DEBRIS Sample Clauses
DEBRIS. Contractor shall be responsible for the prompt removal of all debris which is a result of this contractual service.
DEBRIS. Items and materials broken, destroyed, or displaced by a natural or manmade federally declared disaster. Examples of debris include, but are not limited to, vegetative, construction and demolition debris and personal property.
DEBRIS. Materials resulting from the cutting operation in excess of 12 inches in length or 3 inches in diameter is not allowed to remain on roadway slopes within the treated area, in ditches, or within water courses.
DEBRIS. Remove fallen timber, limbs, and stumps from the slopes, roadway, ditchlines, and culvert inlets.
DEBRIS. 1. Materials resulting from the cutting operation in excess of 300 mm (12 inches) in length or seventy-five (75) mm (3 inches) in diameter is not allowed to remain on roadway, slopes within the treated area, in ditches, or within water courses.
2. Remove limbs and chunks in excess of seventy-five (75) mm (3 inches) in any dimension from the traveled way and shoulders.
3. Materials shall be scattered downslope from the roadbed, outside of the work area and drainages.
DEBRIS. Have ultimate responsibility for cleaning up debris that has blown from buildings under construction within the development until such time as all Improvements have been installed and building occupancy has been granted. The City shall make a reasonable effort to require the contractor responsible for the debris to clean up the debris or to hold the subject property owner who hired the contractor responsible. The Developer and/or subject property owner shall clean up the debris within forty-eight (48) hours after receiving a notice from the City Engineer. If said debris is not cleaned up after notification, the City will do so at the Developer’s and/or subject property owner's expense.
DEBRIS. All trash, litter and debris is removed from within the 100-year high water level of the facility, including fallen trees, limbs and other floatable materials.
DEBRIS. Licensee agrees to continuously and at all times keep that portion of Licensor’s Ditch System, and Right-of-Way and Easement covered by this Agreement, free and clear of all debris, of every kind and nature whatsoever, so that use of the Right-of-Way and Easement and the full and free flow of water in the Ditch System shall not be interfered with at any time, including times of heavy rain or abnormally high water in the ditch caused in any manner whatsoever, and so that no damage can or will result to Licensor, Licensor’s Ditch System, or to the person or property of others by the escape or overflow of water or in any manner whatsoever. Licensee agrees to continuously and at all times take whatever steps are necessary to prevent the escape or overflow of water, in any manner whatsoever, from the structures on Licensee’s Property so that no damage can or will result to Licensor, Licensor’s Ditch System, or to the person or property of others. If the escape or overflow of water causes any damage to Licensor, Licensor’s Ditch System, or to the person or property of others, Licensee agrees that it shall be solely responsible for such damage.
DEBRIS scrap and other materials to be cleared from time to time from the workplace and at the time of closing of work everyday.
DEBRIS. Debris is defined as objects lying on the ground in an area to be mowed that are mostly organic, including, but not limited to: tree limbs less than six inches (6”) in diameter and smaller than six feet (6') in length, tree branches, twigs, hedge clippings and sapling trimmings. One or two broken concrete blocks would qualify as debris, but an abundance of blocks would be the City's responsibility to remove. If the Contractor finds large items such as old tires, concrete blocks, old chairs or sofas, dead car batteries, etc., on a site to be mowed, Contractor shall contact the City Project Manager to report the findings and the City will remove and properly dispose of the debris. Otherwise, it is the Contractor's responsibility to remove and properly dispose of debris before mowing.