EXTRA DUTY COMPENSATION SCHEDULE. The Extra Duty compensation schedule is attached as appendix D.
A. The Extra Duty compensation schedule will revert back to the Association when the current Superintendent leaves.
EXTRA DUTY COMPENSATION SCHEDULE. Attached as Appendix A and incorporated herein as part of this Agreement is the extra duty compensation schedule.
EXTRA DUTY COMPENSATION SCHEDULE. As duties are passed from one person to another, or as sponsors add to or subtract from the “normal” description, this should be noted and the stipend adjusted as agreed upon by the administration and WCTA. A coach who moves to a different school but continues in the same sport will not lose his place on the experience merit pay. HS Boys Basketball 10,000 HS Boys Varsity Assistant 3,500 HS Boys JV Basketball 3,855 HS Boys Assistant Basketball 2,500 HS Boys Football 10,000 HS Boys Varsity Assistant Football 3,500 HS Boys Assistant Football 2,500 HS Boys Asst 9th Football 1,988 HS Boys Track 3,500 HS Boys Asst Track 1,670 HS Boys/Girls Cross Country 3,000 HS Boys Wrestling 4,500 HS Boys Asst Wrestling 2,329 HS Boys Baseball 4,500 HS Boys JV Baseball 2,041 HS Boys Assistant Baseball 1,500 HS Boys Golf 3,000 HS Boys Tennis 3,000 HS Boys Soccer 2,492 HS Girls Basketball 10,000 HS Girls Varsity Basketball Assistant 3,500 HS Girls JV Basketball 3,855 HS Girls Assistant Basketball 2,500 HS Girls Volleyball 10,000 HS Girls Asst Volleyball 2,433 HS Girls Track 3,500 HS Girls Asst Track 1,670 HS Girls Tennis 3,000 HS Girls Golf 3,000 HS Girls Softball 4,500 HS Girls Assistant Softball 1,500 HS Girls Soccer 2,492 HS Archery Head 700 HS JV Softball Coach 2,041 Unified Sports Coach 1,000 E Sports Director 1,000 Student Athletic Council Director 1,000 Athletics Media Coordinator 1,000 HS 11th Grade Sponsor 1,031 HS 12th Grade Sponsor 927 HS Writers Club 404 HS Instrumental Music 4,063 HS Vocal Music 2,095 HS Auxiliary Corp 1,494 HS Yearbook 1,338 HS Rehearsal Pianist 382 XX XXXX/VOICE Sponsor 950 HS Cheerleader Sponsor 2,057 HS JV Cheerleader Sponsor 1,275 HS 9th Cheerleader Sponsor 840 HS Musical Choreographer 382 HS Student Council Sponsor 950 HS Spanish Club Sponsor 739 HS Academic Coach 817 HS Asst Academic Coach 609 HS Fall Drama Director 2,095 HS Spring Musical Director 1,746 HS Marching Band Asst 1,670 HS Spring Musical Vocal 698 HS Spring Musical Instrumental 698 HS FCCLA Sponsor 1,373 HS National Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 934 HS Auditorium Manager 303 HS Sophomore Class Sponsor 200 HS Freshman Class Sponsor 200 HS Newspaper 581 FFA Coordinator 5,300 HOSA 1,000 BPA 1,000 Skills USA 1,000 Educators Rising 1,000 Technology Student Association 1,000 MS Boys Football 2,470 MS Boys/Girls Cross Country 1,443 MS Boys 8th Basketball 2,470 MS Boys 7th Basketball 2,221 MS Boys 6th Basketball 1,365 MS Boys Wrestling 1,710 MS Boys Asst Wrestling 1,140 MS Head Track 2,200 MS Boys Asst Tr...