Informal Observations A. An informal observation is an observation that is not required to be pre-scheduled. B. An evaluator may conduct any number of informal observations. C. Observations do not have to be in the classroom. For example, department or collegial meetings may be used for informal observations. D. Informal observations may serve as an opportunity for formative feedback. If there are concerns regarding the teacher’s/educator’s level of performance based upon informal observations, the evaluator will document the concern and schedule a time to discuss with the employee.
Informal Observation Additional evaluation of employees may occur through informal observations by the Employer. It may not be necessary to reduce such evaluations to writing, and a verbal discussion between the Employer and the employee concerning the informal observations may suffice. If a written evaluation is deemed necessary, Procedures C and D as outlined above shall be followed.
Formal Observations At least two (2) formal observations per year are required for ancillary staff members in Track I, at least sixty (60) days apart. In the case of a first-year or second-year Track I ancillary staff employee, at least one (1) observation shall be made prior to the ancillary staff employee’s mid- year progress report. Annual evaluations shall include in-room observations of all aspects of the ancillary staff employee’s instructional practice. Observations shall be conducted by the ancillary staff employee’s supervisor. An observation shall be at least one (1) complete lesson, based on the lesson plans provided by the ancillary staff employee. Observations shall be scheduled at least five (5) work days in advance for a three-day window in which the observation would take place. If an observation needs to be rescheduled, the ancillary staff employee shall be notified of the date of the rescheduled observation no later than one (1) day prior to the end of the week in which the observation should have taken place, so as to accommodate lesson planning. A pre-observation conference shall be held to review the ancillary staff employee’s IDP and those areas which might be observed. All monitoring or observation of the work of the teacher shall be conducted openly and with the knowledge of the ancillary staff employee. The parties agree that during an observation every effort will be made to maintain the normal teaching-learning process. An observation shall include assessment of the ancillary staff employee’s skill and ability in the observed domains of the “Framework for Professional Practice”. A post-observation conference shall be held within five (5) work days of the observation unless the ancillary staff employee agrees in writing to extend the time to conduct the conference, not to exceed thirty (30) days. In the event the meeting does not occur as a result of administrator unavailability within thirty-five (35) days of the observation, negative comments or concerns shall be excluded from the observation. The ancillary staff employee teacher shall bring a completed Post-Observation Reflection Form to this conference, and the administrator shall bring the completed Classroom Observation Form. The ancillary staff employee teacher and the administrator shall each retain copies of both forms. As a result of this post-observation conference, identified areas of concern, together with suggested ways in which the ancillary staff employee is to improve, and identification of assistance to be given, may be addressed in the teacher’s IDP.
Observations The Evaluator’s first observation of the Educator should take place by November 15. Observations required by the Educator Plan should be completed by May 15th. The Evaluator may conduct additional observations after this date. The Evaluator is not required nor expected to review all the indicators in a rubric during an observation.
Post-Observation Conference The teacher and evaluator shall schedule to meet for the post-observation conference as soon as reasonably possible after the formal observation, but not to exceed five school days. The post-observation conference includes a review of the teacher's self-assessment of the observation and the evaluator's evidence of the observation. Both the teacher and the evaluator may contribute evidence to the overall assessment of professional performance during the conference as such conference is intended to be a dialogue between the teacher and evaluator. At the end of the post- observation conference the teacher and evaluator will agree on next steps and sign documentation that the conference has occurred.
Formal Observation The instructional employee and the principal/administrator shall review using the mid-year Reflection Questions in the evaluation manual – Student Achievement Outcomes and make adjustments as needed to increase the likelihood of a positive goal outcome.
Return of material containing or pertaining to the Confidential Information 7.1 The Disclosing Party may, at any time, and in its sole discretion request the Receiving Party to return any material and/or data in whatever form containing, pertaining to or relating to Confidential Information disclosed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and may, in addition request the Receiving Party to furnish a written statement to the effect that, upon such return, the Receiving Party has not retained in its possession, or under its control, either directly or indirectly, any such material and/or data. 7.2 If it is not practically able to do so, the Receiving Party shall destroy or ensure the destruction of all material and/or data in whatever form relating to the Confidential Information disclosed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and delete, remove or erase or use best efforts to ensure the deletion, erasure or removal from any computer or database or document retrieval system under its or the Representatives' possession or control, all Confidential Information and all documents or files containing or reflecting any Confidential Information, in a manner that makes the deleted, removed or erased data permanently irrecoverable.The Receiving Party shall furnish the Disclosing Party with a written statement signed by one of its directors or duly authorized senior officers to the effect that all such material has been destroyed. 7.3 The Receiving Party shall comply with any request by the Disclosing Party in terms of this clause, within 7 (seven) business days of receipt of any such request.
Procurement Related Complaints and Administrative Review 49.1 The procedures for making a Procurement-related Complaint are as specified in the TDS. 49.2 A request for administrative review shall be made in the form provided under contract forms.
Handling Sensitive Personal Information and Breach Notification A. As part of its contract with HHSC Contractor may receive or create sensitive personal information, as section 521.002 of the Business and Commerce Code defines that phrase. Contractor must use appropriate safeguards to protect this sensitive personal information. These safeguards must include maintaining the sensitive personal information in a form that is unusable, unreadable, or indecipherable to unauthorized persons. Contractor may consult the “Guidance to Render Unsecured Protected Health Information Unusable, Unreadable, or Indecipherable to Unauthorized Individuals” issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to determine ways to meet this standard. B. Contractor must notify HHSC of any confirmed or suspected unauthorized acquisition, access, use or disclosure of sensitive personal information related to this Contract, including any breach of system security, as section 521.053 of the Business and Commerce Code defines that phrase. Contractor must submit a written report to HHSC as soon as possible but no later than 10 business days after discovering the unauthorized acquisition, access, use or disclosure. The written report must identify everyone whose sensitive personal information has been or is reasonably believed to have been compromised. C. Contractor must either disclose the unauthorized acquisition, access, use or disclosure to everyone whose sensitive personal information has been or is reasonably believed to have been compromised or pay the expenses associated with HHSC doing the disclosure if: 1. Contractor experiences a breach of system security involving information owned by HHSC for which disclosure or notification is required under section 521.053 of the Business and Commerce Code; or 2. Contractor experiences a breach of unsecured protected health information, as 45 C.F.R. §164.402 defines that phrase, and HHSC becomes responsible for doing the notification required by 45 C.F.R. §164.404. HHSC may, at its discretion, waive Contractor's payment of expenses associated with HHSC doing the disclosure.
Construction Observation The Consultant shall make periodic on-site observations of the Project in accordance with Exhibit A. The purpose of the on-site observations will be to observe the progress and quality of the construction work being carried on to determine if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Construction Documents. Unless otherwise stated in Exhibit A, the Consultant shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site observations to check the quality or quantity of the work.