Policy Sample Clauses
Policy. Because the volume of human genomic and phenotypic data maintained in these repositories is substantial and, in some instances, potentially sensitive (e.g., data related to the presence or risk of developing particular diseases or conditions and information regarding family relationships or ancestry), data must be shared in a manner consistent with the research participants’ informed consent, and the confidentiality of the data and the privacy of participants must be protected. Access to human genomic data will be provided to research investigators who, along with their institutions, have certified their agreement with the expectations and terms of access detailed below. NIH expects that, through Data Access Request (DAR) process, approved users of controlled-access datasets recognize any restrictions on data use established by the Submitting Institutions through the Institutional Certification, and as stated on the dbGaP study page. Definitions of the underlined terminology in this document are found in section 13. The parties to this Agreement include: the Principal Investigator (PI) requesting access to the genomic study dataset (an “Approved User”), the PI’s home institution (the “Requester”) as represented by the Institutional Signing Official designated through the eRA Commons system, and the NIH. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the DAR Approval Date, as specified in the notification of approval of the Data Access Committee (DAC).
Policy. It is the policy of the Department to ensure that HUBs shall have an equal opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts; to create a level playing field on which HUBs can compete fairly for contracts and subcontracts; to ensure nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or gender in the award and administration of contracts; to help remove barriers to the participation of HUBs in department contracts; and, to assist in the development of firms that can compete successfully in the market place outside the HUB program. Consequently, the HUB requirements of the Department’s HUB Program apply to this contract as follows:
(1) The Provider agrees to insure that they shall take all necessary and reasonable steps to meet the HUB goal for this contract.
a. The Provider and any subprovider(s) shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of contracts.
b. When submitting the contract for execution by the Department, the Provider must complete and furnish Exhibit H-1 which lists the commitments made to all subproviders, including certified HUB subprovider(s) that are to meet the contract goal, and Exhibit H-2 which is a commitment agreement(s) containing the original signatures of the Provider and HUB(s) that were indicated in the original submitted State of Texas HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) in Section 8. For Work Authorization Contracts, Exhibit H-1 is required at the time of submitting the contract for execution by the Department. Exhibit H-2 will be required to be completed and attach with each work authorization number that is submitted for execution, if the HUB will be performing work. If non-HUB subprovider is performing work, insert N/A (not applicable) on the line provided. A prime must allow a HUB maximum opportunity to perform the work by not creating unnecessary barriers or artificial requirements for the purpose of hindering a HUB’s performance under the contract. Any substitutions or changes to the HSP, in addition to any changes to the original contract award, shall be subject to prior written approval by the Department. If there are any changes to the subproviders during the contract term, the Provider must furnish a Revised Exhibit H-1 showing the revised commitment of all subproviders.
c. Failure to carry out the requirements set forth above shall constitute a breach of contract and may result in a letter of reprimand; in termination of the contract by the ...
Policy. The parties of this Agreement recognize the importance of providing appropriate compensation as an essential component in the delivery of quality higher education programs and quality scholarship that is recognized nationally and internationally. To that end, the parties are committed to working toward the common goals of the University of Central Florida. This policy statement is not subject to Article 20, Grievance Procedure.
Policy. Policy means this document, the schedule (including any schedules issued in substitution) and any endorsements attaching to this document or the schedule that will be considered part of the legal contract and any word or expression in bold type face on any of these documents will bear the specific meaning stated in these definitions.
Policy. It is the policy of the DOT and the Texas Department of Transportation (henceforth the “Department”) that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) as defined in 49 CFR Part 26, Subpart A and the Department’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, shall have the opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds. Consequently, the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise requirements of 49 CFR Part 26, and the Department’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, apply to this contract as follows.
a. The Provider will offer Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, as defined in 49 CFR Part 26, Subpart A and the Department’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, the opportunity to compete fairly for contracts and subcontracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds. In this regard, the Provider shall make a good faith effort to meet the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goal for this contract.
b. The Provider and any subprovider(s) shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The Provider shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT assisted contracts. The requirements of this Special Provision shall be physically included in any subcontract.
c. When submitting the contract for execution by the Department, the Provider must complete and furnish Exhibit H-1 which lists the commitments made to certified DBE subprovider(s) that are to meet the contract goal and Exhibit H-2 which is a commitment agreement(s) containing the original signatures of the Provider and the proposed DBE(s). For Work Authorization Contracts, Exhibit H-1 is required at the time of submitting the contract for execution by the Department. Exhibit H-2 will be required to be completed and attached with each work authorization number that is submitted for execution, if the DBE will be performing work. Any substitutions or changes to the DBE subcontract amount shall be subject to prior written approval by the Department. If non-DBE subprovider is performing work, insert N/A (not applicable) on the line provided.
d. Failure to carry out the requirements set forth above shall constitute a material breach of this contract and may result; in termination of the contract by the Department; in a deduction of the amount of DBE goal not accomplished by DBEs from the money due or to become due to the Provider, not as a pena...
