PROGRESS EVALUATION. Engineer shall, from time to time during the progress of the Engineering Services, confer with County at County’s election. Engineer shall prepare and present such information as may be pertinent and necessary, or as may be reasonably requested by County, in order for County to evaluate features of the Engineering Services. At the request of County or Engineer, conferences shall be provided at Engineer's office, the offices of County, or at other locations designated by County. When requested by County, such conferences shall also include evaluation of the Engineering Services. County may, from time to time, require Engineer to appear and provide information to the Williamson County Commissioners Court. Should County determine that the progress in Engineering Services does not satisfy an applicable Work Authorization or any Supplemental Work Authorization related thereto, then County shall review same with Engineer to determine corrective action required. Engineer shall promptly advise County in writing of events which have or may have a significant impact upon the progress of the Engineering Services, including but not limited to the following:
A. Problems, delays, adverse conditions which may materially affect the ability to meet the objectives of an applicable Work Authorization or any Supplemental Work Authorization related thereto, or preclude the attainment of Project Engineering Services units by established time periods; and such disclosure shall be accompanied by statement of actions taken or contemplated, and County assistance needed to resolve the situation, if any; and
B. Favorable developments or events which enable meeting goals sooner than anticipated in relation to an applicable Work Authorization’s or any Supplemental Work Authorization related thereto.
PROGRESS EVALUATION. A/E shall, from time to time during the progress of the Basic Services and, when applicable, progress of Additional Services, confer with County at County’s election. A/E shall prepare and present such information as may be pertinent and necessary, or as may be reasonably requested by County, in order for County to evaluate features of the Basic Services and any applicable Additional Services. At the request of County or A/E, conferences shall be provided at A/E's office, the offices of County, or at other locations designated by County. When requested by County, such conferences shall also include evaluation of the Basic Services and any applicable Additional Services. County may, from time to time, require A/E to appear and provide information to the Williamson County Commissioners Court. Should County determine that the progress in Basic Services or any applicable Additional Services does not satisfy the terms of this Agreement, then County shall review same with A/E to determine corrective action required. A/E shall promptly advise County in writing of events which have or may have a significant impact upon the progress of the Basic Services and any applicable Additional Services, including but not limited to the following:
11.1 Problems, delays, adverse conditions which may materially affect the ability to meet the objectives of this Agreement or preclude the attainment of Project Basic Services and any applicable Additional Services by established time periods; and such disclosure shall be accompanied by statement of actions taken or contemplated, and County assistance needed to resolve the situation, if any; and
11.2 Favorable developments or events which enable meeting goals sooner than anticipated in relation to this Agreement or any applicable Supplemental Agreement.
PROGRESS EVALUATION. The Contractor shall prepare, distribute and be responsible for an Activities and Two Week Look Ahead Schedule updated biweekly to include:
a. The sequences, relationships and type of activities,
b. The duration of activities,
c. The responsibility for activities,
d. Resource availability, e. Labor availability or efficiency,
PROGRESS EVALUATION. A/E shall, from time to time during the progress of the Basic Services, confer with County at County’s election. A/E shall prepare and present such information as may be pertinent and necessary, or as may be reasonably requested by County, in order for County to evaluate features of the Basic Services. At the request of County or A/E, conferences shall be provided at A/E's office, the offices of County, or at other locations designated by County. When requested by County, such conferences shall also include evaluation of the Basic Services. County may, from time to time, require A/E to appear and provide information to the Xxxxxxxxxx County Commissioners Court. Should County determine that the progress in Basic Services does not satisfy the terms of this Agreement then County shall review same with A/E to determine corrective action required. A/E shall promptly advise County in writing of events which have or may have a significant impact upon the progress of the Basic Services, including but not limited to the following:
11.1 Problems, delays, adverse conditions which may materially affect the ability to meet the objectives of this Agreement or preclude the attainment of Project Basic Services by established time periods; and such disclosure shall be accompanied by statement of actions taken or contemplated, and County assistance needed to resolve the situation, if any; and
11.2 Favorable developments or events which enable meeting goals sooner than anticipated in relation to this Agreement.
PROGRESS EVALUATION. CPP updates and evaluations of progress will be reviewed with each inmate quarterly out-of-cell, except that in PIMS IV, evaluation of progress will be reviewed with each inmate monthly out-of-cell. One of these reviews may be conducted with the Program Management Team and/or the ORC in conjunction with the inmate’s regularly scheduled case plan review.
