Financial Disclosure and conflict of interest. Upon Sponsor’s or Quintiles’ request, Institution agrees that, for each listed or identified investigator or sub-investigator who is directly involved in the treatment or evaluation of Study Subjects, Investigator shall promptly return to Quintiles a financial and conflict of interest disclosure form that has been completed and signed by such investigator or sub-investigator, which shall disclose any applicable interests held by those investigators or sub-investigators or their spouses or dependent children. Quintiles may withhold payments if it does not receive a completed form from each such investigator and sub-investigator. Investigator shall ensure that all such forms are promptly updated as needed to maintain their accuracy and completeness during the Study and for one (1) year after Study completion. Institution agrees that the completed forms may be subject to review by governmental or regulatory agencies, Sponsor, Quintiles, and their agents, and the Institution consents to such review. This Section 11 “Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest” shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.
Financial Disclosure and conflict of interest. Upon Sponsor’s request, Site agrees that, for each listed or identified investigator or sub-investigator who is directly involved in the treatment or evaluation of Study Subjects, Investigator shall promptly return to Sponsor a financial and conflict of interest disclosure form that has been completed and signed by such investigator or sub-investigator, which shall disclose any applicable interests held by those investigators or sub- investigators or their spouses or dependent children. Sponsor may request that Quintiles withhold payments if it does not prohlašuje a potvrzuje, že ani Poskytovatel, ani Zkoušející ani nikdo ze zaměstnanců, zástupců Poskytovatele či jakákoli jiná osoba, která se podílí na výkonu Studie u Poskytovatele, nebyla zbavena příslušného oprávnění, nebyla jí uložena sankce zákazu výkonu činnosti klinických hodnocení a dále, že kterýkoli z těchto subjektů není vyšetřován jakoukoli kontrolní institucí, kdy výsledkem takového xxxxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxx xxx uložení sankce zákazu výkonu činnosti či odebrání oprávnění, a to v kterémkoli státě, a Místo provádění klinického hodnocení se dále zavazuje neprodleně vyrozumět Zadavatele v případě, že dojde k takovému vyšetřování, diskvalifikaci, uložení sankce zákazu výkonu činnosti nebo k odejmutí oprávnění k výkonu klinického hodnocení. Tento Článek 10 "Vyloučení" zůstane v platnosti po ukončení nebo uplynutí doby trvání této Smlouvy.
Financial Disclosure and conflict of interest. Upon Sponsor’s or IQVIA’s request, Site agrees that, for each listed or identified Study Staff who is directly involved in the treatment or evaluation of Study Subjects, Investigator shall promptly return to IQVIA a financial and conflict of interest disclosure form that has been completed and signed by such investigator or sub-investigator, which shall disclose any applicable interests held by those investigators or sub-investigators or their spouses or dependent children. IQVIA may withhold payments if it does not receive a completed form from each Místo provádění klinického hodnocení prohlašuje a potvrzuje, že ani Zdravotnické zařízení, ani Zkoušející, ani kterýkoli ze zaměstnanců, zástupců Zdravotnického zařízení či jakákoli xxxx xxxxx, která se podílí na výkonu Studie ve Zdravotnickém zařízení, nebyla zbavena příslušného oprávnění, nebyla jí uložena sankce zákazu výkonu činnosti klinických hodnocení a dále, že, pokud je xxx známo, kterýkoli z těchto subjektů není vyšetřován jakoukoli kontrolní institucí, kdy výsledkem takového šetření či řízení může být uložení sankce zákazu výkonu činnosti či odebrání oprávnění, a to v kterémkoli státě, a Místo provádění klinického hodnocení xx xxxx zavazuje neprodleně vyrozumět IQVIA v případě, že se dozví o takovém vyšetřování, diskvalifikaci, uložení sankce zákazu výkonu činnosti nebo k odejmutí oprávnění k výkonu klinického hodnocení. Tento Článek 10 „Vyloučení“ zůstane v platnosti po ukončení nebo uplynutí xxxx trvání této Smlouvy.
Financial Disclosure and conflict of interest. Upon Sponsor’s or IQVIA’ request, Site agrees that, for each investigator or sub- investigator who is directly involved in the treatment or evaluation of Study Subjects, Investigator and for any other Study Staff as requested, shall promptly return to Sponsor or IQVIA a financial and conflict of interest disclosure form that has been completed and signed by such investigator or sub-investigator of Study Staff, which shall disclose any applicable interests held by those individuals or their spouses or dependent children. Sponsor or IQVIA may withhold payments if it does not receive a completed form from each such person. Investigator shall ensure that all such forms are promptly updated as needed to maintain their accuracy and completeness during the Study and for one (1) year after Study completion. Site agrees that the completed forms may be subject to review by Government or Authorities, Sponsor, IQVIA, and their agents, and the Site consents to such review. The Investigator further consents to the transfer of his/her financial disclosure vyšetšování, diskvalifikaci, uložení sankce zákazu výkonu činnosti nebo k odejmutí oprávnení k výkonu klinického hodnocení. Tento Článek 10 „Vyloučení“ zůstane v platnosti po ukončení nebo uplynutí doby trvání této Smlouvy.
