Leave Increments. All leave may be requested and used in 15-minute increments.
Leave Increments. All leave under this Article shall be taken in fifteen (15) minute increments.
Leave Increments. Paid sick, emergency, and personal leave provided for in this Section must be taken in full or half-day increments in those situations where a substitute will be required. In those instances where no substitute is required, such leave may be taken in fifteen (15) minute increments.
Leave Increments. Employees in non-traditional classroom teaching positions for whom substitutes are not normally provided or coverage is not required shall be allowed to take personal leave in 60-minute increments. All other employees shall take leave in half- or full-day increments. Employees using personal leave on an early release day (the day before Thanksgiving and the day before Winter Break) shall only be charged one-half (1/2) day of leave.
Leave Increments. Employees in non-traditional classroom teaching positions for whom substitutes are not normally provided or coverage is not required shall be allowed to take sick leave in 60-minute increments. All other employees shall take leave in half- or full-day increments. Employees using sick leave on an early release day (the day before Thanksgiving and the day before Winter Break) shall only be charged one-half (1/2) day of leave.
Leave Increments. For comprehensive leave eligible employees, vacation may
Leave Increments. For overtime eligible employees, vacation, sick leave and
Leave Increments. Leaves must be taken in at least ¼ hour increments, and shall be charged to the employee hour for hour.
Leave Increments. A. Vacation leave may be taken in the smallest increment permissible by the payroll system, not greater than one-tenth (1/10) of an hour.
B. Members with a Regularly Scheduled Work Week Consisting of Five (5), Eight (8) Hour Days. Any member who requests and is granted a vacation day for a day on which he or she is scheduled to work an eight (8) hour shift shall be charged eight (8) hours of vacation leave. For vacation leave of less than one (1) full, eight (8) hour workday, a member shall be charged the smallest increment permissible by the payroll system, not greater than one-tenth (1/10) of an hour.
C. Members with a Regularly Scheduled Work Week Consisting of Four (4), Ten (10) Hour Days. Any member who requests and is granted a vacation day for a day on which he/she is scheduled to work a ten (10) hours shift shall be charged ten (10) hours of vacation leave. For vacation leave of less than one (1) full, ten (10) hour workday, a member shall be charged the smallest increment permissible by the payroll system, not greater than one-tenth (1/10) of an hour.
Leave Increments. Any leave, with the exception of administrative/professional leave, shall be granted in either half-day or full-day increments.