PROGRESS EVALUATION. Surveyor shall, from time to time during the progress of the Surveying Services, confer with County at County’s election. Surveyor shall prepare and present such information as may be pertinent and necessary, or as may be reasonably requested by County, in order for County to evaluate features of the Surveying Services. At the request of County or Surveyor, conferences shall be provided at Surveyor's office, the offices of County, or at other locations designated by County. When requested by County, such conferences shall also include evaluation of the Surveying Services. County may, from time to time, require Surveyor to appear and provide information to the Xxxxxxxxxx County Commissioners Court. Should County determine that the progress in Surveying Services does not satisfy an applicable Work Authorization or any Supplemental Work Authorization related thereto, then County shall review same with Surveyor to determine corrective action required. Surveyor shall promptly advise County in writing of events which have or may have a significant impact upon the progress of the Surveying Services, including but not limited to the following:
A. Problems, delays, adverse conditions which may materially affect the ability to meet the objectives of an applicable Work Authorization or any Supplemental Work Authorization related thereto, or preclude the attainment of Project Surveying Services units by established time periods; and such disclosure shall be accompanied by statement of actions taken or contemplated, and County assistance needed to resolve the situation, if any; and
B. Favorable developments or events which enable meeting goals sooner than anticipated in relation to an applicable Work Authorization’s or any Supplemental Work Authorization related thereto.
PROGRESS EVALUATION. Evaluation of successful progress through the Instrument Repairman Apprentice Program consists of two criteria. The first is academic achievement evaluated by tests and exams. The second is hourly recommended OJT as stated in Section IV of this document. Periodic tests and reviews will be held for the purpose of evaluating overall progress and determining success within the program. If academic progress becomes unsatisfactory, below the minimum level of 70%, the Xxxxxxx/instructor will review performance and recommend steps for remediation. It is recognized that it may not be possible to attain the scheduled OJT hours due to plant evolutions or training availability in a particular area. Should the Apprentice fail to complete the scheduled hours, they may be made up at a later date. Satisfactory completion of the Apprentice Program requires completing the total OJT hours as shown in Section V.B., General Program Schedule. After a failure of a test or exam, line supervision will be notified, and the Apprentice shall be offered remediation and allowed to retake the test. Two additional tests shall be allowed at line supervision discretion. Academic failure will be addressed per XXxXX F of the Company-Union Agreement, Master Apprenticeship Agreement. The above shall also apply to hourly requirements of OJT given in conjunction with academic training. Records of progress will be kept and reviewed as part of the evaluation process. If an Apprentice does not maintain an acceptable academic work and OJT level, notice shall be given to the Union's Business Representative or their designee. Progress to the next higher wage step, or demotion, shall be in accordance with Paragraphs F3, 4, 5, and 6 of the Master Apprenticeship Agreement. An Apprentice shall not be held back from the next higher wage step because the necessary academic training was not provided prior to one of these steps.
PROGRESS EVALUATION. Progress will be evaluated by MDOT at the time of the monthly progress estimate relative to the current Section Schedule. Actual progress shall be considered unsatisfactory if any one of the following conditions occurs: • the actual total earnings to date percentage for Work completed, based on progress payment estimate, falls behind the planned cumulative late dates earnings percentage. Payments for stored materials, materials on hand, or adjustments (asphalt, fuel, etc.) shall not be included in the actual progress earnings; • the calculated completion date of an interim milestone is later than the specified completion date by more than 30 days; or • the calculated Section completion date more than 60 days later than specified date.
PROGRESS EVALUATION. Progress on individual categories shall be discussed with the employee and documented by memo. An immediate supervisor may conduct a progress evaluation utilizing the evaluation form only when an employee has received a less than "Meets Standards" on the overall rating. Progress evaluations shall be limited to no more than twice per year unless monitored by a third party appointed by the Assistant Chancellor, Human Resources. The evaluating supervisor/manager must provide the employee with an action plan that outlines improvements needed and reasonable time lines for improvement.
PROGRESS EVALUATION. Progress on all work packages is reviewed three times a year by the PMC (for meeting details see C1). Progress in terms of new membership and increase in size of the European birth population covered by surveillance is described in section A1.