Beëindiging Deze licentie is xxx xxxxxx totdat deze wordt beëindigd. Uw rechten ingevolge deze licentie vervallen automatisch, zonder aankondiging van Apple, als u niet voldoet aan een of meer van de voorwaarden van deze licentie. Nadat de geldigheid van deze licentie is verlopen, dient u elk gebruik van de Apple software xx xxxxxx en alle volledige of gedeeltelijke kopieën van de Apple software die in uw bezit zijn, te vernietigen.
Dogs 6.1. The Tenant shall not bring or cause to be brought onto the Allotment Site a dog unless it is held at all times on a leash, and remains on the Tenant’s Allotment Garden only. Any faeces to be removed and disposed of off site by the Tenant.
Bilingual Pay Where the Employer currently pays bilingual pay or bonuses, it shall continue to do so. The Employer retains discretion to initiate bilingual pay or bonuses. The minimum bilingual bonus or hourly equivalent is $25 per pay period. The Employer may not require an employee to use bilingual skills without paying the appropriate bonus or pay. This does not apply to employees where such skills are in the classification specification.
WORKPLACE FLEXIBILITY The employer must ensure that any Individual Flexibility Agreement (IFA) is genuinely agreed to by the employer and the employee and result in the employee being better off overall at the time the IFA is made than the employee would have been if no IFA had been agreed to. 8.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement, the employer and an individual employee may agree to vary the application of certain terms of the Agreement to meet the genuine individual needs of the employer and the individual employee. The terms the employer and the individual employee may agree to vary are the application of those permitted under Section 172 of the FW Act, and relates only to:- 8.1.1 arrangements for when work is performed; 8.1.2 salary sacrifice arrangements; 8.1.3 reduction in ordinary hours; and 8.1.4 are not unlawful terms under Section 194 of the FW Act. 8.2 The employer and the individual employee must have genuinely made the IFA without coercion or duress. An IFA can only be entered into after the individual employee has commenced employment with the employer. 8.3 The IFA between the employer and the individual employee must: 8.3.1 be confined to a variation in the application of one or more of the terms listed in Clause 8.1; and 8.4 The IFA between the employer and the individual employee must also: 8.4.1 be in writing, name the parties to the IFA and be signed by the employer and the individual employee and, if the employee is under eighteen (18) years of age, the employee’s parent or guardian; 8.4.2 state each term of the Agreement that the employer and the individual employee have agreed to vary; 8.4.3 detail how the application of each term has been varied by agreement between the employer and the individual employee;
Trainings Appointment of any length involving two (2) or more Consumers who might need to split up to join different trainings, group discussions, etc.
Orientation The Employer shall provide planned and paid Orientation Programs of such content and duration as it deems appropriate taking into consideration the needs of the Employer and the Nurses involved. Such Nurses will not be considered part of core staffing during their Orientation Program nor will they be provided with primary assignments.
Cultural ceremonial leave may be taken as whole or part days off. Each day, or part thereof, shall be deducted from: a) the Employee's annual leave entitlements (where applicable); b) the Employee’s accrued long service leave entitlements, but in full days only; or c) accrued days off or time in lieu.
Equal Opportunities To ensure that all volunteers are dealt with in accordance with our equal opportunities policy, a copy of which is set out in the Volunteers Handbook.
PETS The Tenant: (check one)
ACADEMIC FREEDOM Academic freedom shall be guaranteed to all employees, and no special limitation shall be placed upon study, investigation, presentation and interpretation of facts and ideas concerning man, human society, the physical and biological world, and other branches of learning subject to accepted standards of professional responsibility, community standards, and District-approved curriculum. These responsibilities include a commitment to democratic tradition, a concern for the welfare, growth and development of children, and an insistence upon objective scholarship. Employees who create work on their own time, own the right to that work.