Fourth Offense. Dismissal.
Fourth Offense. If I violate the use agreement four times, I understand that in addition to losing computing privileges, I will be written up (Violation of Standards of Student Conduct, Form A, from Board Policy 5512), and that form will be sent to either the Xxxx of Student Services or the Vice President, and may result in academic consequences, such as a hold on my record. Initial:
Fourth Offense. Termination
Fourth Offense. If, after revocation pursuant to section iii above, Operator commits a fourth offense, Permit shall be immediately revoked a second time for a period of two (2) years. Operator may reapply for a Permit after the two (2) year period. The above terms may be subject to change without notice in the event of increased security measures directed by federal and/or local authorities. Print Name Print Name Signature Signature Date Date Name: Email: Phone: Date of Request:
1. The vehicle that I will operate at the Airport requires a City inspection. Yes No Initials
2. The vehicle that I will operate at the Airport requires and City license/permit in order to be allowed to operate in the City of Duluth. Yes No Initials
a. I have the City permit/license displayed in my vehicle Initials:
3. If yes, attach a copy of the current City permit/license. Initials 4. I will advise DAA within 24 hours if my license is revoked or suspended for any reason. Initials
5. I acknowledge that the dress code for all drivers operating outbound vehicles with customers will be professional and clean. Initials
6. I will greet passengers and assist them with the storage of luggage. Initials:
7. I will not use offensive language in the presence of customers and will treat all customers with professional courtesy. Initials:
8. My vehicle will be kept clean when being used for passenger pick-ups from the Airport. “Clean” shall include having the seats clear of debris and paper, the floors clean, and no personal effects posted in the interior. Exterior clean and free of rust. Initials
Fourth Offense. Permanent removal from the bus for the re- mainder of the year.
Fourth Offense. Denial of bus privileges for up to five days, depending on the maturity of the student and the severity of the offense. Parent will be notified.
Fourth Offense. Upon repetition of the same offense, the employee shall receive either a suspension of more than three (3) days or termination.
Fourth Offense. The employee shall be subject to discharge. If discharged, the employee shall be notified of the termination and be given a written termination notice in the presence of a union xxxxxxx or union agent. The Commission reserves the right to invoke summary discharge without prior warning for the most serious offenses; however, should the Commission invoke summary discharge, the burden of proof will be on the Commission to show with clear and convincing evidence that the seriousness of the offense outweighed the obligation to apply the provisions of the above discipline procedure.
Fourth Offense. Within eighteen (18) months of the first offense, automatic termination and deemed to be an automatic resignation from employment by the employee.
Fourth Offense. In the event CONTRACTOR commits a fourth (4th) violation, YEMSA will issue a violation citation and notice of intent to suspend. YEMSA will levy a fine of five thousand dollars ($5,000).