Urgent Care This plan covers services received at an urgent care center. For other services, such as surgery or diagnostic tests, the amount that you pay is based on the type of service being provided. See Summary of Medical Benefits for details. Follow-up care (such as suture removal or wound care) should be obtained from your
Emergency Care If you need emergency care, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room. If you are traveling outside our service area and need urgent care, call the Customer Service number provided in the chart above or visit our website and use the “Find A Doctor” feature to find a BlueCard provider.
Home Health Care This plan covers the following home care services when provided by a certified home healthcare agency: • nursing services; • services of a home health aide; • visits from a social worker; • medical supplies; and • physical, occupational and speech therapy.
Hospice Care If you have a terminal illness and you agree with your physician not to continue with a curative treatment program, this plan covers hospice care services received in your home, in a skilled nursing facility, or in an inpatient facility.
Inpatient Services Hospital Rehabilitation Facility
Chiropractic Services This plan covers chiropractic visits up to the benefit limit shown in the Summary of Medical Benefits. The benefit limit applies to any visit for the purposes of chiropractic treatment or diagnosis.