WARRANTY – SERVICES The Contractor warrants and represents that all services to be provided the City under the Contract will be fully and timely performed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with generally accepted industry standards and practices, the terms, conditions, and covenants of the Contract, and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, rules or regulations. A. The Contractor may not limit, exclude or disclaim the foregoing warranty or any warranty implied by law, and any attempt to do so shall be without force or effect. B. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the warranty period shall be at least one year from the Acceptance Date. If during the warranty period, one or more of the above warranties are breached, the Contractor shall promptly upon receipt of demand perform the services again in accordance with above standard at no additional cost to the City. All costs incidental to such additional performance shall be borne by the Contractor. The City shall endeavor to give the Contractor written notice of the breach of warranty within thirty (30) calendar days of discovery of the breach warranty, but failure to give timely notice shall not impair the City’s rights under this section. C. If the Contractor is unable or unwilling to perform its services in accordance with the above standard as required by the City, then in addition to any other available remedy, the City may reduce the amount of services it may be required to purchase under the Contract from the Contractor, and purchase conforming services from other sources. In such event, the Contractor shall pay to the City upon demand the increased cost, if any, incurred by the City to procure such services from another source.
Service Warranty Provider has carefully examined and analyzed the provisions of this Agreement, including but not limited to all exhibits attached and incorporated into it, and can and will perform, or cause, the Services to be performed in strict accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Agreement. Services will be performed in a timely, professional and workmanlike manner in accordance with all applicable industry and professional standards.
EXTENDED SERVICE Upon application, a military leave of absence (without pay) will be granted to employees who are employed in other than temporary positions. This applies to employees who are inducted through Selective Service, or voluntary enlistment, or if the employee is called through membership in the National Guard or reserve component into the Armed Forces of the United States. A position “other than temporary” is one that at the time of hire was expected to be continuous for an indefinite term and was not limited to a specific, brief, and non-recurrent period.
Warranty Period Except as may be otherwise specified or agreed, Contractor shall repair all defects in materials, equipment, or workmanship appearing within one year from the date of Substantial Completion of the Work. If Substantial Completion occurs by phase, then the warranty period for that the Work performed for each phase begins on the date of Substantial Completion of that phase, or as otherwise stipulated on the Certificate of Substantial Completion for the particular phase.
Warranty of Services Contractor warrants that the services provided conform to the contract requirements, including all descriptions, specifications and attachments made a part of this contract. The Department’s acceptance of services provided by Contractor shall not relieve Contractor from its obligations under this warranty. In addition to its other remedies under this contract, at law, or in equity, the Department may, at Contractor's expense, require prompt correction of any services failing to meet Contractor's warranty herein. Services corrected by Contractor shall be subject to all the provisions of this contract in the manner and to the same extent as services originally furnished.