Final Design Construction Plans. Upon acceptance of preliminary plans by the City, the Engineer shall prepare final plans. Final plans shall be consistent with previous sections, be at minimum 90% complete, and shall include:
1. Right-of-way plans and documents.
2. Construction plans.
3. Bid proposal.
Final Design Construction Plans. Engineer shall submit final design construction plans for review and approval by the City. Engineer shall prepare final design construction plans at a horizontal scale of 1"=20' and a vertical scale of 1"=5' (horizontal scale of 1"=40' and a vertical scale of 1"=4' may be used with prior permission by the City) on 22" x 34" sheets (each sheet shall be sealed, dated, and signed by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas), specifications and special provisions and abutting property attachment. Final design construction plans shall include the following:
1. Standard City title page with location map and revision block in the lower right corner showing date of revision, description of revision and initials of the revisor.
2. Plan and profile sheets of water and/or sanitary sewer improvements incorporating existing improvements as outlined in Sections III.A. and III.D. (A breakdown of the pay quantities shall be indicated for each plan and profile sheet. The breakdown may be shown on a summary of quantities sheet or may be indicated on the individual plan profile sheets.)
3. Detail and standard sheets.
4. Proposals, final opinion of probable cost, special provisions and specifications and contract document booklet.
5. All plans, documents, provisions, specifications, attachments and correspondence that leave Engineer’s office shall be dated.
6. Street addresses and legal description.
7. Provide Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan including provisions for erosion control and waste management for compliance with the Clean Water Act.
8. Provide the final design construction plans on a CD with the formats as listed below. (Rev. 10/2014) • The AutoCad 2012 files, including survey • The Black and White Drawings (bi-tonal/single bit) o 300 DPI Tiff o CCITT Group 4 compression • Color or Grey Scale o 300 DPI Tiff o LZW compression
Final Design Construction Plans. Engineer shall submit final design construction plans for review and approval by the City. Engineer shall prepare final design construction plans at a horizontal scale of 1"=20' and a vertical scale of 1"=5' (horizontal scale of 1"=40' and a vertical scale of 1"=4' may be used with prior permission by the City) on 22" x 34" sheets (each sheet shall be sealed, dated, and signed by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas), specifications and special provisions and abutting property attachment. Final design construction plans shall include the following:
1. Standard City title page with location map and revision block in the lower right corner showing date of revision, description of revision and initials of the revisor.
2. Plan and profile sheets of water and/or sanitary sewer improvements incorporating existing improvements as outlined in Sections III.A. and III.D. (A breakdown of the pay quantities shall be indicated for each plan and profile sheet. The breakdown may be shown on a summary of quantities sheet or may be indicated on the individual plan profile sheets.)
3. Detail and standard sheets.
4. Proposals, final opinion of probable cost, special provisions and specifications and contract document booklet.
5. All plans, documents, provisions, specifications, attachments and correspondence that leaves Engineer’s office shall be dated.
6. Street addresses and legal description.
Final Design Construction Plans. Engineer shall submit final design construction plans for review and approval by the Cityon 22" x 34" sheets (each sheet shall be sealed, dated, and signed by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas). Final design construction plans shall include the following:
1. Standard City title page with location map and revision block in the lower right corner showing date of revision, description of revision, and initials of the revisor.
2. Plan and profile sheets of water treatment improvements incorporating existing improvements as outlined in Sections III.A. and III.D.
3. Detail and standard sheets.
4. Proposals, final opinion of probable cost, special provisions and specifications and contract document booklet.
5. All plans, documents, provisions, specifications, attachments and correspondence that leave Engineer’s office shall be dated.
6. Provide Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan including provisions for erosion control and waste management for compliance with the Clean Water Act.
7. Provide the final design construction plans on a CD with the formats as listed below. (Rev. 10/2014) • The AutoCad 2012 files, including survey • The Black and White Drawings (bi-tonal/single bit) o 300 DPI Tiff o CCITT Group 4 compression • Color or Grey Scale o 300 DPI Tiff o LZW compression
Final Design Construction Plans. After the City has reviewed the Preliminary Design Plans and provided comments, the Engineer shall prepare Final Design / Construction Plans by addressing all City comments and finalizing the design details, standard drawings, specifications and cost estimate.
Final Design Construction Plans. Engineer shall submit final design construction plans for review and approval by the City on 22" x 34" sheets (each sheet shall be sealed, dated, and signed by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas). Final design construction plans shall include the following:
1. Standard City title page with location map and revision block in the lower right corner showing date of revision, description of revision and initials of the reviser.
2. Plan and profile sheets of water treatment improvements incorporating existing improvements as outlined in Sections III.A. and III.D. (A breakdown of the pay quantities shall be indicated for each plan and profile sheet. The breakdown may be shown on a summary of quantities sheet or may be indicated on the individual plan profile sheets.)
