Reassignments Professional staff members serving under a multi-year contract may be assigned by the President to any professional position within their areas of competence and qualifications during the term of the contract, but their salaries may not be reduced during the duration of the contract below that which they would have received had they continued in their original position, and they may be dismissed from the College/University during the term of the contract only for cause consistent with appropriate statutory provisions. exist.
Reassignment The Superintendent cannot be reassigned from the position of Superintendent to another position without the Superintendent’s express written consent.
Temporary Reassignment Notwithstanding the above, the Appointing Authority may temporarily reassign any employee to another work area and/or shift for five (5) consecutive months or less. With mutual agreement between the Local and the Appointing Authority, such reassignment may extend up to twelve (12) months. At the end of the reassignment, the reassigned employee shall return to his/her former position, unless the position has been abolished, in which case the employee shall return to his/her former work area and shift.