, to read Sample Clauses
, to read. A Part-time Employee shall accumulate sick leave benefits on the basis of 1 1/2 days per month, pro-rated on the basis of the regularly scheduled hours worked by the Part-time Employee in relation to the regularly scheduled hours for a Full-time Employee.
, to read. “An employee shall be allowed a credit for sick leave computed from the date of employment at the rate of eleven point six two five (11.625) hours for each full month of employment to a maximum credit of nine hundred and thirty (930) hours.”
, to read. “Where a Part-time Employee volunteers or agrees, when requested, to work additional shifts, they shall be paid their basic rate of pay for such hours or, if applicable, at the overtime rate for those hours worked in excess of the regular daily hours specified in Article 45.05(A)(a)(i).”
, to read. “An employee granted sick leave shall be paid, at their basic rate of pay, for regularly scheduled shifts absent due to illness, and the number of hours thus paid, shall be deducted from their accumulated sick leave credit up to the total amount of their accumulated credit at the time the sick leave commenced.”
, to read. As from the official date of entry into force of the 02 series of amendments, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant or refuse to accept type approvals under this Regulation as amended by the 02 series of amendments.
, to read. In the case of a type of lamp differing only by the trade name or xxxx from a type that has already been approved it shall be sufficient to submit:
, to read. (i) ‘In addition to their ordinary pay, an Employee, other than a shiftworker, will be paid annual leave loading of 17.5% of their ordinary pay on a maximum of 152 hours/four weeks annual leave per annum.’
, to read. Employees who are laid off or discharged from the service of the Employer shall receive their wages and all monies owing and their Employment Insurance Contribution Certificate on termination if the payroll is made up on the project, otherwise:
, to read. An employee shall be allowed a credit for sick leave computed from the date of employment.
, to read. In the case of a non-replaceable filament lamp(s) or light source module(s) equipped with non-replaceable filament lamp(s): the documents according to paragraph 5.6. of this Regulation."