Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance a. Effective July 1, 2002, medical benefits shall be offered through CalPERS Health Plans. b. The Employer shall pay up to eight percent (8%) of future premium increases for medical, dental, and vision plans. In the event that a medical plan has a premium decrease (<0%), the Employer will apply ninety percent (90%) of the premium decrease towards Employer contribution and ten percent (10%) towards employee plan premiums. c. Each employee shall pay through payroll deduction any premium cost in excess of the Employer’s contribution. Each employee may select from among the plans made available by the Employer and the Union.
Vision Plan The District will also make available a vision plan to be paid by the employee with pre-tax dollars through payroll deduction.
Dental Care Plan The Welfare Plan will include a Dental Care Plan which will reimburse members for expenses incurred in respect of the coverages summarized in Appendix "1". The Plan will not duplicate benefits provided now or which may be provided in the future by any government program.
Leave for Medical and Dental Care (a) Where it is not possible to schedule medical and/or dental appointments or appointments with a registered midwife outside regularly scheduled working hours, reasonable time off for such appointments for employees or for dependent children shall be permitted, but where any such absence exceeds two hours, the full-time absence shall be charged to the entitlement described in Clause 20.12. "Medical, dental and/or registered midwife appointments" include only those services covered by the BC Medical Services Plan, the Public Service Dental Plan, the Extended Health Benefit Plan and assessment appointments with the Employee and Family Assistance Program. (b) Employees in areas where adequate medical and dental facilities are not available shall be allowed to deduct from their credit described in Clause 20.12 the necessary time including travel and treatment time up to a maximum of three days to receive medical and dental care at the nearest medical centre for the employee, their spouse, dependent child and a dependent parent permanently residing in the employee's household or with whom the employee permanently resides. The Employer may request a certificate of a qualified medical or dental practitioner, as the case may be, stating that treatment could not be provided by facilities or services available at the employee's place of residence. An employee on leave provided by this clause shall be entitled to reimbursement of reasonable receipted expenses for accommodation and travel to a maximum of $510 effective April 1, 2019, $520 effective April 1, 2020, and $530 effective April 1, 2021 per calendar year. (c) An employee otherwise entitled to leave pursuant to (b) above who chooses to travel on a vacation day or a day of rest or to remain at work and not accompany their spouse, dependent child or dependent parent, as provided in (b) above, may claim the reimbursement of receipted expenses under the conditions stipulated. (d) Employees in receipt of STIIP benefits who would otherwise qualify for leave under this clause shall be eligible to claim expenses in the manner described above. (e) Where leave pursuant to (b) above would be reduced, the Employer may approve airfare payment for the employee in lieu of the $510 effective April 1, 2019, $520 effective April 1, 2020, and $530 effective April 1, 2021 reimbursement, once per calendar year. (f) For the purpose of this clause, "child" includes a child over the age of 18 residing in the employee's household who is permanently dependent on the employee due to mental or physical impairment.
Dental and Vision Insurance The Agency shall continue dental and vision plans that permit dependent coverage. The Agency shall continue to pay the premium for dental and vision coverage for the employee only. Dependent coverage shall be paid by the employee.
Vision Care Plan The County agrees to provide a Vision Care Plan for all employees and dependents. The Plan will be the Vision Service Plan - Plan A with benefits at 12/12/24 month intervals and with twenty dollar ($20.00) deductible for examinations and twenty dollar ($20.00) deductible for materials. The County will fully pay the monthly premium for the employee and dependents and pick up inflationary costs during the term of the Agreement.
Dental Care a. Dental Care for Members over age 19 is limited to the following: i. care and stabilization treatment rendered within 62 days of an Accidental Dental Injury provided such services are for the treatment of damage to Sound Natural Teeth; ii. extraction of teeth required prior to radiation therapy when you have a diagnosis of cancer of the head or neck. b. General anesthesia and hospitalization services are covered when required to assure the safe delivery of necessary dental treatment or surgery for a dental Condition which, if left untreated, is likely to result in a medical Condition if: i. a Member has one or more medical Conditions that would create significant or undue medical risk for the Member in the course of delivery of any necessary dental treatment or surgery if not rendered in a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgery Center; or ii. a Covered Dependent child is under eight years of age and it is determined by a licensed dentist and the Covered Dependent’s Attending Physician that dental treatment or surgery in a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgery Center is necessary due to a significantly complex dental Condition, or a developmental disability in which patient management in the dental office has proven to be ineffective.
Outpatient Dental Anesthesia Services This plan covers anesthesia services received in connection with a dental service when provided in a hospital or freestanding ambulatory surgical center and: • the use of this is medically necessary; and • the setting in which the service is received is determined to be appropriate. This plan also covers facility fees associated with these services. This plan covers dental care for members until the last day of the month in which they turn nineteen (19). This plan covers services only if they meet all of the following requirements: • listed as a covered dental care service in this section. The fact that a provider has prescribed or recommended a service, or that it is the only available treatment for an illness or injury does not mean it is a covered dental care service under this plan. • dentally necessary, consistent with our dental policies and related guidelines at the time the services are provided. • not listed in Exclusions section. • received while a member is enrolled in the plan. • consistent with applicable state or federal law. • services are provided by a network provider.
