MEDIA OUTREACH. CONTRACTOR shall notify COUNTY, prior to publication, release, or occurrence of any Outreach (as defined below). The parties shall coordinate to produce collaborative and mutually acceptable Outreach. For clarification and not limitation, all Outreach shall be approved by COUNTY, by and through its Public Relations Officer or their designee(s), prior to publication or release. As used herein, the term “
MEDIA OUTREACH. GRANTEE shall notify COUNTY, prior to publication, release or occurrence of any Outreach (as defined below). The parties shall coordinate to produce collaborative and mutually acceptable Outreach. For clarification and not limitation, all Outreach shall be approved by COUNTY, by and through the Public Relations Officer or his/her designee(s), prior to publication or release. As used herein, the term “
MEDIA OUTREACH. The DISCOVERY team will coordinate newsworthy topics with OCWR and conduct media outreach to a number of target publications. Media targets will include a number of local, trade and educational publications and community papers approved by County Project Manager or Designee. (i.e. OC Register, Parenting OC, OC Mom, Solid Waste Magazine, Daily Pilot, Waste Dive, BioCycle). Target lists will be evaluated annually and approved by OCWR. Up to five media relations topics/opportunities will be identified annually for execution and measurement by DISCOVERY.
MEDIA OUTREACH. Commission shall not use the term “Hennepin County”, or any derivative thereof in Commission’s advertising, external facing communication and/or marketing, including but not limited to advertisements of any type or form, promotional ads/literature, client lists and/or any other form of outreach, without the written approval of the Hennepin County Public Affairs/Communications Department, or their designees.
MEDIA OUTREACH. CONTRACTOR shall notify COUNTY, prior to publication, release or occurrence of any Outreach (as defined below). The parties shall coordinate to produce collaborative and mutually acceptable Outreach. For clarification and not limitation, all Outreach shall be approved by COUNTY, by and through the Public Relations Officer or his/her designee(s), prior to publication or release. As used herein, the term “Outreach” shall mean all media, social media, news releases, external facing communications, advertising, marketing, promotions, client lists, civic/community events or opportunities and/or other forms of outreach created by, or on behalf of, CONTRACTOR (i) that reference or otherwise use the term “Hennepin County” or any derivative thereof; or (ii) that directly or indirectly relate to, reference or concern the County of Hennepin, this Agreement, the services performed hereunder, or COUNTY personnel, including but not limited to COUNTY employees and elected officials.
MEDIA OUTREACH. CHARTER shall notify COUNTY prior to publication, release or occurrence of any Outreach (as defined below). The parties shall coordinate to produce collaborative and mutually acceptable Outreach. As used herein, the term “
MEDIA OUTREACH was a commercial about a couple of standing out in front of a school, they were teenagers, and they were thought to be cool by the girls because they were recycling. My son is seven and he noticed that. - Resident Survey Respondent
MEDIA OUTREACH. The parties shall work together and coordinate all media outreach, requests for interviews, and media events relating to activities at the park.
MEDIA OUTREACH. Media outreach will be an on going feature throughout the LRTP development. The CONSULTANT shall arrange for news releases in local public and minority newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations. The CONSULTANT shall inform the media of public meetings and workshops well prior to the date of the meetings/workshops. The CONSULTANT shall prepare a media list and make all preparations, printing, and distribution of materials as necessary to make the media outreach a successful process. The CONSULTANT shall take advantage of available cost efficient media outlets to reach the public. These outlets/strategies include but will not be limited to the following. ∙ Schedule interviews with high profile people on public affairs programs ∙ Post key meetings on the interactive LRTP project website ∙ Distribute media advisories ∙ Distribute press releases prior to key events ∙ Submit photos/press releases of event highlights to community papers ∙ Conduct interviews of transportation users or providers and post on website ∙ Write/distribute public service announcements
MEDIA OUTREACH. Outreach Subcontractor will work with OCII staff and Contractor to enhance media outreach including email, website, and social media efforts.