Injury on Duty Leave An employee shall be granted injury-on-duty leave with pay for such reasonable period as may be determined by the Employer where it is determined by a Workers' Safety & Compensation Commission that he/she is unable to perform his/her duties because of:
Civil Leave A. A bargaining unit member subpoenaed to appear in court for a work-related matter or serve on jury duty shall be granted leave without loss of pay. A copy of the court summons, subpoena, or letter from the court requesting the bargaining unit member’s presence must be submitted to administration. B. When a bargaining unit member is scheduled to be absent and such appearance in court is negated or the bargaining unit member is excused in such time to return to his/her work site for the remainder of his/her workday, then he/she is required to do so.
Legal Leave 1The University shall grant leave of absence with pay to a member of faculty who is called to serve as a juror or a witness in a court of law in a matter in which he/she is not a party or an accused.
Study Leave Credits for study leave will be given for educational commitments falling due between an employee's nominated starting and finishing times.
Older Workers Benefit Protection Act Executive agrees and expressly acknowledges that this Release includes a waiver and release of all claims which he has or may have under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 621, et seq. (“ADEA”). The following terms and conditions apply to and are part of the waiver and release of the ADEA claims under this Release: (i) This paragraph, and this Release are written in a manner calculated to be understood by him. (ii) The waiver and release of claims under the ADEA contained in this Release does not cover rights or claims that may arise after the date on which he signs this Release. (iii) This Release provides for consideration in addition to anything of value to which he is already entitled. (iv) Executive has been advised to consult an attorney before signing this Release. (v) Executive has been granted twenty-one (21) days after he is presented with this Release to decide whether or not to sign this Release. If he executes this Release prior to the expiration of such period, he does so voluntarily and after having had the opportunity to consult with an attorney, and hereby waives the remainder of the twenty-one (21) day period. (vi) Executive has the right to revoke this general release within seven (7) days of signing this Release. In the event he does so, both this Release and the offer of benefits to him pursuant to the Employment Agreement or the Change of Control Agreement, as applicable, will be null and void in their entirety, and he will not receive any severance payments or benefits under the Employment Agreement or the Change of Control Agreement. If he wishes to revoke this Release, Executive shall deliver written notice stating his or her intent to revoke this Release to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company and the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, or, if Executive is serving in such capacities as of the Termination Date, to the Chairman of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company, at the offices of the Company on or before 5:00 p.m. on the seventh (7th ) day after the date on which he signs this Release.
Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity All Parties to this MOU certify that they prohibit, and will continue to prohibit, discrimination, and they certify that no person, otherwise qualified, is denied employment, services, or other benefits on the basis of: (i) political or religious opinion or affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identification and/or expression, race, color, creed, or national origin; (ii) sex or age, except when age or sex constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification; or (iii) the physical or mental disability of a qualified individual with a disability. The Parties specifically agree that they will comply with Section 188 of the WIOA Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Regulations (29 CFR Part 38; Final Rule December 2, 2016), the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), the Non-traditional Employment for Women Act of 1991, titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights of 1964, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Age Discrimination Act of 1967, as amended, title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, and with all applicable requirements imposed by or pursuant to regulations implementing those laws, including but not limited to 29 CFR Part 37 and 38.
Union Leave Leave of absence for Union business shall be given without pay up to a maximum of (as per the local provisions under L19) days per calendar year provided such leave does not interfere with the continuance of efficient operation of the Hospital. Such leave shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) not more than (as per the local provisions under L19) employees of the Hospital are absent on any such leave at the same time, and not more than (as per the local provisions under L19) employee from a department; (b) a request must be made in writing at least twenty-one days prior to the commencement of the function for which leave is requested, unless it is not reasonably possible to give such notice; (c) such request shall state the general nature of the function to be attended; (d) employees on a Union Leave which is approved by the Hospital in accordance with the above conditions shall be paid for such leave by the Hospital. The Hospital shall then forward a statement of such wages paid to the employee affected to the union for reimbursement of the amount stated; (e) an employee who is elected or appointed to office with the CAW, shall upon application by the Union in writing, be granted a leave of absence without loss of seniority and benefits for up to three (3) years. An extension shall be granted upon written application by the employee to the administration of the Hospital. During such leaves of absence, salary and benefits shall be kept whole by the Hospital and the Union agrees to reimburse the Hospital for such salary and the Hospital's contribution to said benefits. The employee agrees to notify the Hospital of the employee's intention to return to work within two (2) weeks following the termination of office for which the leave was granted. The union agrees to notify the Hospital five (5) months in advance of the Local Union election. The union further agrees that the requirement to meet under Article 14 will be waived. At the end of such leave, any employee hired or placed as a substitute for the employee on such absence, may be terminated or laid off by the Hospital as required, or may be transferred to the employee's previous position if the substitution was a transfer. An employee on leave of absence under this provision shall continue to accumulate all rights and privileges under this Agreement. It is understood that the intent of this article is that it shall normally apply to only one employee at a time per circumstance as noted above, and that the Union shall provide adequate notice prior to an employee commencing Union Leave of Absence. Further applications may be granted consistent with the Hospital’s staffing requirements. In addition, it is understood that any employee so elected or appointed is required to maintain their competence in the event that they are to return to the workplace.
Volunteer Leave Subject to operational requirements as determined by the Employer and with an advance notice of at least five (5) working days, the employee shall be granted, in each fiscal year, a single period of up to seven decimal five (7.5) hours’ of leave with pay to work as a volunteer for a charitable or community organization or activity, other than for activities related to the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign. The leave will be scheduled at a time convenient both to the employee and the Employer. Nevertheless, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to grant the leave at such a time as the employee may request.
Workers' Compensation Leave A. When an injury is determined to be job related in accordance with Article XII, a regular, limited-term or probationary employee shall be placed on Workers'
Education Leave If required by the Hospital, an employee shall be entitled to leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority and benefits to write examinations to upgrade his or her employment qualifications. Where employees are required by the Hospital to take courses to upgrade or acquire new employment qualifications, the Hospital shall pay the full costs associated with the courses. Subject to operational requirements, the Hospital will make every reasonable effort to grant requests for necessary changes to an employee's schedule to enable attendance at a recognized up-grading course or seminar related to employment with the Hospital."