Workstation/Laptop encryption All workstations and laptops that process and/or store DHCS PHI or PI must be encrypted using a FIPS 140-2 certified algorithm which is 128bit or higher, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The encryption solution must be full disk unless approved by the DHCS Information Security Office.
Cameras 3.2 NSP items may only be acquired through the Contractor or their Authorized Dealer and must be reported quarterly with all other sales under the Master Agreement. 3.3 NSP items must be priced at a minimum discount of 15% from MSRP or List Price. 3.4 NSP items may be offered to a Purchasing Entity as a stand-alone option, and the maximum allowable amount of all NSP items in a single Order shall be determined by the Participating State or Entity. 3.5 It shall be at the discretion of the Participating State or Entity to allow Open Market Items in their Participating Addendum.
Compatibility 1. Any unresolved issue arising from a mutual agreement procedure case otherwise within the scope of the arbitration process provided for in this Article and Articles 25A to 25G shall not be submitted to arbitration if the issue falls within the scope of a case with respect to which an arbitration panel or similar body has previously been set up in accordance with a bilateral or multilateral convention that provides for mandatory binding arbitration of unresolved issues arising from a mutual agreement procedure case. 2. Nothing in this Article and Articles 25A to 25G shall affect the fulfilment of wider obligations with respect to the arbitration of unresolved issues arising in the context of a mutual agreement procedure resulting from other conventions to which the Contracting States are or will become parties.”.
Signaling Each Party will provide the other Party with access to its databases and associated signaling necessary for the routing and completion of the other Party’s traffic in accordance with the provisions contained in the Unbundled Network Element Attachment or applicable access tariff.
Local Switching 4.1.1 BellSouth shall provide non-discriminatory access to local circuit switching capability, and local tandem switching capability, on an unbundled basis, except as set forth below in Section 4.1.
Switching All of the negotiated rates, terms and conditions set forth in this Section pertain to the provision of local and tandem switching.
Radios The Contractor or its employees shall not use any of the two-way radios or special telecommunications equipment under any circumstances. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Violation is grounds for immediate termination of this Contract, as well as punitive action.
Workstation Encryption Supplier will require hard disk encryption of at least 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on all workstations and/or laptops used by Personnel where such Personnel are accessing or processing Accenture Data.
Cell Phones The College follows the State’s Cell Phone Policy. Employees who receive cell phones from the College shall also abide by this Policy. The College shall provide the Policy to any employee who is given a cell phone. Employees are responsible for the cost of all personal calls. While the College anticipates some incidental personal use of cell phones, it is also expected that such use is infrequent.
Signaling Link Transport 9.2.1 Signaling Link Transport is a set of two or four dedicated 56 kbps transmission paths between Global Connection-designated Signaling Points of Interconnection that provide appropriate physical diversity.