Additional Experience a) For the purposes of 1.01 1. above, placement may include, such teaching experience, acceptable to MITT, which was acquired at a community college or other such educational institution that might not otherwise be recognized by the Department. In coming to a conclusion that teaching experience will or will not be recognized, MITT shall take into account all relevant factors and shall act reasonably and fairly having regard to all circumstances.
b) Nothing in this agreement shall limit the right of MITT to place a Teacher coming on staff at a level above that which they would be entitled to by virtue of 1.01, 1. and 2. of this Addendum.
Additional Experience a) Effective September 1, 2008, partial years of experience shall be counted as full years for grid placement. Salary increments will be recognized as of September 1.
b) Accumulation of experience for salary purposes shall not exceed ten
Additional Experience. Only full years shall count on the grid.
a) Effective September 1, 2009 partial years of experience shall be counted as full years for grid placement. Salary increments will be recognized as of September 1. Teachers must apply for recognition of additional experience within one
(1) year from the first day worked after being hired, and supported by written documentation from the former employer(s).
b) Accumulation of experience for salary purposes shall not exceed ten
Additional Experience. After initial placement, an employee will advance vertically on the salary schedule one step for each year of satisfactory certificated service in the District. Please see current salary schedules for limitations on vertical advance in Class I and Class II.
a. An employee who attains the maximum step in the class on the salary schedule is encouraged to earn additional college credits (or fulfill “satisfactory equivalents”) every five years.
b. An employee must serve for a minimum of 75 percent of the number of the days taught in a given regular work year in order to receive credit toward advancement on the salary schedule.
Additional Experience. Teachers who provide proof of secondary school experience outside of Ontario and who held Ontario qualifications as defined by the Ontario College of Teachers, or equivalent, while the experience was acquired either in Canada or out-of-country, shall receive recognition on the grid for this experience. Membership in the Ontario College of Teachers is not a requirement for such recognition. Recognition for such experience must be applied for to the Specialist responsible for secondary teachers within three (3) months from the first day worked after being hired, and supported by appropriate documentation from the former received no later than June of the school year in which the teacher was hired Notwithstanding the above timelines, later application for additional teaching experience recognition shall be effective the first day worked in the year of application provided that the appropriate documentation is received by the employer no later than June of that school year. Teachers entering the secondary schools from the elementary schools, will have their elementary experience treated as secondary school experience for salary purposes only. Long Term occasional teaching experience, as defined in the Occasional Teacher Collective Agreement of this Employer, served with this Employer or other Boards of Education in Ontario, shall be accumulated and added to other partial years of experience for credit on the grid. For new hires to regular teaching positions only, Summer School and Night School teaching experience acquired with this Employer after September shall accumulate for the purposes of grid placement at the rate of one month (equals days) for each full Summer or Night School credit course taught. Such experience shall be accumulated and added to other (partial) years of experience for credit on the grid, provided it is supported by appropriate documentation within two (2) months of the first day of work after being hired.
Additional Experience. Only full years shall count on the grid.
Additional Experience. Only full years shall count on the grid.
a) Teachers with partial years experience that are not counted for salary purposes on September 1 st shall receive their annual increment at the beginning of the month following the month in which their accumulated experience totals a full year providing they apply for such increment and have the documentation completed three months in advance. Increments in subsequent years would be at the same time of year.
b) Accumulation of experience for salary purposes shall not exceed ten (10) months’ credit for the period September 1st to August 31st inclusive.
Additional Experience. Only full years shall count on the grid.
a) Teachers with partial years experience that are not counted for salary purposes on September 1st shall receive their annual increment at the beginning of the month following the month in which their accumulated experience totals a full year providing they apply for such increment and have the documentation completed three months in advance. Increments in subsequent years would be at the same time of year. Teachers must apply for recognition for additional experience within one (1) year from the first day worked after being hired, and supported by written documentation from the former employer(s).
b) Accumulation of experience for salary purposes shall not exceed ten (10) months’ credit for the period September 1st to August 31st inclusive.
c) Teachers entering the elementary schools from the secondary schools, will have their secondary experience treated as elementary school experience for salary purposes only.
d) Occasional teaching experience done on a grid rate of pay with the Employer shall be accumulated and added to other partial years of experience for credit on the grid.
e) Teachers who provide proof of acceptable elementary or secondary experience outside Ontario and who hold Ontario qualifications as defined by the Ontario College of Teachers shall be paid in accordance with the schedule set forth in Article 10.05.