Reassignments. Professional staff members serving under a multi-year contract may be assigned by the President to any professional position within their areas of competence and qualifications during the term of the contract, but their salaries may not be reduced during the duration of the contract below that which they would have received had they continued in their original position, and they may be dismissed from the College/University during the term of the contract only for cause consistent with appropriate statutory provisions. exist.
Reassignments. 1. Reassignment is defined as a change in work location within the school. Employees who desire to be reassigned shall file a written statement with his/her school principal. Voluntary requests for reassignment shall receive first consideration to the extent that vacancies exist within the building/location. Involuntary reassignments shall be made at the discretion of the principal provided the authority is exercised in a professional and fair manner, not arbitrary nor capricious.
2. Employees requesting reassignment shall be notified in writing of the administration's action on such request as soon as action is taken.
3. An employee who receives an “Unsatisfactory” on their overall annual performance evaluation shall be ineligible for a transfer.
4. An employee shall not be solely reassigned or reclassified during the term of this Agreement on the basis of the amount of salary of the employee.
Reassignments. A. Basic Principles and Reassignments When it is proposed to:
Reassignments. Section 20.1
Reassignments. A Basic Principles and Reassignments When it is proposed to: A1 Discontinue an independent installation; A2 Consolidate an independent installation (i.e., discontinue the independent identity of an installation by making it part of another and continuing independent installation); A3 Transfer a classified station or classified branch to the ju- risdiction of another installation or make an independent installation; A4 Reassign within an installation employees excess to the needs of a section of that installation; A5 Reduce the number of regular work force employees of an installation other than by attrition; A6 Centralize mail processing and/or delivery installations; or A7 Reduce the number of part-time flexibles other than by at- trition; such actions shall be subject to the following prin- ciples and requirements.
Reassignments. The movement of an employee from one position to another of the same classification within the same department is a reassignment, not a transfer, and may be accomplished at the discretion of the appointing authority.
Reassignments. 10.2.1 A teacher shall have the right to submit to the teacher’s principal or supervisor a written request for or against reassignment to a specific grade level, department, instructional team or instructional area. Such request shall state the teacher’s qualifications for the assignment requested.
10.2.2 The principal or supervisor shall schedule a conference with the teacher to discuss the request within twenty (20) days of the principal’s or supervisor’s receipt of the request, and will consider the request in the event that the assignment requested becomes available prior to the following August 1.
10.2.3 Efforts will be made to avoid teachers being reassigned more than three (3) times within a five (5) year period.
Reassignments. In the event that program needs necessitate a reassignment of a tenure-track teacher, volunteers shall be sought and considered from among the teachers at that school who have the requisite credentials and meet the necessary qualifications. If no volunteer is selected the administration shall make the necessary reassignment based on District seniority, credentials, qualifications, and special skills.
Reassignments. 27.2.1 Vacancies shall first be announced to those employees working at the school site.
27.2.2 The principal shall inform the current staff of all known vacancies by posting, in writing, the anticipated positions. Those staff members who wish to be considered for a change in their assignment shall notify the principal in writing. Once school is out in June, the principal is no longer required to notify staff members, in writing, of openings. Teachers who wish to be considered for openings which occur during the summer shall indicate their preference in writing to the principal prior to the close of school.
27.2.3 The principal shall notify the teacher making the reassignment request as to his/her decision.
27.2.4 Should the teacher not receive the reassignment, reasons shall be provided, in writing, if requested. Criteria identified in Section 27.1.5 shall be used.
Reassignments. 1. Reassignment is the movement of an employee from one job assignment to another, or from one local title to another within such employee’s generic title, and within or between offices, divisions, branches or departments of the College/University. When an employee is reassigned such employee’s salary shall not be reduced as a result of the reassignment below that which he/she would have received had he/she continued in his/her original position during the period of the employee’s current employment contract.
2. The provisions of sections 4 through 6, except for the requirement of consultation, shall apply to a librarian who is reassigned from one division, department or branch of the library to another and to a position requiring demonstrably different training or credentials for which prior preparation is required in order to perform the duties of the new position.
3. The provisions of sections 4 through 6, except for the requirement of consultation, shall also apply to a member of the professional staff who is reassigned from one administrative office (e.g., admissions, registration, EOF) to another and to a position requiring demonstrably different training or credentials for which prior preparation is required in order to perform the duties of the new position.
4. If a reassignment of a full-time faculty member is to be made between departments of a College/University each individual department shall be consulted regarding relevant departmental matters. The College/University shall then determine which faculty members are qualified for reassignment and provide them with an opportunity to apply. The College/University will reassign one of the qualified applicants. If none of the qualified faculty members applies for reassignment, the College/University may reassign one of the qualified faculty members on a involuntary basis.
5. A full-time faculty member who is reassigned between departments involuntarily shall be given one semester’s advance notice except in unusual circumstances, but in no event shall such employee be given less than forty-five (45) days’ notice. Part-time faculty who are reassigned involuntarily between departments shall be given ninety (90) days’ notice except in unusual circumstances, but in no event shall they be given less than forty-five (45) days’ notice.
6. A full-time faculty member who has been reassigned between departments shall be given priority consideration for Career Development funds when such assistance is warranted...