HOME INSPECTION. Seller is advised to obtain a home inspection for the purpose of evaluating the condition of the Property in order to enhance its marketability and to help reduce concerns of prospective buyers. Seller agrees does not agree to obtain and pay for a home inspection by a licensed NC Home Inspector within days after the execution of this agreement. Seller acknowledges receipt of a copy of Questions and Answers on: Home Inspections by the NC Real Estate Commission.
HOME INSPECTION. A limited visual inspection and prepare a written report of the apparent condition of the readily accessible installed systems and components of the Premises (the house and one attached or detached garage) existing at the time of the inspection. Latent and concealed defects and deficiencies are excluded from the inspection. Sheds, outbuildings, and other accessory structures are excluded. Installed components included in the inspection are structural system/foundation, exterior, roof system, plumbing system, electrical system, heating system, cooling system (weather permitting), interior, insulation and ventilation, fireplaces and solid fuel burning appliances (if present).
HOME INSPECTION. We strongly recommend that you have a home inspection, which is a useful tool for 22 determining the overall condition of a home including, but not limited to, electrical, heating, air conditioning, 23 plumbing, water-heating systems, fireplaces, windows, doors and appliances. Contact several sources (like 24 the Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance (xxxx://xx.xxx/commerce/), the American Society of 25 Home Inspectors (xxx.xxxx.xxx), the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (xxx.xxxx.xxx), 26 and Home Inspectors of Tennessee Association (xxx.xxxx.xx) and independently investigate the competency 27 of an inspector, including whether he has complied with State and/or local licensing and registration 28 requirements in your area. The home inspector may, in turn, recommend further examination by a specialist 29 (heating-air-plumbing, etc.). Failure to inspect typically means that you are accepting the Property “as 30 is”.
HOME INSPECTION. This Contract is subject to the Purchaser having a home inspection for the purpose of discovering material defects. As used in this paragraph, the term “material defects” shall apply to those items that could affect the decision of a reasonable person to purchase the Property, and shall not include cosmetic items, matters of preference or grandfathered systems or features that are properly functioning that would not comply with current building codes if constructed or installed today. The fact that a structural element, system or subsystem is near, at or beyond its normal useful life is not, by itself a material defect. The home inspection and any subsequent inspections shall be at Purchaser’s expense and shall be limited to the primary dwelling. Failure to complete the inspections(s) within the specified time period shall forfeit the Purchaser’s right to conduct inspection(s)
HOME INSPECTION. A. The Agency reserves the option to inspect alternate worksites for adequacy and compliance with safety requirements.
B. Absent unusual circumstance, home inspections will be conducted during normal working hours with prior notice of at least two (2) business days.
C. Upon request by a participating employee, a NTEU representative may be present at a home inspection while in an official time status consistent with Article 30: Union Representatives and Official Time. Home inspections will not be unreasonably delayed to accommodate a request for NTEU presence at the home inspection.
HOME INSPECTION. The BUYERS must choose one of the following alternatives relative to the condition and quality of the Property:
1) ❑ By (❑A.M. ❑P.M.) on , 20 , the BUYERS may, at their sole expense, have the Property inspected by a person or persons of their choice, including but not limited to a qualified home inspector, contractor(s), engineer(s), or other such professional(s), to determine if there are major deficiencies in the FOLLOWING MAJOR COMPONENTS of the Property: central heating system, central cooling system, plumbing system, well and well water (if applicable), electrical system, roof, walls, ceilings, floors, foundation and basement. SELLERS and BUYERS acknowledge that the property may have imperfect cosmetic conditions that do not affect the working condition of the item and are not considered major deficiencies, including, but not limited to, broken seals in windows; minor tears, worn spots, or discoloration of floor coverings, wallpaper, or window treatments; nail holes, scratches, dents, scrapes, or chips in ceilings, walls, floors; and/or surface cracks in driveways or patios. Failure to meet present construction standards and code requirements is not considered a deficiency in the Property unless it is new construction, or unless that failure produces a condition which creates an unreasonable danger or risk to the Property or to its occupants.
2) ❑ BUYERS acknowledge that they have been advised of their right of property inspection and have declined to make said Initials inspection.
HOME INSPECTION. 5.3.1 This Contract is contingent upon the receipt by the Buyer of inspection reports and test results satisfactory to the Buyer with respect to the Premises.
5.3.2 If the Buyer is not satisfied with any of the inspection findings, the Buyer shall specify the unsatisfactory finding(s) in a written notice delivered to the Seller within the time frame set forth in Part A, or this contingency shall be deemed waived. In such notice to the Seller, the Buyer shall either: terminate this Contract; or request the Seller repair or improve the unsatisfactory finding(s) to the satisfaction of the Buyer; or request a reduction in, or concession to, the purchase price. If the Buyer has not terminated this Contract, the Seller shall respond in writing within two (2) business days of receipt of the Buyer’s notice and shall either: accept the Buyer’s proposal; or make a counterproposal; or notify the Buyer that no repair or price reduction/concession will be made. If the Seller fails to respond in writing within two (2) business days, the Buyer may terminate this Contract by written notification to the Seller. If the Seller makes a counterproposal or declines all repairs and price reductions, the Buyer shall respond in writing within two (2) business days of receipt of the Seller’s written response and shall either: accept the Seller’s counterproposal; or waive the home inspection contingency; or terminate this Contract. If the Buyer fails to respond in writing within two (2) business days, or if the Buyer chooses to offer an additional counterproposal, the parties may continue to negotiate an agreement regarding the unsatisfactory inspection finding(s), or either party may terminate this Contract by written notification to the other party.
HOME INSPECTION. It is important for Buyer to have a home inspection performed on the Property he wishes to 21 purchase in order to identify any possible defects. Names of home inspection companies can be found in the yellow pages 22 of the local telephone directory under the heading “Home Inspection Services.” See Form RF712, “GET A HOME 23 INSPECTION AND PROPERTY SURVEY.”
HOME INSPECTION. We strongly recommend that you have a home inspection, which is a useful tool for 20 determining the overall condition of a home including, but not limited to, electrical, heating, air conditioning, 21 plumbing, water-heating systems, fireplaces, windows, doors and appliances. Contact several sources (like the 22 Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance (xxxx://xx.xxx/commerce/), the American Society of Home 24 Inspectors of Tennessee Association (xxx.xxxx.xx) and independently investigate the competency of an 25 inspector, including whether he has complied with State and/or local licensing and registration requirements in 26 your area. The home inspector may, in turn, recommend further examination by a specialist (heating-air- 27 plumbing, etc.). Failure to inspect typically means that you are accepting the property “as is”.
HOME INSPECTION. Seller agrees does not agree to obtain and pay for a home inspection by a licensed NC Home Inspector within days after the execution of this agreement. Seller acknowledges receipt of a copy of Questions and Answers on: Home Inspections by the NC Real Estate Commission.