Issue or Problem Sample Clauses
Issue or Problem. With PRR 108 dated March 14, 2022, the Parties added the Survey Solution Services Support Resource Unit (RU) to the Agreement, with a corresponding monthly RU Fee of $48.94 per Administrative User. Due to the low volume of incidents, the County has determined that these support services are no longer required and proposes to have the Survey Solution Services Support RU removed from the Agreement effective January 1, 2025.
Issue or Problem. The County does not have a labor category to assist HHSA projects for outlining, planning, and implementing organizational change that would involve transition from current state use of technology to future state use of technology in the County of San Diego. Therefore, the County intends to employ a new labor category, Technology Transition and Adoption Coordinator (TTAC).
Issue or Problem. Service Level 44-1 Server Provisioning–Physical (Excludes Oracle), was implemented at the inception of the Agreement to measure performance of when a server’s operating system and its tools are installed. Because the County no longer deploys physical servers, Service Level 44-1 is no longer needed. The Parties agree to inactivate the Service Level 44-1 and transfer its weighting factor of 2% to other Service Levels, effective April 1, 2024.
Issue or Problem. The County elected to deploy Microsoft (MS) Teams as an additional platform to provide voice services for their users. PRR 109 Voice Services Resource Units Structure, dated March 28, 2022, included the addition of MS Teams Phone RU.
Issue or Problem. Currently, Service Level 25A – Speed-to-Answer Time has a performance target of 45 seconds and Service Level 54 – First Call Resolution – 2nd Generation has a performance target of 70%. The performance target for Service Level (SL) 25A does not allow enough time for Service Desk personnel to address and resolve issues presented on the first call. Additionally, Service Desk personnel has consistently been resolving tickets at first call and performing higher than the 70% performance target of SL 54.
Issue or Problem. With PRR 56 dated June 3, 2019, the Parties established SL 53-1 – Application Response Time (Interim) to be effective December 2018 – 2019 and moved the 3% Weighting Factor from SL 53 to SL 53-1. PRR 82 subsequently modified the approach for SL 53-1 effective October to December 2020 to gather information to help diagnose application performance issues and define a new approach for SL 53. PRR 82 also provided a measure/target that would take effect January 2021 and remain in place until an agreed to approach for SL 53 was reached. This approach provided an incremental improvement of SL performance over an initial three-year period. Effective May 2022, the Parties agreed to temporarily reduce SL 53-1 Weighting Factor to 0% while the Contractor continued to work on the measurement tools for this SL.
Issue or Problem. The Parties seek to add a new Information Security Engineer Labor Category to the Agreement to address the time and materials (T&M) that Security services provided by Contractor on new projects.
Issue or Problem. County of San Diego’s Health and Human Services Agency utilizes the Cerner Millennium Electronic Health Records (EHR) solution to support an enterprise-wide view of clinical information to coordinate patient care. County of San Diego’s Health and Human Services Agency is requesting Contractor to provide services to support the expansion of the EHR.
Issue or Problem. On August 25, 2020, with PRR 78, the Parties added the Webex Video Conferencing Services Resource Unit (RU) to the Agreement. On June 18, 2024, with PRR 139, the Parties added the Zoom Video Conferencing Support Services RU to the Agreement, making the Webex Video Conferencing Services RU redundant.
Issue or Problem. The County procured certain equipment and circuitry through the Federal Schools and Libraries Program (E-Rate program), to provide public internet access for all San Diego County Branch Libraries. Under the Agreement, Contractor provides a connection to the County’s public internet access through the Network Access – Static Wired Resource Unit (RU), which includes the costs associated to certain circuitry necessary to provide public internet access for all San Diego County Branch Libraries.