Serious Offenses Sample Clauses
Serious Offenses. Where necessary for the safety of students and/or staff, bargaining unit members accused of serious offenses may be placed on paid administrative leave or reassigned with pay pending investigation. Investigations should ordinarily be completed within two weeks, but the Parties acknowledge that investigations into the conduct of bargaining unit members who have been placed on paid administrative leave or reassigned may take longer than two weeks depending upon the circumstances involved. If such extra time is required, the Employer shall notify the Union within two weeks of the start of the investigation. In the event that the bargaining unit member who has been reassigned refuses to cooperate with the investigation the Employer shall have the right to place the bargaining unit member on unpaid suspension until such time as the investigation is complete.
Serious Offenses. The term “serious offenses” shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
A. Disciplinary action will be reprimand to discharge for the following serious offenses: Falsification of personnel or other records Falsifying time cards of his/her or other employees Possessing concealed, unauthorized weapons or explosives on College property Fighting on College property at any time Making false, vicious or malicious statements about any employee or supervisor Conduct unbecoming a College employee Insubordination (except in cases where the supervisor’s order would cause the employee to commit an unsafe or illegal act) Drinking or using illegal drugs on the job. Reporting for work under the influence of alcohol or drugs Absence without reasonable cause Deliberate violation of an established safety practice or rule
B. Disciplinary action will be a voluntary quit for the following serious offenses: Absence of three (3) continuous working days without properly notifying supervisory personnel Failure to report to work at the termination of a leave of absence
C. Disciplinary action will be an automatic discharge for the following serious offense: Theft Sleeping on the job during working hours
D. Disciplinary action will be a one (1) week suspension up to discharge for the following serious offense: Immoral conduct or indecency
E. Disciplinary action will be a reprimand up to three (3) week suspension up to discharge for the following serious offense: Leave job assignment during working hours without permission
F. Disciplinary action will be warning to discharge for the following serious offense: Excessive absenteeism
1. Initial counseling will be done by the immediate supervisor and/or department head with a Union representative present.
2. Should it be determined that cause for excessive absenteeism is other than work related, a referral may be made through the Human Resources Office for confidential, professional counseling and/or therapy (source to be selected by management).
Serious Offenses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Employee is subject to immediate discharge for proven offenses to include, but not limited to, the following:
a. Drinking or being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances while on duty.
b. Use or possession of unlawful drug stimulants or alcoholic beverages on the job of job site.
c. Refusal to submit to drug or alcohol testing as provided in the Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy as may be required under Article XXVIII of this Agreement.
Serious Offenses. Certain offenses are serious enough to warrant immediate discharge without regard to previous reprimands or discipline. Such serious offenses include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: (a) theft of property of the Employer or fellow employee; (b) damage resulting from negligence or recklessness to the property of the Employer or a fellow employee; (c) insubordination; (d) intoxication, working under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, or the sale, possession or use of alcohol or any controlled substance; (e) falsification of records; (f) fighting; and (g) any conduct endangering the security of any Employer's facility or job site or safety of fellow employees or members of the public.
Serious Offenses. Where necessary for the safety of students and/or staff, bargaining unit members accused of serious offenses may be placed on paid administrative leave or reassigned with pay pending investigation. Investigation conducted by the Employer should ordinarily be completed within two weeks, but the Parties acknowledge that investigations into the conduct of bargaining unit members who have been placed on paid administrative leave or reassigned may take longer than two (2) weeks depending upon the circumstances involved. If such extra time is required, the Employer shall notify the Union prior to the end of the two (2) weeks of the investigation. In the event that the bargaining unit member who has been reassigned refuses to cooperate with the investigation the Employer shall have the right to place the bargaining unit member on unpaid suspension until such time as the investigation is complete. Any warning or other disciplinary action taken under this Section must be in writing and include:
a. A section labeled “employee comments”
b. A section labeled “required corrections to performance,” intended to contain remedial actions to improve the bargaining unit member’s conduct. The Employer has the final decision on the contents and implementation of the remedial actions, if necessary, which shall not result in the bargaining unit member incurring any costs. The Employer shall make a good faith effort to implement such remedial actions.
Serious Offenses. For “serious” offenses (as outlined in the Company’s employee handbook) the Company may elect to discharge immediately. Depending on the nature of the violation and the circumstances, the Company may elect to suspend.
Serious Offenses. Examples of serious offenses that may result in immediate suspension or termination include, but are not limited to, falsification of Employer records, theft, threatened or initiated use of violence, on the job possession of non-prescription drugs or alcohol, reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal non-prescription drugs, duplication of keys, possession of knives with blades exceeding three inches, firearms and explosives, disclosure of terms and conditions of work (with the exception of union sanctioned activities), working for another company while on leave when such work is inconsistent with the purpose of the leave, violation of security requirements and job abandonment. The foregoing list of serious offenses sets forth examples only and is not intended to exclude other serious causes that might result in immediate suspension or termination. The parties recognize that a positive test for the presence of an illegal drug does not, in itself, establish that an employee was under the influence while at work. However, a positive drug test may be presented to corroborate other evidence that an employee may have been under the influence while at work.
Serious Offenses. The following conduct is totally unacceptable in the workplace and will subject the employee to immediate suspension and/or discharge.
Serious Offenses. Any parent, coach or spectator who gets into an altercation with another parent, coach or spectator at a Dayton Metro game will receive a minimum of a five game suspension for a first altercation. These offenses include parent-parent, parent-coach, parent-referee, coach-coach, spectator-spectator. It does not matter who started the altercation. Both parties will be suspended. WALK AWAY if you sense an altercation brewing!!! A second offense and you will be banned from all Dayton Metro games forever. ALL FINAL DECISIONS ARE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE METRO LEAGUE DIRECTOR. Parent Signature Date Player Signature Date and/or managers including the , and all employees, sponsors, NAME (PRINT) SIGNATURE DATE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP As the parent or legal guardian of , I hereby give my consent for emergency medical care prescribed by a duly licensed Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Dentistry. This care may be given under whatever conditions are necessary to preserve the life, limb, or well being of my dependent. (Failure to sign indicates that you do not give consent.) NAME (PRINT) SIGNATURE DATE PHONE: HOME WORK By registering my child to play for the South Dayton Knights (SDK) Basketball Club, I agree to learn the rules of the game as stated by the Dayton Metro and City of Dayton league(s), and agree to comply with the following Parent Code of Conduct:
Serious Offenses. Certain offenses are serious enough to warrant immediate discharge without regard to previous reprimands or discipline. Such serious offenses include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: (1) theft of property of the employer or fellow employee; (2) damage resulting from negligence or recklessness to the property of the Employer or a fellow employee; (3) insubordination; (4) harassment; (5) intoxication, working under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, or the sale, possession or use of alcohol or any controlled substance; (6) falsification of records; (7) dishonesty; (8) fighting; (9) any conduct endangering the security of any Employer's facility or job site or safety of fellow employees or members of the public, and (10) any other violations of standards of conduct (including work rules) which substantiate discharge including, but not limited to the failure to act when there is a duty to do so that results or could result in serious injury or death to responders or the public.