Force Majeure 9. 不 可 抗 力 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Company shall not be liable for any delay, interruption or default in the performance of obligations hereunder if such delay, interruption or default is caused by conditions beyond its control and occurring without its fault or negligence including but not limited to Acts of God, Government restrictions (including the denial or cancellation of the necessary licence), wars (whether declared or not), insurrections, exchange or market rulings, suspension of trading, extreme market volatility or trading volumes, failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines, telephone or other communication problems, unauthorised access, theft, severe weather, earthquakes and strikes and/or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Company whose performance is affected., wholly or substantially, by such event or circumstance of Force Majeure 即使本協議另有任何其他條文規定,倘任何延遲、中斷或未能履行本協議項下的責任是全部或絕大部分非由本公司所能控制且在其並無犯錯或疏忽的情況下發生的情況(包括但不限於天災、政府限制(包括拒絕或註銷所需牌照)、戰爭(不論已宣戰與否)、暴動、外匯或市場裁定、暫停買賣、市場極度反覆或成交量極端、電子或機械設備或通訊連繫失靈、電話或其他通訊問題、未經授權存取、盜竊、惡劣天氣、地震及罷工) 及/或非表現受影響的本公司所能合理控制的任何其他原因所導致,則本公司應對有關不可抗力事件或情況引致的有關延遲、中斷或違責毋須負責。
Force Majeure 9. The Agency shall inform OCHA of any unforeseen event beyond its control that makes the performance of obligations under this Agreement impossible in whole or in part, and the parties to this Agreement shall henceforth decide what arrangements, if any, shall be made to further implement or terminate the Agreement. 10. In the event of, and as soon as possible after the occurrence of, any cause constituting force majeure, the Agency shall give written and detailed notice to OCHA of such occurrence or change if the Agency is thereby rendered unable, wholly or in part, to perform its obligations and meet its responsibilities under this Agreement. The parties to this Agreement shall consult on the appropriate action to be taken, which may include termination of the Agreement, with either OCHA or the Agency, giving to the other at least seven days written notice of such termination Article VII.
Force Majeure 9. Обстоятельства непреодолимой силы
Force Majeure 9. Форс-мажор
Force Majeure 9. 1. For the purposes of this Agreement, force majeure means an occurrence beyond the reasonable control of the party claiming force majeure which it could not reasonably have avoided or overcome and which makes it impossible for it to perform its obligations hereunder, including, but without limitation, due to the failure of communications or computer systems. 9.2. If a party is fully or partly prevented due to force majeure from performing its obligations in the terms of this Agreement and such party complies with the requirements of this clause, no breach or default on the party of such party shall be deemed to have occurred and, it shall be released from those obligations for the period of time and to the extent that such force majeure prevents its performance and the obligations related to the other party will also be released to such extent. No obligation to pay damages will then accrue 9.3. Both parties shall inform each other of the occurrence of force majeure as well as of its end without delay and send all commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of force majeure 10. Assignment 10.1. Both parties may relinquish this Agreement, with the prior consent of the other party, which may not be unreasonably withheld: 10.2. [Local Good] may transfer this Agreement to a new service provider without the previous written consent of the Registrant. If no new service provider has been appointed, [Local Good] can terminate this Agreement by providing no less than six (6) months' notice and the Registrant shall have the right to receive a refund of fees paid under this Agreement for any party of the services that have been paid for but have not been effectively provided. 11. Amendments 11.1 [Local Good] is able to change this Agreement terms. Any unilateral changes to this Agreement made by [Local Good] will be notified to the Registrant in writing (including email) not less than 90 days prior to becoming effective. 11.2. Both parties confirm that: (a) The Code Subsidiary Document 05 (Change Management) applies to this Agreement (as such may be amended by Evident Ev Limited any time); and (b) Will forward your best efforts to amend this Agreement if such amendment is necessary, required or desirable (in the reasonable opinion of either party) due to operational, legal or compliance reasons. 12. Fees and Charges 12.1. Fees and Charges shall be calculated in accordance with the Fees and Charges defined in Preamble. Fees and Charges will be updated. 13....
