XXXXXXXX BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY. 1. A new full-time employee will be paid for any holiday immediately following his or her last day of work if the holiday is the first working day(s) of a pay period. This rule does not apply to part-time employees.
2. A terminating full-time employee shall receive pay for any holiday immediately following his or her last day of work if the holiday is the last working day(s) of a pay period. This rule does not apply to part-time employees.
3. In lieu of using the Administrative Holiday during the winter shut-down, it may be used as a floating holiday, with advance supervisory approval, on Xxxxx Xxxxxx Day (the last Friday in March) or Veterans Day (November 11). The Laboratory will be open on both Xxxxx Xxxxxx Day and Veterans Day and closed during winter shut-down. Employees electing to use the floating holiday on either Xxxxx Xxxxxx Day or Veterans Day will be required to use an additional vacation day or leave-without-pay day during the winter shut-down. The floating holiday must be taken during the calendar year and cannot be accrued for future use. Nonexempt employees working on Xxxxx Xxxxxx Day and Veterans Day will be paid for hours worked only. They will not receive additional holiday pay.
XXXXXXXX BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY. 1. Fiscal Year 2003 (October 1, 2002) individual increases for Research Professional Unit employees will be from a merit pool of 3.5% of the July 31, 2002 payroll base. The salary ranges will be increased by 3.5%. 1.0% will be made available for promotions and reclassifications. This 3.5% will be distributed in the Lab’s normal merit-based manner using the attached FY03 matrix. In order to be eligible for the FY 2003 salary increase of October 1, 2002, an employee must be in the RX bargaining unit on July 31, 2002, eligible for a performance evaluation, and continue to be in the bargaining unit on the date payroll for the distribution is run. Up to 1.5% of the July 31, 2002 payroll base for Sequencing Specialists and Sequencing Leads will be made available for equity increases for employees in those job titles. These increases will be effective October 1, 2002. In order to be eligible for an equity increase, an employee must be in the affected job titles on July 31, 2002, eligible for a performance evaluation, and continue to be in the affected job titles on the date payroll for the distribution is run. Retroactive pay increases for Fiscal Year 2003 will be implemented within ninety (90) days of contract ratification. No separate paychecks will be issued. The Laboratory will provide to UPTE information concerning the promotion and reclassification allocation within thirty (30) days following the payroll distribution. Such information will include employee name and wage increase amount. Any undistributed portion of this allocation will be distributed, as a non-base building lump sum payment, in a merit-based manner within ninety (90) days following the end of the fiscal year. No separate paychecks will be issued. The methodology for effecting this merit-based distribution will be determined by the Lab. Upon UPTE’s request, the Laboratory agrees to meet and discuss this merit-based distribution methodology.
2. Fiscal Year 2004 (October 1, 2003) individual increases for Research Professional Unit employees will be from a merit pool of 3.0% of the July 31, 2003 payroll base. The salary ranges will be increased by 3.0%. 1.0% will be made available for promotions and reclassifications. This 3.0% will be distributed in the Lab’s normal merit-based manner using the attached FY04 matrix. In order to be eligible for the FY 2004 salary increase of October 1, 2003, an employee must be in the RX bargaining unit on July 31, 2003, eligible for a performance evaluation, a...
1. Position-related programs are directly related to the work assignments or conditions of the employee’s current position. In improving performance or mastering responsibilities in the present job, the supervisor takes the lead by identifying development objectives along with corresponding action plans. This is done in conjunction with the employee performance evaluation process. All career employees are eligible for position-related programs. Employees in non-career appointments are eligible for position- related programs only when such training is specifically necessary for such employees to perform their respective assignments.
2. Career-related programs are related to the development of skills, knowledge, and other qualifications that prepare an employee for other positions within LBNL for which an employee (as evaluated by the supervisor, department head, and Human Resources Operations Manager or designee) might be an effective competitor. In career planning and development, the employee takes the lead by self-assessing skills, values, career interests, and choices. After completion of the self-assessment, the employee discusses with the supervisor areas of interest to be developed. The supervisor is encouraged to act as the coach and advisor to the employee, helping to map out agreed-on developmental objectives along with corresponding action plans. All career employees are eligible for career-related programs. Employees in non-career appointments are not eligible for career-related programs.
