Manpower Sample Clauses

Manpower. I. Salesmen II. 1 2 Office Staff III. 1-2 Loading Persons
ManpowerThe Contractor shall deploy the manpower and mention the experience summary as tabulated below:
Manpower. No additional manpower is anticipated to be required from either party. Each party will execute its responsibilities from the resources allocated through the normal allocation process.
ManpowerThe parties recognize that the greatest asset of the unionized segment of the construction industry is its skilled craftsmen.The parties further recognize the concern of the client that sufficient numbers of skilled craftsmen are available to staff its project. NACA and NABTU will develop a procedure (program) to ensure, to the extent possible, that skilled and certified craftsmen will be made available to fulfill the manpower requirements on all NCA projects. Such a procedure (program) will include the active participation of all local, regional and international representatives, as well as the Building and Construction Trades Councils.
Manpower. The City agrees to provide staffing sufficient to maintain the operations of the Xxxxxxxx Fire Division at an effective level. The authority having jurisdiction through its Fire Division shall work toward implementation/compliance with the NFPA 1710 Standard. There shall be a joint committee composed of management representatives and labor representatives. IAFF LOCAL 4166, Union representatives shall be selected by the Union. Xxxxxxxx Fire Division representatives shall be appointed by the Chief of Public Safety. The purpose of the committee will be to evaluate the Fire Division’s compliance with the minimum criteria addressed in NFPA 1710 regarding the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of fire suppression operations, emergency medical service, and special operations delivery in protecting the public and fire division employees. Where applicable, the joint committee evaluation will also include a review of relevant local/state/provincial policies, regulations and statutes that address fire suppression operations, emergency medical service and special operations delivery. Upon completion of the evaluation, the joint committee will recommend a written plan and schedule for compliance with the operational criteria identified within NFPA 1710. Division evaluation and development of a written plan and an implementation schedule will be completed within a time period determined by the Committee for Union Management Cooperation.
Manpower. The estimated number of personnel required to perform each task is listed below, however, the number of personnel may change with the written concurrence of the IBM Coordinator and Contractor Supervisor. Job descriptions are provided in Section 3.5. Service Agreement Number 2165 Table 1. Estimated Headcount Job Description Atlanta Dallas Customer Service Representative **** **** SESA Coordinator **** Senior Customer Service Representative **** **** Training Specialist **** **** Team Leader **** **** Receptionist **** **** Graphics Coordinator **** **** Operational Support Manager **** ****
Manpower. 2.7.1 The Contractor shall employ and deploy the manpower as tabulated below: Manpower Master – 1st Class Master – 2nd Class Licensed Driver Driver – 1st Class Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Lascar Cook 2.7.2 The Contractor shall ensure that the following minimum xxxxxxx requirements are complied with at all times:
ManpowerThe Company will as far as possible provide full employment for its employees. To this end extra shift or extra employees will not be used at any time to subsequently curtail the full-time work possibilities.
Manpower. The City agrees to make every reasonable effort to keep the Police Department up to full strength to help insure the safety of the officers on duty and to provide proper service to the City residents.
Manpower. ‌ (A) The City agrees to ensure minimum manpower staffing provided by the guidelines set forth by the Fire Department Work Rules. (B) The City further agrees that for a firefighter to be recognized as manpower and included in the computation of manpower for minimum staffing purposes, the subject employee must possess as a minimum requisite: (1) A Level II State Fire Certification; and (2) Be a State certified EMT P (or) be within first year from date of hire or under extension as described in 12.3c; and (3) Be a full-time member of the Bargaining Unit. Cases that lead to the loss of an employee’s required certifications shall be allowed recertification within 180 days after the employee is permitted to recertify as defined by the State of Ohio EMS/Safety Office. The first 90 days the employee would be required to maintain his/her normal schedule; days 91 through 180 the employee will utilize earned time and will be placed off duty. Cases that lead to the loss of both of an employee’s required certifications shall be allowed recertification within 180 days after the employee is permitted to recertify as defined by the State of Ohio EMS/Safety Office. During this 180 day period, the employee is permitted to use accrued vacation leave, personal leave and compensatory time. If an employee exhausts this leave prior to the expiration of the 180 day period, he/she shall be placed on unpaid leave. Temporary may not preclude the individual from being counted as manpower. Permanent disqualification of an EMT/Fire certification or delay in seeking reinstatement may result in discipline up to and including termination. The Fire Chief and Safety Director may approve an extension to the time lines. (C) All new hires shall obtain a State of Ohio Paramedic license within one year of date of hire. (1) In special cases the fire Chief may approve an extension to the EMT-P certification deadline.