Force Majeure 9. 4.1 We retain the discretion to determine the existence of an emergency or exceptional market condition, constituting a 'Force Majeure Event.' A force majeure event may include, but is not restricted to, the following: i. Any act, event, or incident, such as disturbances, strikes, riots, civil unrest, work stoppages due to government orders, or the outbreak of an epidemic, disruptions in power supply, or failure of electronic or communication equipment, which, in our judgment, impedes our ability to maintain an orderly market in one or more of the assets related to our contractual engagements. ii. The suspension or closure of any market, the abandonment or failure of any event upon which we base our quotes, or the imposition of limits, special terms, or unusual conditions on trading in such markets or events iii. The occurrence of excessive movements in the level of any commodity contract or underlying market, or our reasonable anticipation of such movements. 9.4.2 If we determine that a force majeure event exists, we shall not be held liable for any delay, partial or complete non-performance, or non- performance of our obligations under these terms due to force majeure. We may, at our ةيبيرضلا راثلآا 9.2 راثآ يأ نع ةيلوؤسم يأ لمحتن نل ،رصحلا لا لاثملا ليبس ىلع .فورظلا نع رظنلا ضغب ،ةقفص يأ نع أشنت ةيبلس ةيبيرضقوسلا يف ترا يغتلا 9.3 وأ ريخأت يأ نع ةيلوؤسملا لمحتن نل ،رصحلا لا لاثملا ليبس ىلع تاميلعتلا ىلع رثؤت دق يتلا قوسلا فورظ يف ترا ييغت .ةقفصلاب ةقلعتملاةرهاقلا ةوقلا 9.4 وأ ةئراط ةلاح دوجو ديدحتل ةيريدقتلا ةطلسلاب ظفتحن نحن 9.4.1 لمشي دق ."ةرهاق ةوق ثدح" لكشت يتلاو ،قوسلا يف ةيئانثتسا :يلي ام ،رصحلا لا لاثملا ليبس ىلع ،ةرهاقلا ةوقلا ثدح لامعأ وأ تابرا ضلإا لثم ،ثداح وأ ثدح وأ لعف يأ )1( ببسب لمعلا فقوت وأ ةيندملا تابرا طضلاا وأ بغشلا تادادمإ عاطقنا وأ ،ءابو يشفت وأ ،ةموكحلا رماوأ تادعم وأ ةينورتكللإا تادعملا لشف وأ ،ةقاطلا ىلع ظافحلا ىلع انتردق قيعي ،انيرأ يف يتلا ،تلااصتلاا ةقلعتملا لوصلأا نم رثكأ وأ دحاو يف مظنم قوس .ةيدقاعتلا انتاطابتراب يأ لشف وأ نع يلختلا وأ ،قوس يأ قلاغإ وأ قيلعت )2( طورش وأ دودح ضرف وأ ،انراعسأ هيلع ينبن ثدح هذه لثم يف لوادتلا ىلع ةيداع ريغ طورش وأ ةصاخ .ثادحلأا وأ قاوسلأا وأ ةعلس دقع يأ ىوتسم يف ةطرفم تاكرحت ثودح )3( .تاكرحلا هذه لثمل لوقعملا انعقوت وأ ،ةيساسأ قوس يأ نع ةيلوؤسملا لمحتن نلف ،ةرهاق ةوق ثدح دوجو انررق اذإ 9.4.2 انتامزا تلا ءادأ مدع وأ ،لماك وأ يئزج ءادأ مدع وأ ريخأت اقًفو ،انل زوجي .ةرهاقلا ةوقلا ببسب طورشلا هذه بجومب
Force Majeure 9. Article 10.
Force Majeure 9. Vyšší moc Neither party shall be deemed in default of this Agreement to the extent that performance of its obligations or attempts to cure any breach are delayed or prevented by reason of any act of God, fire, natural disaster, accident, act of government, labor difficulty, sabotage, failure of suppliers or subcontractors or unavailability of material or supplies or any other cause beyond the control of such party ("Force Majeure"), provided that such party gives the other party written notice thereof promptly and in any event, within fifteen (15) days of discovery thereof. In the event of such a Force Majeure, the time for performance or cure shall be extended for a period equal to the duration of the Force Majeure but not in excess of six (6) months. Žádná ze stran nebude považována za neplnící tuto smlouvu v rozsahu, ve kterém výkon jejích závazků nebo pokusy o nápravu porušení jsou zpožděny nebo zhaceny z důvodu požáru, přírodní katastrofy, nehody, činnosti vlády, překážky práce, sabotáže, selhání dodavatelů nebo subdodavatelů, nedostupnosti materiálu nebo zásob nebo z jiné příčiny mimo kontrolu této strany („vyšší moc“), pokud tato strana písemně informuje druhou stranu včas a v žádném případě později než patnáct (15) dnů od zjištění zásahu takové vyšší moci. V případě takové vyšší moci bude lhůta pro konání nebo nápravu prodloužena o dobu odpovídající trvání zásahu vyšší moci, ale v žádném případě o více než šest (6) měsíců.
Force Majeure 9. Форс- мажор Neither Party shall be liable in the event that its performance of this Agreement is prevented, or rendered so difficult or expensive as to be commercially impracticable, by reason of labor dispute, unavailability of transportation, goods or services, governmental restrictions or actions, war (declared or undeclared) or other hostilities, or by any other event, condition or cause which is not foreseeable on the effective date of this Agreement and is beyond the reasonable control of the Parties. However, the Party so delayed shall use its best efforts, without obligation to expend substantial amounts not otherwise required under this Agreement, to remove or overcome the cause of delay. Ни одна из Сторон не ответственна за прекращение исполнения договора, либо затруднение его исполнения, либо затраты от его коммерческий не выгоды из - за трудового спора, недоступности транспорта, товаров или услуг, запретов или действий правительства, войны (объявленной или необъявленной) любого другого события, условия или причины, которые не могли быть предусмотрены на дату подписания данного Договора, и которые находились вне возможностей разумного контроля сторон. В то же время, задерживающая Xxxxxxx должна приложить все усилия, без обязанности значительно увеличить суммы, иначе не предусмотренные данным Договором, для того, чтобы удалить или преодолеть причину задержки.
Force Majeure 9. Форс-мажорные события