Cameras Sample Clauses
Cameras. 3.2 NSP items may only be acquired through the Contractor or their Authorized Dealer and must be reported quarterly with all other sales under the Master Agreement.
3.3 NSP items must be priced at a minimum discount of 15% from MSRP or List Price.
3.4 NSP items may be offered to a Purchasing Entity as a stand-alone option, and the maximum allowable amount of all NSP items in a single Order shall be determined by the Participating State or Entity.
3.5 It shall be at the discretion of the Participating State or Entity to allow Open Market Items in their Participating Addendum.
Cameras. Portable music player, headphones.
Cameras. The employer may install cameras on its property and in vehicles for security purposes. The employer shall not use security cameras for surveillance or discipline purposes of its employees. The only exception shall be if a complaint is received regarding an employee who may be involved in criminal charges, the video material would be reviewed by the police, the employer and the Union.
Cameras. 1. Video recording may be used to promote a safe working environment on the campuses.
2. Video recording may be used for disciplinary purposes.
3. No video (moving or still) recording equipment will be used where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, in accordance with applicable law. Areas that are expressly prohibited from video and/or audio recording include, but are not limited to, unit member’s private or shared offices, bathrooms, locker rooms, mental health consultation rooms, and medical exam rooms.
4. The District reserves the right to use video recording equipment to monitor legitimate business concerns including but not limited to supplies, equipment, and cash handling areas.
5. No audio recording devices will be used, overt or covert, on campus, except with two- party consent.
6. An adequate number of signs must be posted to reasonably notify unit members that video recording may occur in public spaces, where appropriate. CSEA will receive notice of the number and location of video recording devices to be used on campus. This will be updated each year when additional devises are added.
7. If video recording is used for proposing disciplinary action against a unit member, and upon a request from the accused unit member, a CSEA representative and/or attorney may be present during the member’s initial viewing of that recording. Only District management personnel will be allowed to review video recordings used for discipline against a unit member.
8. For all other matters related to camera use on campus, unit members will refer to any applicable Board Policy and Administrative Procedure. This clause shall not be interpreted to limit CSEA’s right to negotiate any changes to the District’s camera use or policy.
9. No exceptions to Article 4 Section F shall be allowed except by mutual agreement between the District and agents of the Association (local leadership and the assigned Labor Relations Representative). When allowed, exceptions shall be limited in place, time, and scope and prompted by a specific interest or circumstance. Exceptions must follow all applicable local, state, and federal laws.
Cameras. (a) The Corporation may install cameras and GPS on its property and in vehicles for safety and security purposes, subject to the provisions of the Workplace Violence and Security Policy.
(b) The employer shall not use security cameras to monitor Employee performance.
(c) Should the surveillance tape be required as part of an investigation due to a formal written complaint then the tapes may be reviewed by both the Corporation and the Union.
(d) The Corporation agrees that Cameras and GPS will not be used in disciplining employees, except in cases of: accidents, employee written complaints, police investigations, or formal written complaints in accordance with article 5.02 that result in an investigation.
Cameras. Video cameras may be used in the workplace to maintain the health and safety of staff, students and the community. Employees will be informed when a video camera is functioning, or is intended to function, in their workplace. Any employee subject to video surveillance may review a recording upon request to the District. Recordings made by cameras in the District may be used for discipline only in specific incidents of gross misconduct consistent with the Just Cause provisions of this Agreement. The District is not required to inform an employee they are subject to video surveillance during an investigation of alleged gross misconduct. The District shall inform the SEIU leadership when video surveillance is being used to investigate alleged gross misconduct. Such notification will only include that video surveillance is being used. The District will notify the SEIU leadership at the conclusion of any such surveillance and the result. Recordings, and any copies, shall be deleted one month, or less, from the date the recording was made, unless subject to a ongoing investigation. District review of recordings may be subject to labor management discussion to insure recordings are only viewed on actual documented incidents.
Cameras. Any Manufacturing Computer and storage related thereto, Central Computer and storage related thereto, and any Player Terminal, shall be monitored by camera and video recordings maintained thereof, in compliance with the requirements of the Compact. Makah Indian Tribe - State of Washington Appendix X
Cameras. Provided that the video is available, the driver will review events with a District representative to identify unsafe driving techniques and improve them through coaching, retraining and if required by the District, classroom instruction. Nothing in this section prevents the District from issuing progressive discipline if warranted.
Cameras. For purposes of this section, all components of the Tribal Lottery System, except wiring, cables, and conduit in which they are located, shall have the ability to be effectively and clandestinely monitored and recorded by means of a closed circuit television system or digital surveillance system in accordance with Appendix A and as authorized by TGA and SGA, in compliance with the requirements of the Compact.
Cameras. The Employer authorizes the use of cameras on KWRL operated school buses for the purpose of reducing student discipline problems, thus providing a safer environment for the transportation of students. The reason for recording the transportation environment is to provide school officials, drivers, and parents/guardians with documentation when dealing with inappropriate student behavior and to assist drivers with student behavior management skills. Cameras will not be used to monitor employees in real time, but recordings may be viewed in response to concerns regarding reported security or safety incidents. An email will be sent to the driver’s district email address ( a copy of the email will also be placed in the driver’s box, only through February 29,2020 ) when a recording is reviewed, unless the recording is requested by the driver. Recordings will only be used in connection with the discipline of an employee in accordance with the principles of just cause and due process in Article X. KWRL will allow drivers a reasonable time for viewing recordings. Any recording viewing that will exceed fifteen (15) minutes or requires technical assistance must be authorized in advance by the Director of Transportation.