Extraordinary, Unplanned Expenses. The District shall determine whether an extraordinary, unbudgeted, and unanticipated expense exceeding two and five tenths percent (2.5%) of the District’s adopted operating expense budget occurred. In the event that such an extraordinary, unbudgeted and unanticipated expense outside of the control of the District has occurred the District shall have no obligation to make a lump sum payment.
Extraordinary, Unplanned Expenses. The District shall determine whether an extraordinary, unbudgeted, and unanticipated expense exceeding 2.5% of the District’s adopted operating expense budget occurred. In the event that such an extraordinary, unbudgeted, and unanticipated expense outside the control of the District has occurred, the District shall have no obligation to make a lump sum payment. The Parties understand that the Core System excludes various extension projects. Under the terms of the operating agreements governing the San Francisco Airport Extension, the Oakland Airport Connecter, and the VTA/BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension, BART fare revenue generated by riders using those extensions is dedicated to those extension projects. *The conditional lump sum payment provision above is based on the following ridership projections. BART’s Short Range Transit Plan (“SRTP”) Financial Model: Ridership Estimates projects the following ridership and related revenues: Average Weekday Core System FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Average Weekday Ridership Core System 378,380 387,990 395,940 402,314 % Growth over Prior Year 2.6% 2.5% 2.0% 1.6%
Extraordinary, Unplanned Expenses. The District shall determine whether an extraordinary, unbudgeted, and unanticipated expense exceeding 2.5% of the District’s adopted operating expense budget occurred. In the event that such an extraordinary, unbudgeted and unanticipated expense outside the control of the District has occurred the District shall have no obligation to make a lump sum payment. The Parties understand that the Core System excludes various extension projects. Under the terms of the operating agreements governing the San Francisco Airport Extension, the Oakland Airport Connecter and the VTA/BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension, BART fare revenue generated by riders using those extensions is dedicated to those extension projects. *The conditional lump sum payment provision above is based on the following ridership projections. BART’s Short Range Transit Plan (“SRTP”) Financial Model: Ridership Estimates projects the following ridership and related revenues: Average Weekday Core System FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Average Weekday Ridership Core System 378,380 387,990 395,940 402,314 % Growth over Prior Year 2.6% 2.5% 2.0% 1.6% Upon expiration of the 2013-2021 agreements with ATU and SEIU should the unions negotiate changes to the conditional lump sum language in their collective bargaining agreements, including but not limited to, changes to the criteria for lump sum payment, those changes will also apply to BPMA following Board ratification of the ATU and SEIU agreements and said changes will be incorporated by reference herein in Section 45, Conditional Lump Sum Payment.
Extraordinary, Unplanned Expenses. The District shall determine whether an extraordinary, unbudgeted, and unanticipated expense exceeding 2.5% of the District’s adopted operating expense budget occurred. In the event that such an extraordinary, unbudgeted and unanticipated expense outside the control of the District has occurred the District shall have no obligation to make a lump sum payment. The Parties understand that the Core System excludes various extension projects. Under the terms of the operating agreements governing the San Francisco Airport Extension, the Oakland Airport Connecter and the VTA/BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension, BART fare revenue generated by riders using those extensions is dedicated to those extension projects. *The conditional lump sum payment provision above is based on the following ridership projections. BART’s Short Range Transit Plan (“SRTP”) Financial Model: Ridership Estimates projects the following ridership and related revenues: Lieutenants assigned as Zone Commanders shall earn QPR incentive pay based upon successful achievement of the following BART Police Department Quarterly Performance Report (“QPR”) goals: • BART Police Presence • Crimes Against Persons • Auto Theft and Burglary • Average Emergency Response Time • Bike Theft • Quality of Life This incentive pay will be awarded quarterly only when four (4) or more of the QPR goals have been met or exceeded, and will be paid following the announcement of QPR results following each quarter. The pay schedule for this incentive pay is as follows: The Chief of Police shall review the incentive pay program at the beginning of each fiscal year (July) on an annual basis and may, at his/her sole discretion, adjust the criteria of the QPR goals that have to be met in order for the incentive pay to be awarded.