Examples of First Offense in a sentence
Students who breach the policy will be subject to penalties: First offense: you will receive a zero for the assignment with NO opportunity for making it up.
First offense of any infraction listed above may result in a charge of $500, second offence may result in a charge of $750, and third offense may result in charge of $1,000.
First offense: 3 days ISS/OSS Second offense: 5 days ISS/OSSThird offense: 10 days OSS, Recommendation for Alternative Academy.
Possession or use of a cell phone/electronic device during a period when cell phone/electronic device privileges are suspended will be punishable as follows: First offense: The first time a cell phone (or other electronic device) is taken up, the phone or electronic device will be held by the principal or designee.
First offense will cause the athlete to be denied participation in 30% of games, activities, or performances.