Management Actions Sample Clauses

Management Actions a. After review of the employee's timely response, if any, the University shall notify the employee of the action to be taken, and the effective date of the action. b. Such action may not include discipline more severe than that described in the notice of intent; however, the University may reduce such discipline without the issuance of a further notice of intent. c. The effective date of the action shall follow the employee's timely response if received by the ten (10) day response deadline. If no response is received by the tenth (10th) calendar day following the issuance of the notice of intent, the action may be implemented on the eleventh (11th) calendar day following the issuance of the notice of intent.
Management Actions. Management actions are activities being conducted by the Cooperator on the enrolled property that have the potential to affect LCT populations or recovery. [Describe all of the covered activities that will be implemented for this CA within this section]
Management Actions. If an Adaptive Management Trigger occurs, decision-making shall follow the process described in Section 1.5. Adaptive Management actions for Sandhill cranes are aimed at increasing the Program acreage enrolled and effectively managed as either roosting or foraging habitat, as needed. These actions include: 1. Increase the number of acres under contract, consistent with Section 4.1.1 of the CAPB. 2. Implement incentives for participation. 3. Modify land management practices, consistent with Section 4.1.1 of the CAPB, to enhance Sandhill crane habitat.
Management Actions. Or: what do you want to do about it?
Management Actions. Choose from the following management actions that will be undertaken to accomplish the expected net conservation benefit to the RCW. Please choose one or more of the following options for each management action listed below. YES, I agree NO, I do not agree to conduct prescribed fires on a regular or recurring basis within areas of the enrolled property that are occupied RCW habitat. These areas will be maintained or enhanced by prescribed fire. This will provide an immediate net conservation benefit. YES, I agree NO, I do not agree to conduct prescribed fires on a regular or recurring basis within areas of the enrolled property that are potentially suitable nesting or foraging habitat. The use of prescribed fire will restore or enhance the areas as RCW habitat. This will provide an immediate net conservation benefit. YES, I agree NO, I do not agree to conduct prescribed fires on a regular or recurring basis within areas of the enrolled property that are currently unsuitable habitat, but, in this situation, I also agree to conduct the prescribed fires for a period sufficient for the habitat to either become occupied by RCWs or to become potentially suitable nesting or foraging habitat. The net conservation benefit will not be achieved until the areas where prescribed fires were conducted either become occupied by RCWs or become potentially suitable nesting or foraging habitat. This also means I may have to implement other conservation measures, such as a forest management strategy that could benefit RCWs, in order for a net conservation benefit to be achieved.
Management Actions. If an Adaptive Management Trigger occurs, decision-making shall follow the process described in Section 1.5. Potential adaptive management actions for active wetland habitat involve changes to water delivery, enrollment of wetland acres for active management, and adjustments to land management practices. Adaptive management actions include: 1. Increase delivery of water directly to actively managed wetland acres (subject to overall water availability). 2. Increase the number of contracted/protected acres, consistent with Section 4.1.4 of the CAPB. 3. Implement reasonable and feasible incentives for participation. 4. Increase and/or change active management strategies employed, consistent with Section 4.1.4 of the CAPB.
Management Actions. If an Adaptive Management Trigger occurs, decision-making shall follow the process described in Section 1.5. Adaptive Management Actions for active riparian habitat are aimed at increasing ecosystem functionality on enrolled actively managed acres, as measured via modified CRAM. Adaptive Management Actions are the following: 1. Increase delivery of water directly to actively managed riparian acres (subject to overall water availability). 2. Increase native species plantings or replanting, consistent with Section 4.1.5 of the CAPB. 3. Increase invasive species control actions, consistent with Section 4.1.5 of the CAPB.
Management Actions. If an Adaptive Management Trigger occurs, decision-making shall follow the process described in Section1.5. Potential Adaptive Management Actions are the following: 1. Increase delivery of water directly to actively managed riparian acres (subject to overall water availability). 2. Increase the number of contracted/protected acres, consistent with Section 4.1.5 of the CAPB. 3. Implement incentives for participation. 4. Increase intensity or change active management strategies employed, consistent with criteria identified in the CAPB Section 4.1.5.
Management Actions. If an Adaptive Management Trigger occurs, decision-making shall follow the Decision-Making Process described in Section 1.5. All the potential adaptive management actions for recycled water deliveries in the Water Delivery Area are aimed at ensuring the Program meets Performance Thresholds for irrigation water and wintertime water deliveries. These actions include: 1. Increase the number of water delivery contracts (subject to overall water availability). 2. Implement reasonable and feasible incentives for participation. 3. Secure longer-term agreements, MOU/MOA, or fee title for landowner participation in the Program.
Management Actions. If an Adaptive Management Trigger occurs, decision-making shall follow the process described in Section 1.5. All potential Adaptive Management Actions for the Cosumnes River flow benefit are aimed at increasing groundwater elevation and decreasing water loss from the Cosumnes River. These actions are the following: 1. Increase enrollment in the recycled water delivery program (subject to overall water availability). 2. Increase amount (and/or modify location) of recycled water delivered, especially in the time of the year when deliveries most enhance fall streamflow volumes and rates (subject to Program water delivery limits). 3. Specifically target new enrollment in the recycled water delivery program along the Cosumnes corridor. 4. Eliminate any Regional San-controlled groundwater export out of the Water Delivery Area until Performance Thresholds are achieved.