3. Detail and standard sheets.
4. Proposals, final opinion of probable cost, special provisions and specifications and contract document booklet.
5. All plans, documents, provisions, specifications, attachments and correspondence that leave Engineer’s office shall be dated.
6. Provide the final design construction plans on a CD with the formats as listed below. (Rev. 10/2014) The AutoCAD 2012 files, including survey The Black and White Drawings (bi-tonal/single bit) o 300 DPI Tiff o CCITT Group 4 compression Color or Grey Scale o 300 DPI Tiff o LZW compression
Final Design Construction Plans. Engineer shall submit final design construction plans for review and approval by the City on 22"x 34" sheets (each sheet shall be sealed, dated, and signed by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas). Final design construction plans shall include the following:
1. Standard City title page with location map and revision block in the lower right corner showing date of revision, description of revision and initials of the reviser.
2. Detail and standard sheets.
3. Final opinion of probable cost, special provisions and specifications and contract document booklet.
4. All plans, documents, provisions, specifications, attachments and correspondence that leave Engineer’s office shall be dated.
5. Provide the final design construction plans on a CD with the formats as listed below. (Rev. 10/2014) • The AutoCAD 2012 files • The Black and White Drawings (bi-tonal/single bit) o 300 DPI Tiff o CCITT Group 4 compression • Color or Grey Scale o 300 DPI Tiff o LZW compression
Final Design Construction Plans. Engineer shall submit final design construction plans for review and approval by the City. Engineer shall prepare final design construction plans at a horizontal scale of 1"= 20′ and a vertical scale of 1"=4' (horizontal scale of 1"= 40′ and a vertical scale of 1"=4′ may be used with prior permission by the City) on 24" x 36" sheets (each sheet shall be sealed, dated, and signed by a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Texas), specifications and special provisions. Final design construction plans shall include the following:
1. Standard City title page with location map and revision block in the lower right corner showing date of revision, description of revision and initials of the revisor.
2. Plan and profile sheets of sanitary sewer improvements incorporating existing facilities as outlined in Sections III.B, III.F and III.G.
3. Detail, standard sheets, and special detail sheets include sheets pertaining to area locations, general notes, technical provisions, trench and excavation safety, typical barricade plans and other incidental items.
Final Design Construction Plans. Upon acceptance of preliminary plans by City, Engineer shall prepare final plans at a horizontal scale of 1” = 100’ and a vertical scale of 1” = 10’ on 11” x 17” sheets. Final plans shall contain all information and requirements of the preliminaryplans and shall incorporate comments from City and utility companies. Engineer shall also prepare contract documents, specifications, and special provisions. In addition, the following shall be submitted:
a. Standard City title page with location map and revision block in the lower right corner showing date of revision, description of revision and initials of the engineer authorizing the revision.
b. All requirements of Section II.B.1
c. Storm sewer improvement plan and profile sheets (as needed).
d. Detail and standard sheets for all elements of the Project.
e. Special provisions and specifications.
f. Final right-of-way plans or easements as required in Section III.D.
g. An opinion of probable cost based upon the items and quantities listed in the proposal in the contract documents. This estimate shall be based on current unit prices bid on similar projects.
h. A utility “Time for Relocation” report stating the status of utility relocations and time required for each utility companyto clear its facilities for the project.
i. Street addresses of all properties adjacent to the Project.
j. Plan sheets for traffic signals, and signs and pavement markings as required by this contract.
k. Water and/or sanitary sewer adjustment sheets (as needed).
l. The Engineer shall use Geopak to generate preliminary cross-sections every 100 feet and at culvert locations in conjunction with the Geometric Schematic. The Engineer shall determine earthwork volumes for use in the cost estimate and shall prepare 11”x17” or roll plots of the cross-sections.
Final Design Construction Plans. Upon acceptance of preliminary plans by City, Engineer shall prepare final plans at a horizontal scale of 1” = 20’ and a vertical scale of 1” = 5’ on ANSI D(22” x 34”) sheets. Final plans shall contain all information and requirements of the preliminary plans and shall incorporate comments from City and utility companies. Engineer shall also prepare contract documents, specifications, and special provisions. In addition, the following shall be submitted:
a. All Preliminary Construction Plan requirements
b. Standard City title page with location map and revision block in the lower right corner showing date of revision, description of revision and initials of the engineer authorizing the revision.
c. Bid documents including proposal forms, special provisions, specifications, contract documents, and permit applications.
d. Applicable details and construction standards for all elements of the project.
e. An opinion of probable cost based on the items and quantities listed in the proposal in the contract documents. This estimate shall be based on current unit prices bid on similar projects.
f. Street addresses of all properties adjacent to the Project.
g. Structural details for proposed non-standard appurtenances.
h. A “Time of Relocation” schedule containing the estimated time for each utility company with facilities impacted by the Project to relocate the facilities if necessary
i. Items excluded from the Engineer’s work
(a) Detailed traffic control plans (traffic control standards included)
(b) Railroad crossing permit applications
(c) Transient modeling of water line (Surge Analysis)