General Agreement Terms Sample Clauses

General Agreement Terms. Either party may waive any default of the other party under this Agreement, but, no such waiver shall affect the rights of that party in respect of any subsequent default, whether of the same or a different nature.
General Agreement Terms. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreement between the Parties with respect to its subject matter. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except in a writing signed by both parties. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions will be enforced as fully as possible and the unenforceable provision will be deemed modified to the limited extent required to permit enforcement in a manner most closely approximating the intention of the parties as expressed in this Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original but both of which together will constitute one and the same instrument.
General Agreement Terms a. This agreement applies whether you are requesting accommodation as a direct Guest or through an agent. b. This agreement cannot be transferred to a third party without the Provider’s written authorisation. c. The Provider grants the Guest a permission to use the studio/ apartment assigned and the shared common areas in the complex/ building. d. The Guest has the responsibility to cover the entire rent for the accommodation until the end of the period of the agreement. e. The rent and bond fees are charged per studio, regardless if one person or two people are leaving in it.
General Agreement Terms. Xxxxx agrees to not tie out or chain this puppy unless supervised for the duration by an adult. If this puppy cannot be kept for any reason, the dog will be given back to the Seller. Xxxxx agrees to supply and transfer all corresponding registration papers and to supply a current health certificate at the time of delivery. Xxxxx agrees to provide this dog with adequate nutrition and a full round of available annual vaccinations. Buyer agrees to feed LARGE BREED puppy food until puppy reaches 4 months old, at that time the puppy should be put on a high quality ADULT FOOD diet. Buyer agrees not to feed the puppy/dog a ‘raw,’ ‘BARF,’ vegetable, or home-cooked diet that is hard to guarantee the correct vitamins and minerals of. Xxxxx agrees not to mistreat this dog in any shape or form nor allow any type of laboratory tests (such as cosmetic or medical experiments) to be performed on him/her. Because these dogs grow very rapidly and will be very large is a necessity that they live at least 60% of their time outside. Slick floors are terrible on the hips of growing puppies. Xxxxx agrees never to allow the dog to become overweight. If a buyer disregards and of these requirements listed above then the contract will become void. Seller in no way guarantees that this puppy/dog shall win in conformation and/or performance events – but provided is proof that ancestors have. Seller will provide advice and information on showing and grooming to the best of her ability. Xxxxx agrees not to sue Seller and to pay any and all court/attorneys fees incurred by the Seller should any suit be brought against the seller in regard to this puppy/dog by any person. Buyer signifies acceptance of this condition by initialing here: Date: Lastly, no puppy may be euthanized without consent of breeder. Xxxxxxx has option of having dog examined by a vet of their choice to determine if euthanasia is unavoidable. Please understand that we at Xxxxxxx Farms are animal lovers and desire that none of our animals suffer cruelty in any fashion. Violation of this contract will constitute Xxxxx's unconditional surrender of the purchased dog and all registration documents at no cost to Seller.
General Agreement Terms f. I will not attempt to identify individuals or publicly release confidential data. g. I agree to access and use the confidential data only for authorized/approved research and for the purpose(s) of the study. h. I understand that I must only access the data at the ERC through my own credentials. Under no circumstances will I log into the ERC under another researcher’s account or allow another researcher to log in using my account. i. I will not allow any person to view my computer if they do not have the required ERC authorization (projects with more than one researcher can view work related to the project). j. I have read the requirements for remote desktop ethical behavior (See Ethical Behavior for Remote Desktop Data Access, Pg 3 of this agreement and Ethical Behavior for Remote Desktop Data Access section in ERC policy documents). I assure I will work in a solitary work environment as described in the ERC requirements and I will not access ERC data when outside of the United States of America and its territories. k. I will use appropriate safeguards (including Computer Security Requirements listed on page 3 of this agreement) to prevent the use or disclosure of confidential data of individuals by (but not limited to) using physical and technical safeguards to appropriately protect the privacy and integrity of individual-level data that is viewed, analyzed, and/or created under this Agreement. l. The ERC reserves the right to audit any researcher and their equipment used to access the ERC server to identify and comply with all legal requirements. Audits will be assumed to be electronic audits in most instances. m. I agree to request via online questionnaire that the ERC review generated research products that use confidential data, and I agree to never remove or publically release output/results or confidential information that have not been approved for release from the physical or electronic workspace of the ERC. n. I understand that remote access of the data is only allowed from within the United States or its territories. Remote data access from any geographical location outside of the United States or its territories is not permitted.
