Temporary Reassignment Sample Clauses

Temporary Reassignment. Notwithstanding the above, the Appointing Authority may temporarily reassign any employee to another work area and/or shift for five (5) consecutive months or less. With mutual agreement between the Local and the Appointing Authority, such reassignment may extend up to twelve (12) months. At the end of the reassignment, the reassigned employee shall return to his/her former position, unless the position has been abolished, in which case the employee shall return to his/her former work area and shift.
Temporary Reassignment. Nothing in this procedure will preclude Management from temporarily reassigning an employee(s) to other position(s) if an operational need arises. Assignments made for operational need will be designed to have the least adverse affect on the employee, and will not be made for the purpose of avoiding the requirements of the bid system. Management will provide any reassigned employee with a written statement as to the reason(s) for the reassignment.
Temporary Reassignment. The Employer may temporarily reassign an employee(s) at the employee's request. Temporary reassignments shall be for a sixty (60) day period unless the Employer and the employee agree to extend the time limit. Agreements between the Parties for temporary reassignment shall be documented in writing and at the conclusion of the time limit, the employee shall return to his/her previous assignment.
Temporary Reassignment. The UNIVERSITY shall have the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to make a temporary housing assignment for the RESIDENT if the UNIVERSITY deems such an assignment necessary or desirable. RESIDENT shall be responsible for moving or other costs associated with the temporary reassignment.
Temporary Reassignment. An employee may seek a temporary reassignment or be temporarily reassigned by their supervisor to do other work within their own department or other department of the employer. The employee’s rights, medical related benefits, entitlements and privileges available to the employee shall remain unchanged. At the completion of the reassignment, the employee shall be returned to their former position at the same rate of pay. The employee's salary during the reassignment shall be determined by Pay Administration Memorandum of Agreement Articles 8, 10, 11, 12, whichever is applicable.
Temporary Reassignment. Any full-time regular or part-time flexible employee recuper- ating from a serious illness or injury and temporarily unable to perform the assigned duties may voluntarily submit a written request to the installation head for temporary assignment to a light duty or other assignment. The request shall be sup- ported by a medical statement from a licensed physician or by a written statement from a licensed chiropractor stating, when possible, the anticipated duration of the convalescence period. Such employee agrees to submit to a further examination by a physician designated by the installation head, if that official so requests.
Temporary Reassignment. The Company may temporarily reassign employees to other work such as may be necessary to avoid short layoff and/ or recall. Such reassignment should only be for two periods whether full or part days not to exceed twenty (20) working days and provided: (a) that the Committeepersons for the Zones (Districts) affect- ed are advised in writing prior to effective time of the reassignment of the work conditions and names of the employees involved. (b) that the temporary reassignment shall in no case exceed twenty (20) working days unless an increase is arranged by mutual consent of the Company and a Union Representative for up to an additional ten (10) working days. Thereafter, any additional increases are arranged by mutual consent of the Company and the Plant Chair or the consent of the Plant Bargaining Committee if five (5) or more assignees are involved in the extension. (c) such employees as may be assigned to the temporary work shall receive the pay of their regular job classification or the top rate of the job classification in which the tempor- ary work occurs, whichever is the higher. (d) no disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who is assigned work of a temporary nature in another job classification by reason of his/her failing because of lack of job knowledge to satisfactorily do the work required of him/ her in that classification. (e) no employee will be declared surplus during the period which another employee is temporarily assigned to his/ her job classification and no reassignment will occur for a corresponding period of time following a surplus to the reassigned classification. (f) when employees are surplus and employed in other classi- fications within the plant, upward or lateral reassignments will occur as follows: (i) the senior employee within the Bay who has recall to the classification required will be given preference provided they are capable and available to perform the work assignment. (ii) If there are no employees with recall within the Bay, senior employees who are capable and available to perform the work assignment within the program can be re-assigned for up to ten (10) working days. (iii) Thereafter, the most senior employee within the plant who has recall to that classification will be reassigned for up to twenty (20) working days. (g) the Company agrees that it will not use temporary reassign- ment to circumvent the job posting and recall procedure. It is understood that the word “short” as used above shall...
Temporary Reassignment. Management, in its sole discretion, may seek volunteers who are not in the Float Pool to be temporarily reassigned, for a four (4) week period, to a unit other than the one to which he/she is permanently assigned. An employee on temporary reassignment shall report to the unit where he/she is temporarily assigned. Full-time employees who are selected for and serve in a temporary reassignment will receive a differential of five dollars ($5.00) per hour for all hours worked in the temporarily reassigned unit.
Temporary Reassignment. When an employee is assigned to perform all the essential 22 functions and duties of a position in a pay grade higher than the employee’s regular pay grade 23 the employee shall be paid at the higher pay grade. Any suspected abuse of thetemporary 24 assignment article or unfair assignment of opportunities for short term assignment practices will 25 be referred to the SPALC Labor/Management Committee.
Temporary Reassignment. An employee who is temporarily reassigned to a classification in a higher pay range shall receive additional compensation under the same provisions as provided for in 7.08 of this Article if such employee works for eight (8) or more consecutive hours in the higher classification and such compensation shall be retroactive to when the employee assumed their reassignment.