Repair Responsibility Cracks exceeding 1/4 inch in width or 1/4 inch in vertical displacement will be repaired by patching or other remedies.
SCOPE OF WORK AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Interconnection Customer’s Scope of Work and Responsibilities
Limited Responsibility Each Party shall be responsible only for service(s) and facility(ies) which are provided by that Party, its affiliates, authorized agents, subcontractors, or others retained by such parties, and neither Party shall bear any responsibility for the services and facilities provided by the other Party, the other Party’s affiliates, agents, subcontractors, or other persons retained by such parties. No Party shall be liable for any act or omission of another Telecommunications Carrier (other than an affiliate) providing a portion of a service, unless such Telecommunications Carrier is an authorized agent, subcontractor, or other retained by the party providing the service.
Engineer Responsibilities No subcontract relieves the Engineer of any responsibilities under this contract.
Management Responsibility No Limited Partner, as such, shall take part in the management of the business or transact any business for the Partnership.
Cost Responsibility Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for and shall pay upon demand all Costs associated with the interconnection of the Customer Facility as specified in the Tariff. These Costs may include, but are not limited to, an Attachment Facilities charge, a Local Upgrades charge, a Network Upgrades charge and other charges. A description of the facilities required and an estimate of the Costs of these facilities are included in Sections 3.0 and 4.0 of the Specifications to this ISA.
Academic Freedom and Responsibility 5.1 The Florida Gulf Coast University affirms the principles of academic freedom and responsibility, which are rooted in a conception of the University as a community of scholars united in the pursuit of truth and wisdom in an atmosphere of tolerance and freedom. 5.2 Academic Freedom is the freedom of an employee to discuss all relevant matters in the classroom, to explore all avenues of scholarship, research, and creative expression, to speak freely on all matters of university governance, and to speak, write, or act as an individual, all without institutional discipline or restraint. 5.3 On the part of an employee, Academic Responsibility implies the honest performance of academic duties and obligations, the commitment to support the responsible exercise of freedom by others, and the candor to make it clear that the individual, while he or she may be freely identified as an employee of the University, he/she is not speaking as a representative of the University in matters of public interest. 5.4 On the part of the University, Academic Responsibility implies a commitment to xxxxxx within the FGCU community a climate favorable to responsible exercise of freedom, by adherence to principles of shared governance, which require that in the development of academic policies and processes, the professional judgments of employees are of primary importance.
Resident Responsibilities The Resident agrees to pay all fees specified, to observe all rules and regulations of the University of Connecticut and to abide by the Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student Code, this contract and any addendum, as well as other University publications/policies. Residents assume total responsibility for their room/suite/apartment/house and for the behavior and activities which occur within all assigned living areas. Applicants and/or residents cannot exchange money or favors for a room assignment. Failure to fulfill the terms of the above may lead to termination of this contract, removal from on-campus housing, and a community standards process resulting in a sanction, including but not limited to expulsion.
Licensee’s Responsibilities Licensee will be responsible for any and all damage to or relocation of existing facilities. Further, Licensee shall reimburse the City for all costs of replacing or repairing any property of the City, or of others, that is damaged by or on behalf of Licensee as a result of activities under this Agreement.
Engineers Responsibility The Engineer shall be responsible for the accuracy of its work and shall promptly make necessary revisions or corrections resulting from its errors, omissions, or negligent acts without compensation. The Engineer will not be relieved of the responsibility for subsequent correction of any such errors or omissions or for clarification of any ambiguities until after the construction phase of the project has been completed.