Generelt Apple-softwaren kan give adgang til Apples iTunes Store, App Store, iCloud, Kort og andre tjenester og websteder fra Apple og tredjeparter (under et kaldet “tjenester”). Denne tjeneste findes evt. ikke på alle sprog eller i alle lande. Brug af disse tjenester kræver internetadgang, og brug af visse tjenester kræver evt. et Apple-id, accept af yderligere betingelser og betaling af ekstra gebyrer. Ved at bruge denne software i forbindelse med en iTunes Store-konto, et Apple-id eller en anden Apple-tjeneste erklærer licenstager sig indforstået med de relevante betingelser for brug af den pågældende tjeneste, f.eks. de nyeste vilkår og betingelser for Apples medietjenster, der kan ses på xxxxx:// legal/internet-services/itunes/.
Job Search The Employer should assist surplus staff to find alternative employment by allowing them a reasonable amount of time off work to attend job interviews without loss of pay. This is subject to the Employer being notified of the time and location of the interview before the employee is released to attend it.
Newsletter ☐ Yes, I would like to receive the newsletter. The monthly newsletter serves to keep you informed about new courses, new teachers, new developments, as well as internal and external events hosted by the GMS, its teachers and its partners. To send the newsletter, we use the mail service provider 'Mailchimp' from the United States. The provider is the Rocket Science Group LLC, 000 Xxxxx Xx Xxxx Ave NE, Suite 5000,Atlanta,GA 30308, USA. They store the mail address, and, where applicable, the first name and the IP address. For further information, please read the data protection agreement. ☐ Yes, I hereby grant my consent. Without the agreement it is not possible to subscribe to the newsletter. I can cancel the agreement at any point in the future. Use of photo, audio and video-material To promote itself and its own events, courses and programs the GMS uses photo material and sometimes audio or video recordings. ☐ Yes, I hereby grant my consent to the GMS to use photos of myself (or of my child) as well as audio/video recordings made of courses, workshops or events for promotional purposes without requiring special permission. I can cancel this agreement any point in the future.
Audience Contractor, in collaboration with its subcontractors, shall design, and/or purchase materials and convene a series of training courses that shall serve as a local training resource for group xxxx xxxxx, xxxxxx care providers, and County staff serving Mendocino County’s federally IV-E-eligible children.
Onboarding The parties acknowledge that the City provides a new employee orientation (onboarding) to each new employee hired by the City. As such, the Union will be provided with not less than 10 calendar days’ advanced notice of the time, date, and location of the onboarding of any new employee represented by the Union. The Union will be given 30- minutes at the start of the new employee onboarding in a room designated by the City for no more than one (1) representative to present Union membership information. The City representative will excuse him or herself during the Union portion of the onboarding. The Union agrees in its portion of the onboarding not to engage in speech that could cause disruption or material interference with City activities. The City will provide 30 minutes of Union Release Time to the Union representative presenting the Union membership information during the scheduled onboarding. The Union shall provide the Union representative’s immediate supervisor with the Union representative’s name at least five (5) days prior to the onboarding. The Union representative shall be released for this purpose unless unusual operation needs interfere with such release in which case the Union representative’s immediate supervisor will provide a written explanation of why release could not be approved. If the Union representative is not released due to department operational needs, the Union representative may arrange an alternative date and time to meet with the newly hired employee within the first two (2) weeks of employment, subject to the 30-minutes onboarding and Union Release Time requirements as stipulated above.
Links If The Services are made available through the Internet, the Financial Institution’s website may provide links to other websites, including those of Third Parties who may also provide services to You. You acknowledge that all those other websites and Third Party services are independent from the Financial Institution’s and may be subject to separate agreements that govern their use. The Financial Institution and Central 1 have no liability for those other websites or their contents or the use of Third Party services. Links are provided for convenience only, and You assume all risk resulting from accessing or using such other websites or Third Party services.
Contractor Name Business License #: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Facsimile: Email: * If you are an independent contractor you are required to obtain a business license with the City of Thousand Oaks. Contractor certifies under penalty of perjury that Contractor is a Sole Proprietor Corporation Limited Liability Company Partnership Nonprofit Corporation Other [describe: ]
Coaching Informal discussion or instruction between employee and their immediate supervisor. Supervisor may follow up in writing which may include a simple action plan. This is not a form of corrective action.
Cell Phone Employee shall be provided with a cell phone, with e-mail capabilities, at Board expense. As a condition of receipt of said cell phone, employee is expected to be reachable as necessary and appropriate by the Superintendent and Board President for the thorough and efficient operation of the School District. Incidental personal use shall be permitted. Employees shall have the option of being reimbursed for the use of a personal smartphone in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month instead of accepting a district cell phone. As a condition of this reimbursement, employee must a) be reasonably available at all times via the personal phone; and b) take reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of student and staff information being transmitted to and through said phone.
Analytics 1.1. IFS may track and analyze the usage of the IFS Offering for purposes of determining usage made of the IFS Offering, for the purposes of security, to assist customers, and for improving the Software and Services and the user experience in using such Software and Services. For example, IFS may use this information to help customers derive more value from the Software and Services, to understand and analyze trends, or to track which features are used most often in order to improve the Software and Services. IFS may share anonymous usage data with its service providers for the purpose of helping in such tracking, analysis and improvements. Additionally, IFS may share such anonymous usage data on an aggregate basis in the normal course of operating their business; for example, IFS may share information publicly to show trends about the general use of its software and services. TERMS - SERVICES