Health Care Benefits A. Each regular, full-time employee may elect coverage for himself and his eligible dependents* under one of the following health insurance plans: 1. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan Flexible Blue 3 with Flexible Blue Rx Prescription Drug Coverage with a Health Savings Account (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “H.S.A Plan”). The Employer shall pay for the illustrated premium cost of this coverage and make an annual contribution to each participating employee’s Health Savings Account in the amount of $500 for those selecting single coverage and $1,000 for those selecting Employee & Spouse, Employee Child(ren) or Family coverage, or the maximum annual amount the Employer is permitted to pay under Section 3 of the Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act, Public Act 152 of the Michigan Public Acts of 2011, whichever results in the lesser Employer contribution to the cost of such plan. Employees may, at their option, make additional contributions through bi-weekly pre-tax payroll deduction as permitted by applicable law. 2. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan Community Blue PPO Option 3 Revised Plan with Blue Preferred Rx Prescription Drug Coverage with a 50% co-pay ($5 floor and a $50 ceiling). Employees shall pay the difference between the illustrated premium cost of this coverage and the amount of the Employer’s total contribution towards the cost of coverage under the H.S.A. Plan as described in Section 1 (a) (1), for the same level of benefit (i.e. single, employee/spouse, employee/child(ren) and family), or pay the difference between the total cost of such coverage and the maximum annual amount the Employer is permitted to pay under Section 3 of the Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act, Public Act 152 of the Michigan Public Acts of 2011, whichever results in the greater employee contribution. 3. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan Community Blue PPO Option 6 Revised Plan with Blue Preferred Rx Prescription Drug Coverage with a 50% co-pay ($5 floor and a $50 ceiling). Employees shall pay the difference between the illustrated premium cost of this coverage and the amount of the Employer’s total contribution towards the cost of coverage under the H.S.A. Plan as described in Section 1 (a) (1), for the same level of benefit (i.e. single, employee/spouse, employee/child(ren) and family), or pay the difference between the total cost of such coverage and the maximum annual amount the Employer is permitted to pay under Section 3 of the Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act, Public Act 152 of the Michigan Public Acts of 2011, whichever results in the greater employee contribution. (a) All coverage under any of the foregoing plans shall be subject to such terms, conditions, exclusions, limitations, deductibles, co-payments premium cost-sharing, and other provisions of the plans. Coverage shall commence on the employee’s ninetieth (90th) day of continuous employment. The employee’s contribution to the cost of such coverage shall be payable on a bi-weekly basis through automatic payroll deduction. (b) To qualify for health care benefits as above described each employee must individually enroll and make proper application for such benefits at the Human Resources Department upon the commencement of his regular employment with the Employer. (c) Except as otherwise provided under the Family and Medical Leave Act, when on an authorized unpaid leave of absence of more than two weeks, the employee will be responsible for paying all his benefit costs for the period he is not on the active payroll. Proper application and arrangements for the payment of such continued benefits must be made at the Human Resources Department prior to the commencement of the leave. If such application and arrangements are not made as herein described, the employee's health care benefits shall automatically terminate upon the effective date of the unpaid leave of absence. (d) Except as otherwise provided under this Agreement and/or under COBRA, an employee's health care benefits shall terminate on the date the employee goes on a leave of absence for more than two weeks, terminates, retires or is laid off. Upon return from a leave of absence or layoff, an employee's health care benefits coverage shall be reinstated commencing with the employee's return. (e) An employee who is on layoff or leave of absence for more than two weeks or who terminates may elect under COBRA to continue the coverage herein provided at his own expense. (f) The Employer reserves the right to change a carrier(s), a plan(s), and/or the manner in which it provides the above benefits, provided that the benefits and conditions are equal to or better than the benefits and conditions outlined above. (g) To be eligible for health care benefits as provided above, an employee must document all coverage available to him under his spouse's medical plan and cooperate in the coordination of coverage to limit the Employer's expense. If an employee’s spouse or eligible dependent children work for an employer who provides medical coverage, they are required to elect medical coverage with their employer, so long as the spouse’s or monthly contribution to the premium does not exceed 20% of the total premium cost of said coverage. The Monroe County Plan shall provide secondary coverage. (h) Each employee is responsible for notifying the Human Resources Department of any change in his status, which might affect his insurance coverage or benefits, such as, marriage, divorce, births, adoptions, deaths, etc.
Group Insurance Plan The carriers, coverage, and terms and conditions of participation under the District’s Group Insurance Plan are subject to change in accordance with the applicable provisions of Title I, Division 4, Chapter 10 of the California Government Code (Section 3500 et seq.) (Xxxxxx‐Milias‐Xxxxx Act). a. The District contracts with CalPERS for health plan coverage for all regular and newly hired employees (eligibility to be defined by the “CalPERS health plan”). Booklets on the insurance plans will be available to all participants. b. Employees may choose from the available plans offered by CalPERS. Additional premiums will be borne by the employee through payroll deductions and paid to CalPERS by the District each month; and the additional cost for monthly premiums will be deducted evenly from the first and second payroll period of each month. To the extent allowed by law, the District will attempt to deduct the employee’s premium contribution from pre‐tax dollars.