Governments Rights. The following clauses are applicable to this Agreement unless otherwise indicated below: DEAR 952.204-71 SENSITIVE FOREIGN NATIONS CONTROLS (MAR 2011). Applies only if the Subcontract is for unclassified research involving nuclear technology. DEAR 952.217-70 ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY (MAR 2011). Applies if the Agreement involves leased space that is reimbursed. DEAR 952.227-9 REFUND OF ROYALTIES (MAR 1995). Only applies if the amount of royalties reported during Agreement exceeds USD 250.00. DEAR 952.227-11 PATENT RIGHTS – RETENTION BY THE CONTRACTOR (SHORT FORM) (FEB 1995). Applies only if this Agreement is for experimental, development or research use with a small business or non-profit Contractor. DEAR 952.235-71 RESEARCH MISCONDUCT (JUL 2005) DEAR 952.247-70 FOREIGN TRAVEL (JUN 2010). DEAR 970.5227-4 AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT (AUG 2002), Paragraph (a). DEAR 970.5232-3 ACCOUNTS, RECORDS, AND INSPECTION (DEC 2010) ALTERNATE I. DEAR 970.5245-1 PROPERTY (DEC 2000) ALTERNATE I (DEC 2000). FAR 52.222-21 PROHIBITION OF SEGREGATED FACILITIES (FEB 1999). FAR 52.222-26 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (MAR 2007). FAR 52.223-3 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA (JAN 1997) AND ALTERNATE I. Applies only if the Agreement involves delivery of hazardous materials. FAR 52.225-13 RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN FOREIGN PURCHASES (JUNE 2008). FAR 52.227-14 RIGHTS IN DATA – GENERAL (DEC 2007). XXX 00.000-00 XXXXX XX XXX XXXXXX GROSS RECEIPTS AND COMPENSATING TAX (APR 2003). Applies if any part of this Agreement is to be performed in the State of New Mexico. FAR 52.246-9 INSPECTION OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (SHORT FORM) (APR 1984). FAR 52.247-63 PREFERENCE FOR U. S. FLAG AIR CARRIERS (June 2003). Applies if the Agreement involves international air transportation. FAR 52.247-64 PREFERENCE FOR PRIVATELY OWNED U.S.-FLAG COMMERCIAL VESSELS (FEB 2006). If the price of this Agreement exceeds USD 10,000.00, the following clause is applicable to this Agreement: FAR 52.222-36 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES (OCT 2010) If the price of this Agreement exceeds USD 100,000.00, the following clauses are applicable to this Agreement: DEAR 970.5227-5 NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE REGARDING PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (AUG 2002). FAR 52.203-5 COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES (APR 1984) FAR 52.203-6 RESTRICTIONS ON SUBCONTRACTOR SALES TO THE GOVERNMENT (SEP 2006). FAR 52.203-7 ANTI-KICKBACK PROCEDURES (OCT 2010) FAR 52.203-10 PRICE OR FEE ADJUSTMENT FOR ILLEGAL OR IMPROP...
Governments Rights. 7.1 Proprietary Rights of The Government in Relation to Documents
Governments Rights. The rights of the Government and remedies described in this section are in addition to all other rights and remedies set forth in this solicitation. Specifically, the Government reserves its rights under the Terms and Conditions clause, reference FAR Clause 52.212-4. Any deductions shall reflect the reduced value of services performed under the contract. The Contractor shall not be relieved of full performance of the services hereunder. The Government may modify the type and frequency of inspection of items.
Governments Rights. The following clauses are applicable to this Agreement unless otherwise indicated below:
Governments Rights