Guild Business Sample Clauses
Guild Business. A. One (1) duly authorized Guild Representative may participate in the grievance process as outlined in Article 11 without loss of pay if the grievance process occurs during that Representative’s normal working hours. In no event shall any Guild representatives be eligible for or be entitled to overtime for participating in the grievance process. The University agrees that subject to Washington State Executive Ethics Board statutes, rules, policies and declaratory rulings, the Guild may have limited use of University facilities as long as there is no cost to WSU. Such use shall not interfere in any manner with the University’s operations.
Guild Business. The Chief or designee shall endeavor to allow Guild Officials time off while conducting official “duty to represent” guild business on behalf of employees in the bargaining unit, including grievance resolution and arbitration, provided that:
4.9.1 They notify the Employer at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time off, unless such notice is not reasonably possible;
4.9.2 The Employer is able to properly staff the employees’ job duties during the time off; and
4.9.3 The wage cost to the Employer is no greater than the cost that would have been incurred had the Guild Official not taken time off (i.e., no overtime expenditures).
Guild Business. 12.1 It is recognized that from time to time it is necessary for Guild activities relating to the processing of grievances to be conducted during working hours. A Guild representative shall be permitted reasonable time to investigate and process such grievances during working hours subject to permission being granted by the appropriate non-bargaining unit supervisor. Such permission shall generally be granted unless the Guild's representative or the grievant is involved in work activity requiring immediate attention, in which case, permission will be granted as soon as reasonably possible. Guild representatives shall not interfere with Sheriff's Office activities in investigating any grievance or exercising their rights under this clause.
12.2 Labor/Management meetings shall be held semi-annually or more frequently upon mutual agreement of the parties to discuss issues of mutual concern. Such meetings shall not be in lieu of Article 26,
Guild Business. 4.4.1 Guild officers shall be allowed up to a collective total of one hundred twelve
4.4.2 Employees may request other leave (paid or unpaid) to represent the Guild at conferences. Such other leave requests shall be reviewed consistent with procedures and criteria for other leaves of absence and approved or denied at the discretion of the Sheriff or his/her designee.
4.4.3 Guild officers requesting paid or unpaid leave pursuant to this Section shall submit a written request for such leave to the Sheriff or his/her designee as far in advance as practical.
4.4.4 Except as otherwise provided herein, Guild business shall be conducted on the employee's own time.
Guild Business. The Guild agrees that members of the Guild selected to serve as official representatives will be certified as such in writing to the City Administration. The Guild agrees that Guild business shall not interfere with the operations of the Department or the Police duties.
Guild Business. The Sheriff/designee shall afford Guild representatives a
Guild Business. A Guild officer who is an employee in the bargaining unit may be granted time off without pay while conducting bona fide Guild business provided: (1) that the employee notifies the City at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time off; (2) that the City will have sufficient employees available to staff the Department during this time off. Guild officers, when on duty, may use on-duty time for the administration of this Agreement. The City recognizes the Guild's Negotiation Team as the exclusive contract negotiator. The City agrees to discuss contract proposals with the Negotiation Team or the Guild’s principal spokesperson only. In the event that contract negotiations are scheduled at a time when any members of the Guild's Negotiation Team are also scheduled to perform their regular duties, such member(s) shall be relieved of their duties, with pay, to attend the contract negotiation session. The City shall recognize three (3) members of the Guild and their designated spokesman (if not an employee) for purposes of bargaining per bargaining session.
Guild Business. 4.4.1 Up to three (3) Guild officers shall be allowed up to a collective total of ninety- six (96) hours per year, with pay, for Guild business directly related to the collective bargaining relationship between the Guild and the County. No pay or overtime shall be payable to Guild officers for Guild business which occurs outside of the Guild officer’s scheduled shift.
4.4.2 Employees may request other leave (paid or unpaid) to represent the Guild at conferences. Such other leave requests shall be reviewed consistent with procedures and criteria for other leaves of absence and approved or denied at the discretion of the Sheriff or his/her designee.
4.4.3 Guild officers requesting paid or unpaid leave pursuant to this Section shall submit a written request for such leave to the Sheriff or his/her designee as far in advance as practical.
4.4.4 Except as otherwise provided herein, Guild business shall be conducted on the employee's own time.
Guild Business. 5.1 Members of the bargaining unit selected to serve as authorized representatives of the Guild shall be certified in writing to the Employer. Each representative will be expected to perform their duties as a representative of the Guild on the representative’s own time. However, it is recognized that from time to time it will be necessary for Guild activities to be carried out during work hours. (For example - contract negotiations per Article 5.2, investigation and processing of complaints, disputes, and grievances, attendance at executive board meetings.) It is also recognized that there are reasonable limited deviations from this policy, such as posting of Guild notices and distribution of Guild literature, which do not require substantial periods of time. Where such activities are necessarily or reasonably to be performed during work hours, they may be done without loss of pay to the representative involved, provided the representative obtains prior approval from the Chief of Police or the Chief of Police’s designee. If a Guild representative cannot obtain prior approval, the representative will request approval as soon as practical. Approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Members of the Guild agree that, while they are on duty, they will conduct Guild business only when time permits and never in lieu of current duties.
5.2 The Employer shall allow members of the Guild’s negotiation committee to attend mutually scheduled negotiation meetings with the Employer during on-duty time without a loss of pay. The Employer will not be obligated to pay any of the released members overtime as a result of attending scheduled negotiation meetings. Scheduled negotiation meetings include contract negotiations and mediation.
5. 2.1 The Employer’s obligation to provide paid release shall be limited to three (3) members of the Guild’s negotiation committee.
5.3 No Employee shall be discriminated against because of Guild membership or lawful Guild activity.
Guild Business. In the event an Officer is elected or appointed to work in an official capacity for the Guild.
(a) If the Officer requests a leave of absence in writing, and
(b) If the Guild approves of the Officer's request, the Company shall grant the Officer a leave of absence without pay of not more than three (3) years to work in that capacity and if the Company consents the leave of absence may be extended.