations, or procedures related to formal entry.
3. Nothing in this Article prevents a Party from requiring the ne...
Express Shipments. 1. Each Party shall adopt or maintain expedited customs procedures for express shipments while maintaining appropriate customs control and selection. These procedures shall:
(a) provide for information necessary to release an express shipment to be submitted and processed before the shipment arrives;
(b) allow a single submission of information covering all goods contained in an express shipment, such as a manifest, through, if possible, electronic means;6
(c) to the extent possible, provide for the release of certain goods with a minimum of documentation;
(d) under normal circumstances, provide for express shipments to be released within six hours after submission of the necessary customs documents, provided the shipment has arrived;
(e) apply to shipments of any weight or value recognising that a Party may require formal entry procedures as a condition for release, including declaration and supporting documentation and payment of customs duties, based on the good’s weight or value; and
(f) provide that, under normal circumstances, no customs duties will be assessed on express shipments valued at or below a fixed 6 For greater certainty, additional documents may be required as a condition for release. amount set under the Party’s law.7 Each Party shall review the amount periodically taking into account factors that it may consider relevant, such as rates of inflation, effect on trade facilitation, impact on risk management, administrative cost of collecting duties compared to the amount of duties, cost of cross- border trade transactions, impact on SMEs or other factors related to the collection of customs duties.
2. If a Party does not provide the treatment in paragraph 1(a) through (f) to all shipments, that Party shall provide a separate8 and expedited customs procedure that provides that treatment for express shipments.
Express Shipments. Each Party shall adopt or maintain expedited customs procedures for express shipments while maintaining appropriate customs control and selection. These procedures shall:
(a) provide a separate and expedited customs procedure for express shipments;
(b) provide for information necessary to release an express shipment to be submitted and processed electronically before the shipment arrives;
(c) allow submission of a single manifest covering all goods contained in an express shipment, through, if possible, electronic means;
(d) to the extent possible, provide for certain goods to be cleared with a minimum of documentation;
(e) under normal circumstances, provide for express shipments to be cleared within four hours after the necessary customs documents have been submitted, provided the shipment has arrived;
(f) apply without regard to an express shipment’s weight or customs value; and
(g) under normal circumstances, provide that no customs duties or taxes will be assessed on, nor will formal entry documents be required for, express shipments valued at 2,500 U.S. dollars or less.3
Express Shipments. 1. Each Party shall adopt or maintain expedited customs procedures for express shipments while maintaining appropriate customs control and selection. These procedures shall:
(a) provide for information necessary to release an express shipment to be submitted and processed before the shipment arrives;
(b) allow a single submission of information covering all goods contained in an express shipment, such as a manifest, through, if possible, electronic means;6
(c) to the extent possible, provide for the release of certain goods with a minimum of documentation;
(d) under normal circumstances, provide for express shipments to be released within six hours after submission of the necessary customs documents, provided the shipment has arrived;
(e) apply to shipments of any weight or value recognising that a Party may require formal entry procedures as a condition for release, including declaration and supporting documentation and payment of customs duties, based on the good’s weight or value; and
(f) provide that, under normal circumstances, no customs duties will be assessed on express shipments valued at or below a fixed 6 For greater certainty, additional documents may be required as a condition for release.
Express Shipments. Each Party is encouraged to adopt or maintain expedited customs procedures for express shipments while maintaining appropriate customs control and selection. These procedures shall:
(a) provide for a separate and expedited customs procedures for express shipments and, where applicable, use the WCO Guidelines for the Immediate Release of Consignments;
(b) provide for information necessary to process an express shipment to be submitted manually or electronically before the shipment arrives; and
(c) to the extent possible, provide for certain goods to be cleared with a minimum of documentation.
Express Shipments. 1. Each Party, through its Designated Representative, shall adopt or maintain expedited customs procedures for express shipments while maintaining appropriate customs control and selection. These procedures shall include the procedures specified in Article