LEAVE OF Sample Clauses
LEAVE OF absence without pay for full-time Union employment shall be granted under the following conditions:
LEAVE OF rules
a) Leaves of absence will normally not be granted during the Christmas period of December 15 to January 7th and during July and August. There are times, however, that it is unavoidable and such requests will be reviewed on an individual basis.
b) Written requests for personal leaves of absence, without pay will be considered on an individual basis by management, subject to the operations of the home.
c) Requests must be submitted in writing at least 4 weeks in advance of the date the leave is to start, except in the case of an emergency.
d) The Supervisor will provide a written response to the request within 14 days of receipt.
e) The employee will state the reason for the leave, when it is to commence and when it will end.
f) An employee who is on a leave of absence will not engage in employment elsewhere, unless temporary employment is specifically agreed to. The employee may not utilize the leave for purposes other than those for which the leave was granted. An employee who violates this will lose all seniority and may be terminated by the Employer.
g) Where an employee accrues seniority during a leave, seniority accrued will be based on the normal scheduled hours the employee had prior to commencing the leave (whatever master Victoria Village Inc. And C.U.P.E. Local 4660 Collective AgreemPnt Expiry. De>cembe.>r 31, 2018 schedule the employee was working) unless otherwise specified in this agreement of
a) It is understood that during an approved Leave of Absence for educational or personal reasons (which is at Employer's discretion) not exceeding thirty consecutive days both seniority and service will accrue.
b) During an unpaid absence exceeding thirty (30) consecutive days, seniority will be frozen at the level in place had the employee been at work during the first 30 days of the leave.
c) If the employee wishes to continue their benefit plans while on leave they will be required to deposit with the employer the full cost of the premium by the 7u-. day of each month.
d) In the case of Pregnancy and Parental Leave, and WSIB, the Employer will continue to pay the Employer's share of the premiums for up to twelve (12) months, provided the employee continues to pay their share.
e) It is further understood and agreed that, during any unpaid absence, credit for seniority for purposes of promotion, demotion, transfer or lay-off shall be suspended after thirty (30) consecutive days and not further accrue except during the following:
(1) Pregnancy and p...
LEAVE OF. A B SE N C E - N e w Language Employees on a granted leave of absence shall notify the Store Manager one week prior to the expiration of the leave of their intention to return to work. Failure to give such notice will be considered a voluntary termination upon expiration of the leave. Explanation — As stated above employees on a leave of absence must notify the Store Manager one (1) week prior to the expira tion of the leave of absence of their intention to return to work.
LEAVE OF. Absence The term of the temporary posting for leave of absence shall not exceed twelve (12) months.
LEAVE OF. The in its discretion may grant a leave of absence without pay to an upon written request, for a exceeding one year for personal reasons. Any who is elected or to a position with the Union or with the Canadian Labour Congress shall, upon written request, be granted a leave of absence for his of office, that not more than two leaves of absence shall be in effect at any one time. leave w i l l be extended upon written shall be granted leave of absence without pay to attend union conventions and leave shall for the published time of the convention or conference reasonable travelling time to Such leave shall be limited to: two each of Manufacturing and Packaging at any one time, to a of days per year between Manufacturing Packaging; and one from each of and at any one time, to a of twenty days each for and Maintenance. the Whenever an shall pregnant, she w i l l furnish both and the Union with a certificate from her physician of delivery, the nature of the work she may do, and the length of she may, in the physician's opinion, continue to work. She shall be to work in accordance with her physician's provided she is able to the requirements of the If work of the nature permitted by her physician is not available or if she is not eligible for work, or if the physician the of her she shall be granted a leave of absence of up to ninety days after the of delivery. I the aforementioned leave of absence, seniority shall be preserved but shall not increase or that: if the leave is for union and is less than two weeks, seniority shall and if the leave is for personal reasons then seniority shall for three to his department and classification at its straight-time rate. In the event no vacancy exists in such returning department, the shall displace the within the having the seniority, provided that the seniority of the returning is higher than that of the displaced employee. who is called to jury duty will be a leave of absence as is necessary and will be by the for the difference between the payment received for such duty and his regular pay. The shall present proof of service as a juror as well as the amount of pay received for such service. When an employee is not required to be present to fulfil his jury duty, he shall present himself for in usual manner. Each by who in any vacation year has been the for less than five years shall be entitled to receive vacation credits and vacation pay in accordance with ACT, Each employee who in any vacation year has been continuou...
LEAVE OF absence without pay for legitimate personal reasons may, at the discretion of Management, be granted without loss of seniority. Application for such leave must be made in writing with one (1) copy to the Employer and one
(1) copy to the Union. The Employer’s reply will be in writing to the employee concerned within twenty-one (21) days from receipt of the request.
LEAVE OF. Any employee who is required to be available for Jury Duty, Xxxxxxx's Duty, Xxxxxxx's Witness, Crown Witness and where the employee represents his Employer in a court action, will be paid while on such duty, provided such court action is not occasioned by the Employee's private The pay will be such so as to maintain the Employee's monthly basic rate. Leave banks will be during this time. Such pay shall be offset where an employee's pay is remunerated by a third xxxxx, when acting as a witness. The Company will grant leave of absence to employees who are appointed or elected to an office (or who go ashore to work for the Company and remain members in good with the Union) for a period up to an including three (3) years and then his seniority shall remain dormant until his return. Further leave of absence will be granted Any employee who obtains such leave of absence shall return to the Company within (30) calendar days after completion of his term of employment with the Union. An Employee shall be entitled to compassionate leave of up to seven days to attend to urgent domestic affairs. Leave of more than seven (7) days may be taken, subject to Company approval, circumstanceswarrant. Bereavement leave is provided in accordance the provisions of the Canada Labour Code that the entitlement shall be four (4) calendar days pay and immediate means, in respect of any employee, the spouse, parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, father-in-law and mother-in-law of the employee, and includes any relative residing in the employee's household or withwhom the employee resides. The Company will grant leave of absence to employees who are elected as representatives to attend Union meetings, Union conventions, conventions of labour organizations to which the Union nominates the employee as delegate on its behalf or act as members of any Union negotiating committee provided the company is given due notice in by the Union in order to be able to replace the employee during his absence witha competent substitute. The Company will grant leave of absence to employees injury or illness, subject to a medical by the employer. An extended leave of absence be granted regarding illness in the immediate The Company will grant leave of absence to an employee who takes education leave pursuant to the terms of Article An employee desiring leave of absence for reasons other than those set out above must provide reasons for the request, acceptable to both Company a...
LEAVE OF. A seniority employee may be granted leave of absence without pay at the Company’s discretion.
LEAVE OF. The Employer agrees to grant leave of absence with pay to the members of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the purposes of consulting with the Employer on matters relating to the grievance procedure, negotiations and other related Union activities on the following basis: any single absence not to exceed ( 5 ) working days; not more than three (3) members to be absent at one time; and the total of such leave of absenceto any shall not exceed thirty (30) working days in any calendar year.
LEAVE OF. Upon giving