Harmonisation. 1. The Parties shall aim to achieve harmonisation of their respective rules and procedures for formulation of their SPS measures, including inspection, testing and certification procedures, in accordance with the WTO SPS Agreement.
2. The Committee of Senior Officials shall develop modalities to assist and to monitor this process of harmonisation.
Harmonisation. Noting their commitments under Article 604 (1), the Parties shall endeavour to work towards harmonisation of sanitary and phytosanitary measures and other agricultural and food standards, on as wide a basis as possible, as provided for under Article 3 of the SPS Agreement and Article 2 of the TBT Agreement.
Harmonisation. During both the transitional and operational phases of this Agreement, both Parties intend to continue to participate in the activities of the Global Xxxxxx- isation Task Force and utilise the results of those activities to the extent possible. Such participation involves developing and reviewing documents developed by the Global Harmonisation Task Force and jointly determining whether they are applicable to the implementation of this Agreement.
Harmonisation. The Parties shall, where appropriate, endeavour to work towards harmonisation of their respective mandatory requirements taking into account relevant international standards, recommendations and guidelines, in accordance with their international rights and obligations.
Harmonisation. The Parties shall endeavour to harmonise their standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures.
Harmonisation. To harmonise sanitary and phytosanitary measures as broadly as possible, the Parties shall base their sanitary and phytosanitary measures on international standards, guidelines and recommendations established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), and the relevant international regional organisations operating within the framework of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) where they exist or their completion is imminent.
Harmonisation. 1. Where appropriate, the Parties shall work towards harmonising their industrial property measures with international norms, and participate in international forums, particularly the WIPO and the WTO, working towards reforming and further developing the international industrial property system.
2. The Parties shall work together to reduce differences between their respective industrial property measures, particularly in relation to those differences that affect complexity and costs to users and which inhibit progress toward the mutual exploitation of search and examination work.
Harmonisation. Article 34 The Energy Community may take measures concerning compat- ibility of market designs for the operation of Network Energy markets, as well as mutual recognition of licenses and measures fostering free establishment of Network Energy companies.
Article 35 The Energy Community may adopt Measures to xxxxxx devel- opment in the areas of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, taking account of their advantages for security of supply, environment protection, social cohesion and regional development.
Harmonisation. In 2009 the CGIAR genebank managers requested only one set of genebank PIs be used and recommend the Trust set be used as they had all actively been involved in their development and testing. As a result, the two streams were completely harmonized in January 2010 and the Trust set was adopted (xxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxx/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=140&Itemid=241&lang=english). It should be noted that these genebank performance indicators are also being used by a non-CGIAR genebank that is also a recipient of a long-term grant from the Trust with success. Obviously, goals change and PIs need to be reviewed on a periodic basis. The Trust recognizes the need to balance further evolution in performance indicator development against the value of continued reporting over time against a stable set of indicators. Currently, the Trust plans only to focus on the resolution of issues surrounding the more intangible performance indicators (such as collaboration and leadership in crop conservation and improving the coverage of the genepool ex situ) with the view to improving these indicators. This is planned to be undertaken with the genebanks in 2011. Annual technical and financial reports cover the calendar year of grant allocation up to 31 December and shall be submitted to the Trust Secretariat by 31 May of the following year. Reports should be written in a clear, simple style and in English. Reports shall be submitted in three copies, plus a readable word processing file (preferably MS Word file or if unavailable a PDF file). Reports shall contain the following information: Reports shall include a four year rolling multi-year budget, developed within the first year of the grant that reflects the grant commitments in Articles 2 and 3.
Harmonisation. 1. In the harmonisation process, the Parties shall use the sanitary and phytosanitary standards, guidelines and recommendations established by the OIE, CODEX and the IPPC.
2. The Parties may introduce or maintain SPS measures which result in a higher level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection than would be achieved by measures based on the relevant international standards and guidelines or recommendations, if there is a scientific justification, or as a consequence of the level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection a Party determines to be appropriate in accordance with the relevant provisions of paragraph 1 through 8 of Article 5 of the SPS Agreement. Notwithstanding the above, all measures which result in a level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection different from that which would be achieved by measures based on international standards, guidelines or recommendations shall not be inconsistent with any other provision of this Agreement.