Primary Evaluator. This person shall be the person who determines the Educator’s performance ratings and evaluation. The Primary Evaluator is the person responsible for developing the Educator Plan, supervising the Educator’s progress through formative assessments, and evaluating the Educator’s progress toward attaining the Educator Plan goals.
Primary Evaluator. The Superintendent shall identify a primary evaluator, normally the principal, for each school in the district. The primary evaluator shall assign all supervising evaluators (if any) in a school building. The primary evaluator shall approve all educator plans; and approve all Formative/Summative Assessment/Evaluation reports and ratings for educators after receiving recommendations from the supervising evaluator (if any). The primary evaluator may perform any or all duties ascribed to supervising evaluators below.
Primary Evaluator. Any FPS employee who falls into the category of Principal, Director, or employee of the Framingham Administrator Association and determines the Educator’s performance ratings and evaluation. In the case of an educator whose overall formative or summative rating declines to Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory, the Primary Evaluator will assume all responsibilities of evaluation that may have been performed by the Supervising Evaluator.
Primary Evaluator. Employees assigned to one building will be evaluated by the principal or his/her designee. Professional employees with multiple building assignments will appear on the established evaluation program only at their base school. It will be the responsibility of the building principal at the base school to initiate and complete the evaluation process. In some instances, directors may be assigned as the primary evaluator for professional employees assigned to multiple buildings.
Primary Evaluator. Principal shall be the person who determines the Educator’s performance ratings and evaluation. The primary Evaluator shall carry out the tasks identified in paragraph “ii” below if there is no supervising Evaluator. This person shall be the Evaluator.
Primary Evaluator. The person in charge of the program. (This may or may not be the same as (a) above.)
Primary Evaluator. The Superintendent shall identify a Primary Evaluator, normally the Principal, Vice-Principal, or Director of a program at the school. The Primary Evaluator shall assign Supervising Evaluators (if any), and Contributing Evaluators (if any) in a school building or program. The Primary Evaluator shall approve all Educator Plans; and approve all Formative/Summative Assessment/Evaluation reports and ratings for Educators after receiving recommendations from the Supervising Evaluator (if any), and considering input from the Contributing Evaluator (if any). The Primary Evaluator shall review and approve any change in a rating from the preceding assessment/evaluation, either on a particular standard or overall. The Primary Evaluator shall review and approve, and may amend the final Summative Evaluation Report and Ratings. The Primary Evaluator may perform any or all duties ascribed to Supervising Evaluators below.
Primary Evaluator. The building principal is the primary evaluator of the teacher assigned to the building. Teachers who are assigned to more than one building and non-classroom teachers shall be advised of the administrator responsible for the evaluation.
Primary Evaluator. The primary evaluator shall mean the unit member’s immediate supervisor or site administrator. For unit members assigned to more than one school site, the site administrator at the unit member’s primary assignment shall be the unit member’s primary evaluator (See Section 12.4.6 regarding itinerant teachers).