3. Educational enrichment programs are related to an employee’s personal or career interests outside LBNL that are not related to LBNL’s positions for which an employee might be an effective competitor. For example, a course such as music would be considered an educational enrichment program. Educational enrichment programs are the employee’s responsibility and are not eligible for benefits under this policy.
4. Attendance at all courses, seminars, and conferences of an instructional nature given by accredited universities and colleges, institutes, professional associations, and commercial training organizations is considered part of LBNL’s education and training activities and may be part of a formal employee development plan. For administrative purposes, attendance at scientific meetings, professional society meetings, research conferences, and industrial conventions and shows is considered a work assignment and is not necessarily part of a development...
XXXXXXXX BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY. In the event that the University resumes work that was previously performed by HX employees at LBNL, the parties will meet and confer over wage rates to be implemented for employees at LBNL.
1. Fiscal Year 2009 (October 1, 2008) individual increases for Technical Unit employees will be from a merit pool of four percent (4%) of the September 30, 2008 payroll base. The merit pool will be distributed in the Lab’s customary merit- based manner using an FY09 matrix to be provided to UPTE. The minimum increases identified on the matrix will utilize approximately sixty percent (60%) of the available allocation. Each eligible employee will receive at least a one percent (1.0%) salary increase. In order to be eligible for the FY 2009 salary increase of October 1, 2008, an employee must be in the TX bargaining unit on September 30, 2008, eligible for an annual performance evaluation, and continue to be in the bargaining unit on the date payroll distribution is processed in HRIS. Salary ranges will be increased by at least one percent (1%). Any salary range increase beyond one percent (1%) will be at LBNL’s sole discretion.
2. Fiscal Year 2010 (October 1, 2009) individual increases for Technical Unit employees will be from a merit pool of three and a half percent (3.5%) of the September 30, 2009 payroll base. The merit pool will be distributed in the Lab’s customary merit-based manner using an FY10 matrix that will provided to UPTE no later than September 15, 2009. The minimum increases identified on the matrix will utilize approximately sixty percent (60%) of the available allocation. In order to be eligible for the FY 2010 salary increase of October 1, 2009, an employee must be in the TX bargaining unit on September 30, 2009, eligible for an annual performance evaluation, and continue to be in the bargaining unit on the date payroll distribution is processed in HRIS.
3. Fiscal Year 2011 (October 1, 2010) individual increases for Technical Unit employees will be from a merit pool of three and a half percent (3.5%) of the September 30, 2010 payroll base. The merit pool will be distributed in the Lab’s normal merit-based manner using an FY11 matrix that will be provided to UPTE no later than September 15, 2010. The minimum increases identified on the matrix will utilize approximately sixty percent (60%) of the available allocation. In order to be eligible for the FY 2011 salary increase of October 1, 2010, an employee must be in the TX bargaining unit on September 30, 2010, eligible for an annual performance evaluation, and continue to be in the bargaining unit on the date payroll distribution is processed in HRIS.
4. Fiscal Year 2012 and 2013 indi...
XXXXXXXX BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY. For employees at Xxxxxxxx Berkeley National Laboratory, the Requirements and Policy Manual (RPM), Holiday Policy, shall supersede the provisions of B.3., above when in conflict with the Agreement. The Parties shall meet and confer, regarding any proposed changes to the RPM that alter the referenced provision.
XXXXXXXX BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY. Policies, procedures, definitions and qualifications in effect at PERB's certification of UPTE-CWA Local 9119, on December 1, 1994, that are in conflict with the Agreement shall remain in effect for employees at the Xxxxxxxx Berkeley National Laboratory.
1. A new full-time employee will be paid for any holiday immediately preceding his or her first day of work if the holiday is the first working day(s) of a pay period. This rule does not apply to part-time employees.
2. A terminating full-time employee shall receive pay for any holiday immediately following his or her last day of work if the holiday is the last working day(s) of a pay period. This rule does not apply to part-time employees.
XXXXXXXX BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY. The definitions of career, limited, term and rehired retiree appointments that currently are in effect at the laboratory shall remain in effect.