Policy. You agree that your registration of the domain name shall be subject to suspension, cancellation, or transfer pursuant to a Tucows, registry, ICANN or government-adopted policy, or pursuant to any registrar or registry procedure not inconsistent with a Tucows, registry, ICANN or government-adopted policy, (1) to correct mistakes by us or a registry in registering the name or (2) for the resolution of disputes concerning the domain name.
Policy. The Board retains and reserves to itself or its designee(s) the rights, powers and authority vested in it, including the right to plan, manage, and control FIU and in all respects carry out the ordinary and customary functions of management.
Policy. Harassment is a form of discrimination that is prohibited by the Ontario Human Rights Code and is a contravention of the Code. Harassment, including sexual harassment, is offensive, degrading and threatening. The Employer and Unifor do not tolerate any form of harassment. This letter applies to circumstances in which one bargaining unit member alleges harassment by another bargaining unit member.
Policy. (a) A leave of absence may only be granted to a classified employee who can be expected to return to work provided that, in the opinion of the Commissioner of Human Resources upon advice of the appointing authority, the leave of absence is in the overall best interests of the employee and clearly not detrimental to the State of Vermont. This Article, unless specified, does not apply to employees in original probationary period.
(b) An administrative leave of absence may be granted:
(1) to permit the employee to accept an exempt appointment; or
(2) to enable the employee to perform the duties of a Commissioner for an interim period; or
(3) to enable the employee to stay with family for an extended period due to serious illness or injury to a member of the immediate family or other family emergency when the employee does not elect to have such absence charged to annual leave or has no annual leave; or
(4) to permit an employee to accept temporary assignment with another unit of government in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Intergovernmental Personnel Act, and Title 1, VSA 821, et seq.; or
(5) any other justifiable reason at the request of the employee and with the concurrence of the appointing authority and the Commissioner of Human Resources.
(c) An administrative leave of absence for personal medical reasons may be granted to an individual in original probation as outlined above, provided that such leave will automatically extend the original probationary period for at least the length of the leave, to ensure the working test period for full performance of the job has been met.
(d) An employee shall not be granted a leave of absence from a classified position to accept a temporary position or a contractual arrangement in Vermont State government. However, nothing shall prohibit the appointing authority from recommending, and the Human Resources Commissioner granting, a leave to accept a limited service classified position in a different or same department or agency.
(e) An employee granted a leave of absence without pay shall not receive annual and sick leave credits for the period of absence, nor shall such time be counted in determining the rate of annual and sick leave accrual and reduction in force rights.
(f) All leaves of absence must be approved in advance and must be for a definite period of time with an established date for return to duty, which, on request of the employee, may be extended or shortened at the sole discretion of the a...
Policy. It is the policy of the State to help protect the income of a classified employee who cannot work due to illness or injury or for emergency periods when the employee must be absent from duty due to death or illness in his or her immediate family. Sick leave shall be administered in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) Accrual
(1) A classified employee shall receive sick leave benefits as follows:
(i) Upon appointment (original or restoration), the employee shall be credited with a bank of forty-eight (48) hours of sick leave on which he or she may draw during the first six (6) months of service.
(ii) At the end the first full payroll period following completion of six (6) months of service and at the end of every full payroll period thereafter, the employee shall be credited with sick leave for that payroll period, as follows: Accrual rate is the number of hours an employee shall accrue per payroll period of service.
(iii) There shall be no limit placed on the total accumulation of earned sick leave hours.
(2) A part-time classified employee earns leave on a pro-rated basis. For example, an employee who works a half-time schedule earns one-half (1/2) of the regular accrual per pay period sick leave; if he or she worked four (4) days a week, he or she would earn four-fifths (4/5) of the regular pay period accrual, etc.
(3) Sick leave benefits shall accrue to a classified employee with a provisional appointment, limited appointment, or in an original probationary period as well as to a permanent status or limited status classified employee.
(4) When a classified employee separates from State service, the entire amount of unused sick leave shall lapse. An employee rehired by the State shall not receive credit for prior State service in establishing his or her rate of sick leave accrual, except in the instance of separation due to reduction in force, or when Temporary Service or Reemployment Credit is granted under the applicable Articles. An employee reemployed after separation due to reduction in force shall receive credit for prior State service in establishing his or her rate of sick leave accrual and shall be credited with the amount of unused sick leave held at the time of layoff. The employee shall not, however, accrue sick leave credits for the period during which he or she was separated from State service.
(5) A classified employee who is granted a leave of absence from a State classified position to enter the Armed Forces of the United State...