General Agreement Terms understand that the yearly rate for 24/7 rental of a parking space is $400. The rental fee is due in full and payable before the parking permit will be issued. NO REFUNDS
General Agreement Terms. 2.1 The Program. Through funding provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), ASEE is establishing the Small Business Postdoctoral Research Diversity Fellowship Program (the “Program”) to support the placement of highly trained engineers (the “Research Fellows”) in small business research settings to undertake certain research and development activities (the “Research Project”). Program funding is available from , 2011 to , 2011 and is subject to the NSF Research Terms and Conditions, dated July 2008 (“RTC”) and NSF RTC Agency Specific Requirements, dated January 2009 (“NSF RTC”); see <xxxx://>
General Agreement Terms. One of the following paragraphs applies to this puppy. The others are non-applicable and are to be crossed out. months and mail the Seller a veterinarian verification upon completion of that operation. If no spay or neuter certificate is received by the Seller by the time the puppy reaches nine months of age, the buyer agrees to pay the remainder of the full amount of $5000.00 to the seller for keeping a breeding dog, male or female. Buyer Signature: Date: Buyer agrees to not tie out or chain this puppy unless supervised for the duration by an adult. If this puppy cannot be kept for any reason, the Buyer agrees to give the puppy back to the Seller. If Seller elects to take the dog back, Buyer agrees to supply and transfer all corresponding registration papers and to supply a current health certificate at the time of delivery. Should the dog be sold elsewhere or ownership transferred from original buyer, this contract would become void (this contract is non-transferrable). Buyer agrees to provide this dog with adequate nutrition adn a full round of avail- able annual vaccinations. Buyer agrees not to mistreat this dog in any shape or form nor allow any type of laboratory tests (such as cosmetic or medical experiments) to be performed on him/her. Please understand that we at Xxxxxx Snowcloud Kennels are animal lovers and desire that none of our animals suffer cruelty in any fashion. Violation of this contract will constitute the Buyer’s unconditional surrender of the purchased dog and all registration documents at no cost to Seller. A.K.C. Registered Name Purchase Price Date Whelped Male-Female, A.K.C. Litter No. Tattoo No. This contract was executed on between Seller, Xxxxxx Snowcloud Kennels and the undersigned, Buyer Seller Printed Name Address Phone
General Agreement Terms. 1. This Agreement shall take effect upon the signature of appropriately authorized and recognized representatives of the Contractor. For participation in NSLP, Snack, SBP or SMP, this Agreement shall continue in effect until June 30 of the same school year and is subject to renewal each year thereafter in manner and format prescribed by NYSED and in accordance with NYSED policies and procedures. For participation in the SFSP, this Agreement may be renewed on an annual basis in writing subject to approval of NYSED. Contractor acknowledges that is bound by the terms of this Agreement and any modifications or amendments to program laws, regulations or policy upon Contractor’s subsequent renewal of this Agreement. 2. This Agreement may be terminated in accordance with the program laws and regulations, including 7 CFR Parts 3015, 3016, 3019 and 3052. In addition to termination in accordance with the preceding, this Agreement may be terminated for any of the following reasons: a. Termination by mutual agreement of the Parties. This Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the Parties. Such agreement must be in writing in accordance with NYSED policies and procedures. b. Termination in the best interest of the State. NYSED may terminate this Agreement at any time when, in its sole discretion, NYSED determines that termination is in the best interest of the State of New York. The termination will be effective on the date specified in a notice of termination from NYSED.
General Agreement Terms. X. Xxxxxxxx as the New Owner wishes to acquire the Rhodesian Ridgeback for the sum of