Financial Disclosure and conflict of interest. Upon Sponsor’s or IQVIA’s request, Provider agrees that, for each listed or identified investigator or sub-investigator who is directly involved in the treatment or evaluation of Study Subjects, Investigator shall promptly return to IQVIA a financial and conflict of interest disclosure form that has been completed and signed by such investigator or sub-investigator, which shall disclose any applicable interests held by those investigators or sub- investigators or their spouses or dependent children. IQVIA may withhold payments if it does not receive a completed form from each such investigator and sub-investigator. Investigator shall ensure that all such forms are promptly updated as needed to maintain their accuracy and completeness during the Study and for one (1) year after Study completion. Provider agrees that the completed forms may be subject to review by governmental or regulatory agencies, Sponsor, IQVIA, and their agents, and the Provider consents to such review. This Section 11 “Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest” shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.
Financial Disclosure and conflict of interest. I affirm that I have no financial affiliation (including research funding) or involvement with any commercial organization that has a direct financial interest in any matter included in this manuscript, except as disclosed in an attachment and cited in the manuscript. Any other conflict of interest (ie, personal associations or involvement as a director, officer, or expert witness) is also disclosed in an attachment.
Financial Disclosure and conflict of interest. NSABP shall collect financial disclosure statements from each Investigator sufficient to allow Antigen Express to submit complete and accurate certification or disclosure statements required under 21 CFR Part 54. In the event Antigen Express decides to file the results and Antigen Express Study Data with the FDA and/or another health authority in support of a marketing authorization, NSABP will reasonably assist Antigen Express in meeting its certification and disclosure obligations including, without limitation, by providing Antigen Express with the financial disclosure statements and assisting Antigen Express in collecting any missing information from Investigators.
Financial Disclosure and conflict of interest. Upon Sponsor’s or IQVIA’s request, Site agrees that, for each listed or identified investigator or sub-investigator who is directly involved in the treatment or evaluation of Study Subjects, Investigator shall promptly return to IQVIA a financial and conflict of interest disclosure form that has been completed and signed by such investigator or sub-investigator, which shall disclose any applicable interests held by those investigators or sub-investigators or their spouses or dependent children. IQVIA may withhold payments if it does not receive a completed form from each such investigator and sub-investigator. Investigator shall ensure that all such forms are promptly updated as needed to maintain their accuracy and completeness during the Study and for one (1) year after Study completion. Site agrees that the completed forms may be subject to review by governmental or Tento Článek 10 „Vyloučení“ zůstane v platnosti po ukončení nebo uplynutí doby trvání této Smlouvy.
Financial Disclosure and conflict of interest. Upon Sponsor’s or Quintiles’ request, Site agrees that, for each listed or identified investigator or sub-investigator who is directly involved in the treatment or evaluation of Study Subjects, Investigator shall promptly return to Quintiles a financial Místo provádění klinického hodnocení prohlašuje a potvrzuje, že ani Zdravotnické zařízení, ani Zkoušející, ani kterýkoli ze zaměstnanců, zástupců Zdravotnického zařízení či jakákoli jiná osoba, která se podílí na výkonu Studie ve Zdravotnickém zařízení, nebyla zbavena příslušného oprávnění, nebyla jí uložena sankce zákazu výkonu činnosti klinických hodnocení a dále, že kterýkoli z těchto subjektů není vyšetřován jakoukoli kontrolní institucí, kdy výsledkem takového xxxxxxx xx xxxxxx xxxx xxx uložení sankce zákazu výkonu činnosti či odebrání oprávnění, a to v kterémkoli státě, a Místo provádění klinického hodnocení se dále zavazuje neprodleně vyrozumět Quintiles v případě, že dojde k takovému vyšetřování, diskvalifikaci, uložení sankce zákazu výkonu činnosti nebo k odejmutí oprávnění k výkonu klinického hodnocení. Tento Článek 10 "Vyloučení" zůstane v platnosti po ukončení nebo uplynutí doby trvání této Smlouvy.
Financial Disclosure and conflict of interest. Upon Sponsor’s or Quintiles’ request, Site agrees that, for each listed or identified investigator or sub-investigator who is directly involved in the treatment or evaluation of Study Subjects, Investigator shall promptly return to Quintiles a financial and conflict of interest disclosure form that has been completed and signed by such investigator or sub-investigator, which shall disclose any applicable interests held by those investigators or sub-investigators or their spouses or dependent children. Quintiles may withhold payments if it does not receive a completed form from each such investigator and sub-investigator. Investigator shall ensure that all such forms are promptly updated as needed to maintain their accuracy and completeness during the Study and for one (1) year after Study completion. Site agrees that the completed forms may be subject to review by governmental or regulatory agencies, Sponsor, Quintiles, and their agents, and the Site consents to such review. The Investigator further consents to the transfer of his/her financial disclosure data to the Sponsor’s country of origin and to the U.S., even though data protection may not exist or be as developed in those countries as in the Site’s own country. This Section 11 “Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest” shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.